Through the Community Action Program (CAP), work-study-eligible students can do up to 20 hours of community service per week and get paid for it through Federal and Babson work-study funding. Under the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Amendments, Congress mandated that 7% of a college’s work-study allocation must be utilized in community service. Students gain real-life experience at an agency, while also gaining a greater sense of some societal problems and what can be done to help.
Each year, the Community Action Program recruits over 120 students to participate in projects within the local community. The purpose is to provide Babson students with opportunities to engage in intensive service experiences with communities in need and through reflective activities, promote community engagement, leadership development, and appreciation of diversity. The program challenges students to participate in an extended and intensive service experience.
Please contact Josh Stevenson if you wish to learn more about these positions.