We dedicate our research efforts to applied research that explores the influence of entrepreneurial legacies within families, and the impact of family entrepreneurs on the global economy.

We continually work at the forefront of the area of family entrepreneurship with research projects carried about by Babson faculty and BIFE leadership.

BIFE Impact Report 2024

Impact Report 2024

We believe entrepreneurial families are the greatest force for growth and positive change on the planet. Our mission is to amplify the capacity of these families to create better businesses, communities, and societies through stronger family relationships.

BIFE Impact Report 2023

In our latest report, we discuss our unique, research-driven approach focused on the family dynamics that cultivate entrepreneurship in families.  We also highlight key initiatives, programs and events hosted by the BIFE.

Please click on the link below to download our impact report. 

2018-2023 Impact Report


BIFE Faculty Research Report Fall 2022At the Bertarelli Institute for Family Entrepreneurship, we are thrilled to be collaborating with a wide range of faculty, including faculty doing research in the family entrepreneurship space, practitioner faculty, and research faculty with deep expertise in topics highly relevant to entrepreneurial families.

Please click on the link below to download our latest report showcasing some of these research projects by Babson faculty:

BIFE Faculty Research Report Fall 2022


Sponsored by the Bertarelli Institute for Family Entrepreneurship, Babson’s newly formed Family Entrepreneurship Research Community is comprised of global entrepreneurial families who are interested in participating in our research on an ongoing basis. Community members participate in two short surveys per year and have exclusive access to our research results and findings before publication of the work. Additionally, members will receive exclusive invitations to special webinars and other events where our research faculty, led by Professors Bill Gartner and Matt Allen, will share and discuss the results along with implications for business families.

Our first survey was launched in July 2020 and it focused on understanding what business families are facing within their families, their businesses, and the market during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are also interested in learning about the topics entrepreneurial families believe are of the most interest to them. All collected information will remain confidential and will be presented only at an aggregate level.

We invite all entrepreneurial families to join this meaning project by completing the next survey to share their unique experience and learn from each other.

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (​GEM) was initiated in 1999 as a joint venture of Babson College and the London Business School.

GEM, now a global consortium of over 500 researchers in its 20th year of operation, is the largest and most developed research program on entrepreneurship in the world, including data from 100+ economies.

The 2020 report will feature a special family business supplement containing groundbreaking research on the nature of family entrepreneurship. Check back in late September to see the report and these exciting findings.

The U.S. GEM team, led by Babson's Governor Craig R. Benson Professor of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Julian Lange, collects comprehensive data and brings together top scholars from Babson College to analyze and report on the implications of the Adult Population Survey (APS) and the National Expert Survey (NES). The annual Babson-sponsored U.S. GEM report not only yields meaningful insights into American entrepreneurship, but also provides global and longitudinal analyses to allow comparisons with other economies and within the U.S. over time.


Read our published case studies here: