Gaurab Bhardwaj
- Associate Professor
Academic Division: Management
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
- MBA, Graduate School of Business, Northeastern University
- MA, University of Bombay
- BA, University of Poona
Academic Interest / Expertise
Corporate decision making, problem solving, solving big societal problems.Awards & Honors
- 2016 — Faculty Pioneer Award, Aspen Institute
- 2011 — Deans' Award for Excellence in Teaching in Any Program, Babson College
- 2008 — Louis J. Lavigne, Jr. Family Endowed Term Chair in Strategy and Planning, Babson College
Journal Articles
- Sims, J.P., Gichoya, J., Bhardwaj, G., Bogers, M. (2019). Write Code, Save Lives: How a Community Uses Open Innovation to Address a Societal Challenge. R & D Management. Vol: 49, Issue: 3, Page: 369-382. link
- Bhardwaj, G., Crocker, A., Sims, J.P., Wang, R.D. (2018). Alleviating the Plunging-In Bias, Elevating Strategic Problem-Solving. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol: 17, Issue: 3, Page: 279-301. Academy of Management. link
- Bhardwaj, G. (2007). From Pioneering Invention to Sustained Innovation: Herbicides at DuPont. Chemical Heritage. Vol: 25, Issue: 1, Page: 34-36.
- Bhardwaj, G., Camillus, J.C., Hounshell , D. (2006). Continual Corporate Entrepreneurial Search for Long-Term Growth. Management Science. Vol: 52, Issue: 2, Page: 248-261 .
- Bhardwaj, G. (2006). How the Antihypertensive Losartan was Discovered. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. Vol: 1, Issue: 6, Page: 609-618.
- Bhardwaj, G., Chowdhry, V. (2005). The Method of Anticipatory Entrepreneurship. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Page: 39.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Bhardwaj, G., Regele, M. (2017). Cytyc: Transforming Cervical Cancer Testing. Vol: BAB292C, Page: 32. Babson.
- Bhardwaj, G., Regele, M. (2017). Cytyc: Transforming Cervical Cancer Testing - Teaching Note. Vol: BAB292TN, Page: 17. Babson.
- Bhardwaj, G., Swanson, E. (2014). Made By Survivors: Business Solution for a Social Problem. Vol: BAB271C, Page: 22. Babson College.
- Bhardwaj, G., Swanson, E. (2014). Made By Survivors: Business Solution for a Social Problem - Teaching Note. Vol: BAB271TN, Page: 25. Babson College.
- Bhardwaj, G., Regele, M. (2012). Building a Women's Hospital in Coimbatore, India. Vol: BAB701C. Babson College .
- Bhardwaj, G., Regele, M. (2012). Building a Women's Hospital in Coimbatore, India: Teaching Note. Vol: BAB701TN. Babson College .
Book Chapters
- Bhardwaj, G. (2022). A general organizational model for creating safe, effective, affordable (SEA) hospitals in low and middle-income countries: Volume 2: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Sustainability, Ethics & Entrepreneurship. Vol: 2, Page: 63-81. World Scientific Publishing.
- Bhardwaj, G., Camillus, J.C., Hounshell , D.A. (2005). The Search Process and Dimensions of Long-Term Growth: Innovating Strategy Process. Page: 213-226. Blackwell Publishing.
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Bhardwaj, G. (2012). Moving the Spotlight from Innovation to Problem Solving in Pharmaceutical Companies : Babson Insight. Page: 9-11.
- Bhardwaj, G. (2006). Anticipatory Entrepreneurship: In ‘Promising New Ideas Emerging in Business Today: Observations and Commentary from Babson Professors’, Babson Insight e–Magazine. link
Professional Memberships
- Academy of Management (1993 - Present)
- Strategic Management Society (1993 - Present)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (1999 - 2024)