Richard Cleary
- Professor
- Robert E. Weissman '64, H'94, P'87 '90 and Janet Weissman P'87 '90 Professor of Business Analytics
Academic Division: Mathematics, Analytics, Science, and Technology
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Cornell University
- MA, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
- BS, State University of New York, College at Oneonta
Academic Interest / Expertise
Biomechanics; Market Research; Sports Research; StatisticsAwards & Honors
- 2022 — SUNY Oneonta Distinguished Alumnus, Oneonta State College
Degree Courses 2025
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Cleary, R.J. (2024). Ed Sandifer: A running mathematician and a mathematical runner. Euleriana.
- Cleary, R.J., Staab, P. (2024). Same Score Streaks in Basketball and in Other Sports. UMAP: Undergraduate Mathematics and Applications. Vol: 45, Page: 40. COMAP. link
- Cleary, R.J., Miller, S.J. (2023). GOATs and BOATs; or When Might 11/13 be Less Than 6/18?. Mathematics and Sports Journal. Vol: 5, Issue: 1, Page: 7. University of North Carolina, Asheville. link
- Amendola, R., Miller, M., Kaupp, S., Cleary, R.J., Damron, T., Mann, K. (2023). Modification to Mirels Scoring System Location Component Improves Fracture Prediction for Metastatic Disease of the Proximal Femur. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol: 24, Issue: 65, Page: 1-14. Springer Nature; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.
- Cleary, R.J., Velez, W.Y. (2022). Reshaping Undergraduate Mathematics Programs. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 69, Issue: 11, Page: 1973-1978. AMS. link
- Cleary, R.J., Staab, P. (2021). Same Score Streaks: A Case Study in Probability Modeling. Math Horizons. Vol: XXVIII, Issue: 4, Page: 5. Mathematical Association of America. link
- Cleary, R.J., Edwards, K., Lewis, T., Manes, M., Pearson, M., Quinn, J., Strom, A., Vega, O. (2021). MAA-AIMS: Advancing Inclusivity in the Mathematical Sciences. MAA FOCUS. Vol: 41, Issue: 1, Page: 12-13. Mathematical Association of America. link
- Cleary, R.J., Muehlmann, B.W., Khachatryan, D. (2020). Statisticians Quietly Support Innovation Through Patents. AMSTAT News. Issue: 520, Page: 2 . American Statistical Association. link
- Cleary, R.J., Levy, R. (2020). How Some Pandemic Necessities Could Improve Teaching and Learning. MAA Focus. Vol: 40, Issue: 4, Page: 6-7. Mathematical Association of America. link
- Aylesworth, A., , . (2019). Reawakening Creativity for Business Leaders: Removing Obstacles. Journal of Education for Business. Taylor and Francis. link
- Zimmerman, W.F., Miller, M.A., Cleary, R.J., Izant, T.H., Mann, K.A. (2016). Damage in Total Knee Replacements from Mechanical Overload. Journal of Biomechanics. Vol: 49, Issue: 10, Page: 2068-75. Pergamon Press. link
- Goodheart, J.R., Cleary, R.J., Damron , T.A., Mann, K.A. (2015). Simulating Activities of Daily Living with Finite Element Analysis Improves Fracture Prediction for Patients with Metastatic Femoral Lesions. Journal of Orthopaedic Research: a journal for musculoskeletal investigation. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Mann, K.A., Miller, M.A., Goodheart, J.R., Izant, T.H., Cleary, R.J. (2014). Peri-implant bone strains and micro-motion following in vivo service: a postmortem retrieval study of 22 tibial components from total knee replacements. Journal of Orthopaedic Research: a journal for musculoskeletal investigation. Vol: 32, Issue: 3, Page: 355-361. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2014). Fall 2012 Departmental Profile Report. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 61, Issue: 2, Page: 158-164. American Mathematical Society. link
- Miller, M.A., Goodheart, J.R., Izant, T.H., Rimnac, C.M., Cleary, R.J., Mann, K.A. (2014). Loss of cement-bone interlock in retrieved tibial components from total knee arthroplasties. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Vol: 472, Issue: 1, Page: 304-313. Springer New York LLC.
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2013). Report on 2011–2012 Academic Recruitment and Hiring. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 60, Issue: 5, Page: 586-591. American Mathematical Society.
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2013). 2012-2013 Faculty Salaries Report. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 60, Issue: 4, Page: 426-432. American Mathematical Society.
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2013). Preliminary Report on the 2011-2012 New Doctoral Recipients. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 60, Issue: 3, Page: 316-324. American Mathematical Society.
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2012). Fall 2011 Departmental Profile Report. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 59, Issue: 10, Page: 1423-1431. American Mathematical Society. link
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W. (2012). Annual Survey Doctoral Department Groupings. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 59, Issue: 9, Page: 1262-1264. American Mathematical Society.
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2012). Report on the 2010–2011 New Doctoral Recipients. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 59, Issue: 8, Page: 1083-1093. American Mathematical Society.
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2012). Preliminary Report on the 2010–2011 New Doctoral Recipients. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 59, Issue: 4, Page: 522-530. American Mathematical Society.
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2012). 2011-2012 Faculty Salaries Report. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 59, Issue: 3, Page: 410-415. American Mathematical Society. link
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2012). 2011–2012 Faculty Salaries Report. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 59, Issue: 3, Page: 410-415. American Mathematical Society.
- Cleary, R.J., Maxwell, J.W., Rose, C. (2012). 2009-2010 Departmental Profile Report. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol: 59, Issue: 2, Page: 291-300. American Mathematical Society. link
Book Chapters
- Cleary, R.J., Staab, P. (in press). Scoring Streaks and Tactical Decisions Across Sports: Handbook of Visual, Experimental and Computational Mathematics. Page: 30. Springer.
- Cleary, R.J. (in press). Ed Sandifer: A Running Mathematician and Mathematical Runner: Euleriana. University of the Pacific. link
- Cleary, R.J. (2023). Leveling the Working Field: An Ethical Perspective: MAA Values. Page: 2. Mathematical Association of America. link
- Cleary, R.J., Braun, B., , . (2017). Assessment Chapter, Lead Writer: Instructional Practices Guide. Page: pages 69-177. Mathematical Association of America. link
- Cleary, R.J. (2015). Benford’s Law as a Bridge Between Accounting and Statistics: Benford's Law: Theory and Applications. Page: 177-190. Princeton University Press. link
- Cleary, R.J., Thibodeau, J. (2013). Mathematics and Auditing: How Liberal Arts Theory and Business Practice Education Inform Each Other: Shaping the Future of Business Education: Relevance, Rigor, and Life Preparation. Page: 72-82. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cleary, R.J. (2024). Welcome to Scatterplot: Opening Editorial, Scatterplot, the MAA Journal of Data Science. Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Page: 3. Taylor and Francis. link
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Cleary, R.J. (2023). Submit to Scatterplot Today: MAA Focus. Vol: 43, Issue: 6, Page: 12-13. Mathematical Association of America. link
- Cleary, R.J. (2023). Update From the 2022 Chair: Newsletter of SIGMAA Mathematics and Sports. Mathematical Association of America.
- Cleary, R.J. (2022). Low Stakes New Year Resolutions for Productivity and Personal Satisfaction: MAA Values . Mathematical Association of America. link
- Cleary, R.J. (2021). Sports Analytics Speakers: Suggested Practices: Newsletter of MAA Special Interest Group on Mathematics and Sports. Mathematical Association of America. link
Additional Links
Professional Services
- Committee Chair Mathematical Association of America (2020 - 2021)
- Committee Chair Mathematical Association of America (2017 - 2019)
Professional Memberships
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (2016 - Present)
Department & College Wide Services
- Task Force on Student Evaluation of Teaching (Spring 2019 - Fall 2019)
- Faculty Search Committee (Fall 2015 - Summer 2016)