Steven Gordon
- Professor
Academic Division: Operations and Information Management
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)
- MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Academic Interest / Expertise
Blockchains; Cryptocurrency; Computer and Information Security; Social Media; Case-Based ResearchAwards & Honors
- 2005 — The Role of Information Technology in Managing the Innovation Process, Babson Board of Research
- 1994 — James Perry Term Chair,
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2024). Synthetic Central Bank Digital Currencies and Systemic Liquidity Risks. International Journal of Financial Studies. Vol: 12, Issue: 1, Page: 19. MDPI. link
- Gordon, S.R., Gilleran, R., Shankaranarayanan, G., Stoddard, D., Johnson, B. (2023). Blockchain Adoption in the Supply Chain – A Game Theoretic Perspective: The Case of the Diamond Industry. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research. Vol: 25, Issue: 3, Page: 241-276. Taylor & Francis. link
- Gordon, S.R., Li, Z., Marthinsen, J.E. (2023). A Deep Analysis of the Economics and Finance Research on Cryptocurrencies, . Vol: 228. Economics Letters. link
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2022). The Price and Cost of Bitcoin. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Vol: 85, Page: 280 - 288. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. link
- Mancha, R., Gordon, S.R. (2022). Multi-Sided Platform Strategies for Organizations: Transforming the Business Model. Journal of Business Strategy. Vol: 43, Issue: 3, Page: 175-183. Emerald. link
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2021). A Theory of Optimum Cryptocurrency Scope. Economics of Innovation and New Technologies. Vol: 30, Issue: 2, Page: 183-196. Taylor & Francis.
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2020). Hyperinflation, Optimal Currency Scopes, and a Cryptocurrency Alternative to Dollarization . Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Vol: 85, Page: 161-173. Elsevier.
- Gordon, S.R. (2020). Centralization and decentralization in ICT: Duality and complementarity. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research. Taylor & Francis.
- Mancha, R., Gordon, S.R., Nersessian, D. (2020). Committing to Responsible Digital Transformation. BIZ-ED MAGAZINE. AACSB International . link
- Bedeley, R., Carbaugh, D., Chughtai, H., George, J., Gogan, J., Gordon, S.R., Grimshaw, E., Leidner, D., Meyers, M., Ortiz, J., Wigdor, A., Young, A. (2019). Giving Voice to the Voiceless: The Use of Digital Technologies by Marginalized Groups. Communications of the AIS. Association of Information Systems. link
- Mancha, R., Gordon, S.R., Stoddard, D.B. (2019). Seven Mistakes to Avoid in Launching and Scaling Digital Platforms. Journal of Business Strategy. Emerald Group Publishing. link
- Mancha, R., Gordon, S.R., Stoddard, D.B. (2019). LBRY, Inc.: Scaling and Monetizing a Blockchain Startup. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Vol: 2, Issue: 3, Page: 267-280. Sage. link
- Mancha, R., Gordon, S.R., Iyer, B.R. (2018). Figayou Pursues a Platform Strategy: A Case Study of Digital Platform Entrepreneurship. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research. Vol: 20:2, Issue: 2, Page: 55-70. link
- Gordon, S.R. (2016). Prospects for case-based research on social media. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research. Vol: 18, Issue: 4, Page: 193-199. Taylor and Francis. link
- Gordon, S.R., Blake, R., Shankaranarayanan, G. (2014). An Agenda for Case-Based Research. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research. Vol: 16, Issue: 2, Page: 61-69. Taylor & Francis Inc.. link
- Gordon, S.R., Blake, R.H., Shankaranarayanan, G. (2013). Case-Based Research in Information Systems: Gaps and Trends. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA). Vol: 14, Issue: 2, Page: 47-68. J I T T A. link
- Gordon, S.R., Tarafdar, M. (2010). The IT Audit that Boosts Innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review. Vol: 51, Issue: 4, Page: 39-47. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. link
- Gordon, S.R., Tarafdar, M., Cook, R., Maksimoski, R., Rogowitz, B. (2008). Improving the Front End of Innovation with Information Technology. Research Technology Management. Vol: 51, Issue: 3, Page: 50-58.
- Gordon, S.R. (2008). The Case for Case-Based Research. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research. Vol: 10, Issue: 1, Page: 1-6.
- Gordon, S.R., Tarafdar, M. (2007). How Do a Company's Information Technology Competences Influence Its Ability to Innovate?. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. Vol: Vol. 20, Issue: No. 3, Page: 271-290.
- Gordon, S.R., Tarafdar, M. (2007). Understanding the Influence of Information Systems Competencies on Process Innovation: A Resource-Based View. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. Vol: 16, Issue: 4, Page: 353-392.
- Mulligan, P., Gordon, S.R. (2003). Restructuring in Financial Services: A Transaction Cost Perspective. e-Service Journal. Vol: 3, Issue: 1.
- Gordon, S.R., Mulligan, P. (2003). Restructuring in Financial Services: A Transaction Cost Perspective. e-Service Journal.
- Gordon, S.R. (1993). Standardization of Information Systems and Technology at Multinational Companies. Vol: 1, Issue: 3, Page: 5-15. IGI Global. link
- Gordon, S.R., Mazaid, M., Abokhodair, N., Garrido, M., Kurambayev, B., Corrêa, C.H., Garcia-Murillo, M., Zaber, M., Wohlers de Almeida, M., Lay, T., Amador, J., Piña-Garcia, C.A., Honari, A., Hasan, H., Linger, H., Eren-Erdoğmuş, I., Ergun, S., Pina, P., Sayan, A., Gorgulu, V., Erhart, I., Aslanbay, Y. (2017). Online Communities as Agents of Change and Social Movements. Page: 361. IGI Global. link
- Gordon, S.R., Gordon, J.R. (2004). Information Systems: A Management Approach. Issue: 3. Wiley.
- Gordon, S.R., Smith, L.M., Smith, K. (2003). Essentials of Accounting Information Systems. Leyh Publishing.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Gilleran, R., Gordon, S.R. (2024). Supervised Machine Learning: An Experiential and Applied Session: The Babson Collection. Issue: BAB752 and BAB753, Page: Exercise, 5; Teaching Note, 14. Babson College and Harvard Business Publishing. link
Book Chapters
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2024). Stablecoins: Stablecoins. Encyclopedia . link
- Venkatesh, V., Gordon, S.R. (2020). The Intersection of Cybercrime and the Blockchain: Handbook of Research on Cyber Crime and Information Privacy. Page: 676-699. IGI Global.
- Gordon, S.R. (2017). Preface: Online Communities as Agents of Change and Social Movements. IGI Global. link
- Gordon, S.R. (2015). Experimenting with a flipped classroom: Evolving Entrepreneurial Education: Innovation in the Babson Classroom. Page: 335-348. Emerald Group Publishing.
- Gordon, S.R. (2015). The editor is often a coach: A Guide to Publishing for Academics. Page: 127-140. Taylor & Francis LLC.
- Blake, R., Gordon, S.R., Shankaranarayanan, G. (2012). The Role of Case Based Research in Information Technology and Systems: Information Systems Research and Exploring Social Artifacts: Approaches and Methodologies. Vol: 1st, Page: 200-220. IGI Global.
- Gordon, S.R., Tarafdar, M. (2007). How Portals Support Innovation: Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology and Applications. Page: 449-453. Idea Group Publishing.
- Gordon, S.R., Mulligan, P. (2005). An Infocratic Perspective on the Future Delivery of Personal Financial Services: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Idea Group Publishing.
- Gordon, S.R., Mulligan, P. (2004). The Impact of Information Technology on Customer and Supplier Relationships in the Financial Services: Information Technology and e-Business in the Financial Services. Ivy League Publishing.
- Gordon, S.R., Mulligan, P. (2003). The Coming Infocracy: New Organizational Forms for the Delivery of Personal Financial Services: Computing Information Technology: The Human Side. Idea Group Publishing.
- Mulligan, P., Gordon, S.R. (2003). The Coming Infocracy: New Organizational Forms for the Delivery of Personal Financial Services: Computing Information Technology: The Human Side.
- Gordon, S.R., Dotan, H., Parise, S.A., Volpe, E. (2012). Does Organizational Support of Social Media Affect Worker Satisfaction, Involvement and Organizational Knowledge: Babson College BFRF working paper.
Working Papers
- Gordon, S.R. (2015). Fostering Social Movements with Social Media. SSRN. link
Conference Proceedings
- Mancha, R., Gordon, S.R. (2020). Incumbent Organizations Transform Through Digital Platforms: AMCIS 2020 Proceedings. Association of Information Systems (AIS).
- Gordon, S.R. (2017). The Political Power of Social Media Revisited: AMCIS 2017. Association of Information Systems (AIS). link
- Gordon, S.R., Dotan, H., Parise, S.A., Volpe, E. (2013). Does Organizational Support of Social Media Affect Worker Satisfaction, Involvement, and Organizational Knowledge?: SSRN.
- Mulligan, P., Gordon, S.R. (2004). An Infocratic Perspective on the Future Delivery of Personal Financial Services: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology.
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Gordon, S.R. (2018). Diamonds and the Blockchain: Babson Insight. Babson College. link
- Gordon, S.R. (2017). Managing IoT Security: Babson Blogs: Faculty & Leadership. Babson College. link
- Gordon, S.R., Shankaranarayanan, G. (2015). Assessing and managing the quality of big data: Babson Insight. Babson College. link
Professional Services
- Editorial Advisory Board Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research (2008 - Present)
- Editorial Advisory Board International Journal of e-Politics (2010 - 2019)
Department & College Wide Services
- Undergraduate Academic Policy Committee (Fall 2017 - Summer 2020)
- Faculty Search Committee (Summer 2017 - Spring 2018)
- Appointments Decision-Making Body (Spring 2016 - Fall 2016)
- Faculty Fun Fest Organizing Committee (Summer 2016 - Summer 2016)