Phillip Kim
- Professor
- Lewis Family Distinguished Professor in Social Innovation
Academic Division: Entrepreneurship
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- MA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- MA, Trinity International University
- BS, University of Pennsylvania
- BAS, University of Pennsylvania
Academic Interest / Expertise
Sociology of Entrepreneurship; Technology Entrepreneurship; Academic Entrepreneurship; Founding Teams; Growth and Scaling Businesses; Social Innovation; Machine & Deep Learning; ESGAwards & Honors
- 2022 — Faculty Theoretical Scholarship Award, Babson College
- 2018 — Graduate School Excellence in Service Award, Graduate School
- 2018 — Faculty Teaching Award (Executive Education), Babson College
- 2017 — Faculty Empirical Scholarship Award, Babson College
- 2017 — 2016 Outstanding Paper, Group & Organization Management
- 2012 — Distinguished Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division
- 2011 — Best Reviewer, Journal of Business Venturing
- 2009 — Best Reviewer, Journal of Business Venturing
- 2006 — Best Reviewer, Journal of Business Venturing
Degree Courses 2025
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Du, Y., Li, J., Kim, P.H., Liu, Q. (2025). Riding the Waves of Change: Using QCA to Analyze Complex Growth Patterns in Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol: 49, Issue: 1, Page: 312–353.
- Kim, S., Kim, P.H. (in press). Interfirm Network Positioning and Firm Performance During the Mature Stage of the Global Semiconductor Industry. Management International. Page: 1-29. HEC Montréal. link
- Du, Y., Sun, Y., Su, Y., Kim, P.H., Jia, L. (2024). QCA Methodology and Causal Complexity of Management Studies in China. Chinese Management Studies. Vol: 18, Issue: 5, Page: 1293-1301.
- Kim, P.H. (2024). Generative AI and Entrepreneurship Research: Principles and Practical Advice for Intelligence Augmentation. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship. Vol: 20, Issue: 3, Page: 245–383.
- Lee, Y., Cortes, A.F., Di Benedetto, A., Herrmann, P., Hughes, M., Kim, P.H., Park, H.D., Lan, S. (2024). The Medici effect: multidisciplinary insights for entrepreneurship research. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. Vol: 27, Issue: 1, Page: 2-8. Emerald. link
- Du, Y., Liu, Q., Kim, P.H., Meuer, J. (2024). Studying Complex Causal Processes in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Set-theoretic Mediation Models. Technovation. Vol: 134. Elsevier.
- Du, Y., Kim, P.H., Fourné, S.P., Wang, X. (2022). In Times of Plenty: Slack Resources, R&D Investment, and Entrepreneurial Firms in Challenging Institutional Environments. Journal of Business Research. Vol: 145, Page: 360-376.
- Bacq, S., Drover, W., Kim, P.H. (2021). Writing bold, broad, and rigorous review articles in entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 36, Issue: 6. link
- Bradley, S.W., Kim, P.H., Klein, P.G., McMullen, J.S., Wennberg, K. (2021). Policy for Innovative Entrepreneurship: Institutions, Interventions, and Societal Challenges. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Vol: 15, Issue: 2, Page: 167-184. link
- Buffart, M., Croidieu, G., Kim, P.H., Bowman, R. (2020). Even Winners Need to Learn: How Government Entrepreneurship Programs Can Support Innovative Ventures. Research Policy. Vol: 49, Issue: 10. link
- Vedula, S., Kim, P.H. (2019). Gimme Shelter or Fade Away: The Impact of Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Quality on Venture Survival. Industrial and Corporate Change. Vol: 28, Issue: 4, Page: 827-854. Oxford. link
- Kotha, R., Crama, P., Kim, P.H. (2018). Experience and Signaling Value in Technology Licensing Contract Payment Structures. Academy of Management Journal. Vol: 61, Issue: 4, Page: 1307-1342. link
- Vedula, S., Kim, P.H. (2018). Marching to the beat of the drum: the impact of the pace of life in US cities on entrepreneurial work effort. Small Business Economics. Vol: 50, Issue: 3, Page: 569-590. Springer US. link
- Croidieu, G., Kim, P.H. (2018). Labor of Love: Amateurs and Lay-Expertise Legitimation in the Early U.S. Radio Field. Administrative Science Quarterly. link
- Toft-Kehler, R., Wennberg, K., Kim, P.H. (2016). A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing: Entrepreneurial experience and new venture disengagement . Journal of Business Venturing Insights. Vol: 6, Page: 36-46. Elsevier Inc.. link
- Kim, P.H., Buffart, M., Croidieu, G. (2016). TMI: Signaling Credible Claims in Crowdfunding Campaign Narratives. Group & Organization Management. Vol: 41, Issue: 6, Page: 717-750. link
- Kim, P.H., Croidieu, G., Lippmann, S. (2016). Responding from that Vantage Point: Field Position and Discursive Strategies of Legitimation in the U.S. Wireless Telegraphy Field. Organization Studies. Vol: 37, Issue: 10, Page: 1417-1450. link
- Du, Y., Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2016). Hybrid Strategies, Dysfunctional Competition, and New Venture Performance in Transitional Economies. Management & Organization Review. Vol: 12, Issue: 3, Page: 469-501. Cambridge University Press. link
- Kim, P.H., Wennberg, K. (2016). Untapped Riches of Meso-Level Applications in Multi-Level Entrepreneurial Mechanisms. Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol: 30, Issue: 3, Page: 273-291. Academy of Management. link
- Kim, P.H., Longest, K.C., Lippmann, S. (2015). The Tortoise Versus the Hare: Progress and Business Viability Differences Between Conventional and Leisure-Based Founders. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 30, Issue: 2.
- Kotha, R., Kim, P.H., Alexy, O. (2014). Turn Your Science into a Business. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). Vol: 92, Issue: 11, Page: 106–114. Harvard Business School Publication Corp.. link
- Kim, P.H., Longest, K.C. (2014). You can’t leave your work behind: Employment experience and founding collaborations. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 29, Issue: 6, Page: 785–806. Elsevier Inc.. link
- Toft-Kehler, R.V., Wennberg, K., Kim, P.H. (2014). Practice Makes Perfect: Entrepreneurial-Experience Curves and Venture Performance. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 29, Issue: 4, Page: 453-470. Elsevier Inc.. link
- Kim, P.H., Li, M. (2014). Injecting Demand Through Spillovers: Foreign Direct Investment and Host-Country Entrepreneurial Activity. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 29, Issue: 2, Page: 210-231. Elsevier Inc.. link
- Kim, P.H., Li, M. (2014). Seeking Assurances When Taking Action: Legal Systems, Social Trust, and Starting Businesses in Emerging Economies. Organization Studies. Vol: 35, Issue: 3, Page: 359-391. Sage Publications Ltd.. link
- Kim, P.H., Longest, K.C., Aldrich, H.E. (2013). Can You Lend Me a Hand? Task-Role Alignment of Social Support for Aspiring Business Owners. Work and Occupations. Vol: 40, Issue: 3, Page: 213-249. Sage Publications, Inc.. link
- Aldrich, H.E., Kim, P.H. (2007). A Life Course Perspective on Occupational Inheritance: Self-employed Parents and Their Children. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Vol: 25, Page: 33-82. link
- Aldrich, H.E., Kim, P.H. (2007). Small Worlds, Infinite Possibilities? How Social Networks Affect Entrepreneurial Team Formation and Search. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Page: 147-165. link
- Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E., Keister, L.A. (2006). Access (not) Denied: The Impact of Financial, Human, and Cultural Capital on Entrepreneurial Entry in the United States. Small Business Economics. Vol: 27, Issue: 1, Page: 5-22. link
- Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2005). Social Capital and Entrepreneurship. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship. Vol: 1, Issue: 2, Page: 1-52. link
- Kim, P.H. (2004). Conditional Morality? Attitudes of Religious Individuals Towards Racial Profiling. American Behavioral Scientist. Vol: 47, Issue: 7, Page: 879-895. link
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Fonseca, V., Lages, L.F., Kim, P.H. (2018). Deimos: Expanding to a New Market Using the Value Creation Wheel. Issue: BAB370. Babson College.
Book Chapters
- Kim, P.H. (2025). Developing Entrepreneurial Mindsets, Ideas, and Opportunities: Developing Entrepreneurial Mindsets, Ideas, and Opportunities: A Guide for Educators. Page: 155-161. Edward Elgar.
- Kim, P.H. (2021). Give-Get. Vol: 2, Page: 189-195. Edward Elgar.
- Kim, P.H., Ramirez, M., Kotha, R. (2019). Avoiding Collaboration Stalemates in Technology Commercialization. Page: 245-266. Oxford University Press.
- Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2017). Urban Legends or Sage Guidance: A Review of Common Advice about Entrepreneurial Teams: Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Teams: Theory and Practice. Page: 45–70. Edward Elgar.
- Kim, P.H. (2015). Action and process, vision and values: entrepreneurship means something different to everyone: The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship. Page: 59-74. Routledge.
- Kim, P.H., Lee, C., Reynolds, P.D. (2012). Backed by the State: Social Protection and Starting Businesses in Knowledge-Intensive Industries: Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth (Series). Vol: 14 - Entrepreneurial Action, Page: 25-62. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. link
- Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2011). Are We There Yet? Measurement Challenges in Studying New Ventures: Handbook of Research into New Venture Creation. Page: 185-193. Edward Elgar.
- Davis, A.E., Longest, K.C., Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2009). Owner Contributions and Equity: New Firm Creation in the United States: Initial Explorations with the PSED II Data Set. Page: 71-94. Springer.
- Aldrich, H.E., Kim, P.H. (2007). A Life Course Perspective on Occupational Inheritance: Self-employed Parents and Their Children: Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Vol: 25, Page: 33-82. Elsevier.
- Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E., Keister, L.A. (2004). Household Income and Net Worth: Handbook of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: The Process of Business Creation in Contemporary America. Page: 49-61. Sage.
Book Reviews
- Kim, P.H. (2021). Review of “Entrepreneurs and Capitalism since Luther: Rediscovering the Moral Economy”. Vol: 100, Issue: 1, Page: e4. Social Forces.
- Lange, J.E., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Kelley, D.J., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M., Vedula, S. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2018/2019 United States Report . Babson College. link
- Lange, J.E., Ali, A., Brush, C., Corbett, A.C., Kelley, D.J., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2017 United States Report. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C., Corbett, A.C., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M. (2017). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2016 United States Report. Page: 54. Babson College.
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Lyons, T., Majbouri, M., Rogoff, E. (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2015 United States Report: The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor US Report. Page: 65. Babson College. link
- Brush, C.S., Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M., Lyons, T., Rogoff, E. (2015). Women Entrepreneurs: 2014 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Page: 33-40. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Lyons, T.S., Majbouri, M., Rogoff, E.G. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: 2014 United States Report: 2014 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.
Conference Proceedings
- Kim, P.H. (2014). TMI: Honest Claims and Risk of Overdisclosure in Crowdfunding Campaigns: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Babson College.
- Kim, P.H., Longest, K.C., Li, M. (2013). Diving in Before Testing the Waters: Founder Knowledge and Venture-Organizing Priorities: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management.
- Kim, P.H., Kotha, R. (2013). Taking Leaps of Faith: Evaluation Narratives and Resource Commitments for New Initiatives: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management.
- Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E., Ruef, M. (2005). Fruits of Co-laboring: Effects Of Entrepreneurial Team Stability on the Organizational Founding Process: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
- Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2004). Teams that Work Together, Stay Together: Resiliency of Entrepreneurial Teams: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
Additional Links
Professional Services
- Editor, Associate Editor Journal of Business Venturing (2017 - Present)
Department & College Wide Services
- Blended Learning/Part-Time MBA Faculty Director (Winter 2017 - Summer 2021)