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Phillip Kim

  • Professor
  • Lewis Family Distinguished Professor in Social Innovation
Academic Division: Entrepreneurship
Phillip H. Kim is an internationally recognized expert on entrepreneurship. He studies, teaches, and advises on different aspects of how entrepreneurial ideas become reality. Specifically, his research interests include start-up processes and founding teams, institutions and entrepreneurship, cross-national differences in entrepreneurship (especially in emerging economies), technology entrepreneurship, and innovation narratives. To explore these interests, he has examined data from a variety of contexts including surveys of entrepreneurs in the U.S., Europe, and Asia; census data in Sweden; the early history of radio broadcasting; a respected technology transfer office; and a popular crowd funding platform. His research has been published in leading entrepreneurship, management, and sociology journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Small Business Economics, and American Behavioral Scientist and featured in the Wall Street Journal. He also serves as a Field Editor (Sociology) for the Journal of Business Venturing and on the editorial board of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. He regularly presents his research at prominent academic conferences worldwide. He has been awarded the Dean of Faculty Empirical Scholarship Award. ​Dr. Kim is the Lewis Family Distinguished Professor of Social Innovation at Babson College. Previously, he was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He earned his MA and PhD in Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his BS (Economics) and BAS (Materials Sciences) at the University of Pennsylvania. He has taught entrepreneurship courses at undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels and has significant experience teaching students with business and non-business backgrounds. Dr. Kim has taught both foundational courses and advanced electives in entrepreneurship. He has a special interest in entrepreneurship pedagogy and designs innovative curriculum for his students to enable them to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. He received the Dean of Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence in Executive Education and an Award of Excellence by the University of Wisconsin Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization in recognition for his educational innovations. Dr. Kim regularly advises entrepreneurs on issues related to launching and establishing their businesses and coaches student entrepreneurs as they start their businesses. Prior to becoming an academic, he worked as a management consultant advising businesses in the manufacturing, agriculture, professional services, and non-profit sectors. He also worked for a leading regional supermarket as an operations analyst.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • MA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • MA, Trinity International University
  • BS, University of Pennsylvania
  • BAS, University of Pennsylvania

Academic Interest / Expertise

Sociology of Entrepreneurship; Technology Entrepreneurship; Academic Entrepreneurship; Founding Teams; Growth and Scaling Businesses; Social Innovation; Machine & Deep Learning; ESG

Awards & Honors

  • 2022 — Faculty Theoretical Scholarship Award, Babson College
  • 2018 — Graduate School Excellence in Service Award, Graduate School
  • 2018 — Faculty Teaching Award (Executive Education), Babson College
  • 2017 — Faculty Empirical Scholarship Award, Babson College
  • 2017 — 2016 Outstanding Paper, Group & Organization Management
  • 2012 — Distinguished Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division
  • 2011 — Best Reviewer, Journal of Business Venturing
  • 2009 — Best Reviewer, Journal of Business Venturing
  • 2006 — Best Reviewer, Journal of Business Venturing


  • Degree Courses 2025

  • Degree Courses 2024



Journal Articles

  • Du, Y., Li, J., Kim, P.H., Liu, Q. (2025). Riding the Waves of Change: Using QCA to Analyze Complex Growth Patterns in Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol: 49, Issue: 1, Page: 312–353.
  • Kim, S., Kim, P.H. (in press). Interfirm Network Positioning and Firm Performance During the Mature Stage of the Global Semiconductor Industry. Management International. Page: 1-29. HEC Montréal. link
  • Du, Y., Sun, Y., Su, Y., Kim, P.H., Jia, L. (2024). QCA Methodology and Causal Complexity of Management Studies in China. Chinese Management Studies. Vol: 18, Issue: 5, Page: 1293-1301.
  • Kim, P.H. (2024). Generative AI and Entrepreneurship Research: Principles and Practical Advice for Intelligence Augmentation. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship. Vol: 20, Issue: 3, Page: 245–383.
  • Lee, Y., Cortes, A.F., Di Benedetto, A., Herrmann, P., Hughes, M., Kim, P.H., Park, H.D., Lan, S. (2024). The Medici effect: multidisciplinary insights for entrepreneurship research. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. Vol: 27, Issue: 1, Page: 2-8. Emerald. link
  • Du, Y., Liu, Q., Kim, P.H., Meuer, J. (2024). Studying Complex Causal Processes in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Set-theoretic Mediation Models. Technovation. Vol: 134. Elsevier.
  • Du, Y., Kim, P.H., Fourné, S.P., Wang, X. (2022). In Times of Plenty: Slack Resources, R&D Investment, and Entrepreneurial Firms in Challenging Institutional Environments. Journal of Business Research. Vol: 145, Page: 360-376.
  • Bacq, S., Drover, W., Kim, P.H. (2021). Writing bold, broad, and rigorous review articles in entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 36, Issue: 6. link
  • Bradley, S.W., Kim, P.H., Klein, P.G., McMullen, J.S., Wennberg, K. (2021). Policy for Innovative Entrepreneurship: Institutions, Interventions, and Societal Challenges. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Vol: 15, Issue: 2, Page: 167-184. link
  • Buffart, M., Croidieu, G., Kim, P.H., Bowman, R. (2020). Even Winners Need to Learn: How Government Entrepreneurship Programs Can Support Innovative Ventures. Research Policy. Vol: 49, Issue: 10. link
  • Vedula, S., Kim, P.H. (2019). Gimme Shelter or Fade Away: The Impact of Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Quality on Venture Survival. Industrial and Corporate Change. Vol: 28, Issue: 4, Page: 827-854. Oxford. link
  • Kotha, R., Crama, P., Kim, P.H. (2018). Experience and Signaling Value in Technology Licensing Contract Payment Structures. Academy of Management Journal. Vol: 61, Issue: 4, Page: 1307-1342. link
  • Vedula, S., Kim, P.H. (2018). Marching to the beat of the drum: the impact of the pace of life in US cities on entrepreneurial work effort. Small Business Economics. Vol: 50, Issue: 3, Page: 569-590. Springer US. link
  • Croidieu, G., Kim, P.H. (2018). Labor of Love: Amateurs and Lay-Expertise Legitimation in the Early U.S. Radio Field. Administrative Science Quarterly. link
  • Toft-Kehler, R., Wennberg, K., Kim, P.H. (2016). A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing: Entrepreneurial experience and new venture disengagement . Journal of Business Venturing Insights. Vol: 6, Page: 36-46. Elsevier Inc.. link
  • Kim, P.H., Buffart, M., Croidieu, G. (2016). TMI: Signaling Credible Claims in Crowdfunding Campaign Narratives. Group & Organization Management. Vol: 41, Issue: 6, Page: 717-750. link
  • Kim, P.H., Croidieu, G., Lippmann, S. (2016). Responding from that Vantage Point: Field Position and Discursive Strategies of Legitimation in the U.S. Wireless Telegraphy Field. Organization Studies. Vol: 37, Issue: 10, Page: 1417-1450. link
  • Du, Y., Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2016). Hybrid Strategies, Dysfunctional Competition, and New Venture Performance in Transitional Economies. Management & Organization Review. Vol: 12, Issue: 3, Page: 469-501. Cambridge University Press. link
  • Kim, P.H., Wennberg, K. (2016). Untapped Riches of Meso-Level Applications in Multi-Level Entrepreneurial Mechanisms. Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol: 30, Issue: 3, Page: 273-291. Academy of Management. link
  • Kim, P.H., Longest, K.C., Lippmann, S. (2015). The Tortoise Versus the Hare: Progress and Business Viability Differences Between Conventional and Leisure-Based Founders. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 30, Issue: 2.
  • Kotha, R., Kim, P.H., Alexy, O. (2014). Turn Your Science into a Business. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). Vol: 92, Issue: 11, Page: 106–114. Harvard Business School Publication Corp.. link
  • Kim, P.H., Longest, K.C. (2014). You can’t leave your work behind: Employment experience and founding collaborations. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 29, Issue: 6, Page: 785–806. Elsevier Inc.. link
  • Toft-Kehler, R.V., Wennberg, K., Kim, P.H. (2014). Practice Makes Perfect: Entrepreneurial-Experience Curves and Venture Performance. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 29, Issue: 4, Page: 453-470. Elsevier Inc.. link
  • Kim, P.H., Li, M. (2014). Injecting Demand Through Spillovers: Foreign Direct Investment and Host-Country Entrepreneurial Activity. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 29, Issue: 2, Page: 210-231. Elsevier Inc.. link
  • Kim, P.H., Li, M. (2014). Seeking Assurances When Taking Action: Legal Systems, Social Trust, and Starting Businesses in Emerging Economies. Organization Studies. Vol: 35, Issue: 3, Page: 359-391. Sage Publications Ltd.. link
  • Kim, P.H., Longest, K.C., Aldrich, H.E. (2013). Can You Lend Me a Hand? Task-Role Alignment of Social Support for Aspiring Business Owners. Work and Occupations. Vol: 40, Issue: 3, Page: 213-249. Sage Publications, Inc.. link
  • Aldrich, H.E., Kim, P.H. (2007). A Life Course Perspective on Occupational Inheritance: Self-employed Parents and Their Children. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Vol: 25, Page: 33-82. link
  • Aldrich, H.E., Kim, P.H. (2007). Small Worlds, Infinite Possibilities? How Social Networks Affect Entrepreneurial Team Formation and Search. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Page: 147-165. link
  • Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E., Keister, L.A. (2006). Access (not) Denied: The Impact of Financial, Human, and Cultural Capital on Entrepreneurial Entry in the United States. Small Business Economics. Vol: 27, Issue: 1, Page: 5-22. link
  • Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2005). Social Capital and Entrepreneurship. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship. Vol: 1, Issue: 2, Page: 1-52. link
  • Kim, P.H. (2004). Conditional Morality? Attitudes of Religious Individuals Towards Racial Profiling. American Behavioral Scientist. Vol: 47, Issue: 7, Page: 879-895. link

Cases and Teaching Notes

  • Fonseca, V., Lages, L.F., Kim, P.H. (2018). Deimos: Expanding to a New Market Using the Value Creation Wheel. Issue: BAB370. Babson College.

Book Chapters

  • Kim, P.H. (2025). Developing Entrepreneurial Mindsets, Ideas, and Opportunities: Developing Entrepreneurial Mindsets, Ideas, and Opportunities: A Guide for Educators. Page: 155-161. Edward Elgar.
  • Kim, P.H. (2021). Give-Get. Vol: 2, Page: 189-195. Edward Elgar.
  • Kim, P.H., Ramirez, M., Kotha, R. (2019). Avoiding Collaboration Stalemates in Technology Commercialization. Page: 245-266. Oxford University Press.
  • Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2017). Urban Legends or Sage Guidance: A Review of Common Advice about Entrepreneurial Teams: Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Teams: Theory and Practice. Page: 45–70. Edward Elgar.
  • Kim, P.H. (2015). Action and process, vision and values: entrepreneurship means something different to everyone: The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship. Page: 59-74. Routledge.
  • Kim, P.H., Lee, C., Reynolds, P.D. (2012). Backed by the State: Social Protection and Starting Businesses in Knowledge-Intensive Industries: Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth (Series). Vol: 14 - Entrepreneurial Action, Page: 25-62. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. link
  • Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2011). Are We There Yet? Measurement Challenges in Studying New Ventures: Handbook of Research into New Venture Creation. Page: 185-193. Edward Elgar.
  • Davis, A.E., Longest, K.C., Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2009). Owner Contributions and Equity: New Firm Creation in the United States: Initial Explorations with the PSED II Data Set. Page: 71-94. Springer.
  • Aldrich, H.E., Kim, P.H. (2007). A Life Course Perspective on Occupational Inheritance: Self-employed Parents and Their Children: Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Vol: 25, Page: 33-82. Elsevier.
  • Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E., Keister, L.A. (2004). Household Income and Net Worth: Handbook of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: The Process of Business Creation in Contemporary America. Page: 49-61. Sage.

Book Reviews

  • Kim, P.H. (2021). Review of “Entrepreneurs and Capitalism since Luther: Rediscovering the Moral Economy”. Vol: 100, Issue: 1, Page: e4. Social Forces.


  • Lange, J.E., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Kelley, D.J., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M., Vedula, S. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2018/2019 United States Report . Babson College. link
  • Lange, J.E., Ali, A., Brush, C., Corbett, A.C., Kelley, D.J., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2017 United States Report. Babson College. link
  • Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C., Corbett, A.C., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M. (2017). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2016 United States Report. Page: 54. Babson College.
  • Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Lyons, T., Majbouri, M., Rogoff, E. (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2015 United States Report: The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor US Report. Page: 65. Babson College. link
  • Brush, C.S., Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M., Lyons, T., Rogoff, E. (2015). Women Entrepreneurs: 2014 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Page: 33-40. Babson College. link
  • Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Lyons, T.S., Majbouri, M., Rogoff, E.G. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: 2014 United States Report: 2014 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.

Conference Proceedings

  • Kim, P.H. (2014). TMI: Honest Claims and Risk of Overdisclosure in Crowdfunding Campaigns: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Babson College.
  • Kim, P.H., Longest, K.C., Li, M. (2013). Diving in Before Testing the Waters: Founder Knowledge and Venture-Organizing Priorities: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management.
  • Kim, P.H., Kotha, R. (2013). Taking Leaps of Faith: Evaluation Narratives and Resource Commitments for New Initiatives: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management.
  • Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E., Ruef, M. (2005). Fruits of Co-laboring: Effects Of Entrepreneurial Team Stability on the Organizational Founding Process: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
  • Kim, P.H., Aldrich, H.E. (2004). Teams that Work Together, Stay Together: Resiliency of Entrepreneurial Teams: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.


  • Overcoming Business Challenges Through Resilience Rollag, K. Kim, P. Taste of Babson, Pfizer (webex) (2023)
  • Taking Leaps of Faith: Evaluation Criteria and Resource Commitments for Breakthrough Innovations Kim, P. Kotha, R. Fourné, S. Academy of Management, Chicago, IL (2018)
  • Tales of the Community: Using Topic Models to Identify Regional Entrepreneurial Narratives Vedula, S. Kyprianou, C. Kim, P. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Waterford, Ireland (2018)
  • Rewards Deferred, Not Denied: How Experienced Intermediaries Create and Signal Shared Value in Technology Licensing Kotha, R. Crama, P. Kim, P. Ulsan National Institute for Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, South Korea (2017)
  • Strategy Recipes for New Venture Performance in Unfriendly Environments Du, Y. Kim, P. Combining Rigor and Relevance: Entrepreneurship Theory as Design and Social Mechanisms, Gothenburg, Sweden (2017)
  • Marching to the Beat of the Drum: The Impact of the Pace of Life in US Cities on Entrepreneurial Work Effort Vedula, S. Kim, P. Indian School of Business Faculty Research Seminar, Hyderabad, India (2017)
  • TMI: Signaling Credible Claims in Crowdfunding Campaign Narratives Kim, P. Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm (2016)
  • Analyzing the Efficiency of U.S. Metropolitan Ecosystems for Technology Entrepreneurship Vedula, S. McCoy, T. Robb, A. Kim, P. Strategic Management Society Conference, Berlin, Germany (2016)
  • Configurational Effects of Slack and CEO Narcissism on New Venture Innovation Investment Du, Y. Kim, P. Aldrich, H. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA (2016)
  • Nurturing Startups: Key Challenges and Promising Strategies Kim, P. Startup Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand (2016)
  • Where Entrepreneurship Education is Going and Practices Around the World? Kim, P. Symposium of Education and Entrepreneurship Research, Monterrey, Mexico (2015)
  • Labor of Love: Amateurs and Lay-Expertise Legitimation in the Early U.S. Radio Field Kim, P. Linköping University, Institute of Analytical Sociology, Norrköping, Sweden (2015)
  • Labor of Love: Amateurs and Lay-Expertise Legitimation in the Early U.S. Radio Field Kim, P. Lund University Department of Business Administration, Lund, Sweden (2015)
  • Are Slack Resources Expropriated or Used for Innovation? Declining IPO Firm Innovation Trends Du, Y. Kim, P. Aldrich, H. Strategic Management Society, Denver, CO (2015)
  • Are Slack Resources Expropriated or Used for Innovation? Declining IPO Firm Innovation Trends Du, Y. Kim, P. Aldrich, H. Academy of Management, Vancouver, CA (2015)
  • Founding Collaborations Kim, P. Academy of Management, Vancouver, CA (2015)
  • You’ve Got Talent: Breaking the ‘Barriers to Learning’ from Early Entrepreneurial Experience Kim, P. Wennberg, K. Toft-Kehler, R. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, United States (2015)
  • Social Entrepreneurship as a Global Learning Framework Kim, P. Global Learning Colloquium on Business Education, Boston, MA (2015)
  • TMI: Honest Claims and Risk of Overdisclosure in Crowdfunding Campaigns Kim, P. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, London, Ontario (2014)
  • The Tortoise and the Hare: Progress and Success Among Leisure-Based Ventures Kim, P. Longest, K. Lippmann, S. , Babson Park, MA (2013)
  • The Tortoise and the Hare: Progress and Success Among Leisure-Based Ventures Kim, P. Longest, K. Lippmann, S. , London, Ontario (2013)
  • Diving in Before Testing the Waters: The Influence of Founder Experience and Occupational Characteristics on Venture Organizing Processes Kim, P. Longest, K. Li, M. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL (2013)
  • Entrepreneurship Data Sets: Making Better Choices for Your Research Kim, P. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL (2013)
  • Taking Leaps of Faith: Organizational Narratives and Resource Commitments for New Initiatives Kim, P. Kotha, R. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL (2013)
  • TMI: Honest Claims and Risk of Overdisclosure in Crowdfunding Campaigns Kim, P. CU-Kauffman Crowdfunding Conference, Boulder, CO (2013)
  • Taking Leaps of Faith: Organizational Narratives and Resource Commitments for New Initiatives Kim, P. Kotha, R. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lyon, France (2013)
  • Taking Leaps of Faith: Organizational Narratives and Resource Commitments for New Initiatives Kim, P. Kotha, R. Darden Cambridge Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Conference, Charlottesville, VA (2013)
  • Diving in Before Testing the Waters: The Influence of Founder Experience and Occupational Characteristics on Venture Organizing Processes Kim, P. Longest, K. Li, M. INSEAD-OMT-ASQ Organization Theory and New Venture Creation Conference, Singapore (2013)
  • Varieties of Nascent Entrepreneurship: Global, Multi-disciplinary, and Mixed-method Perspectives Kim, P. Aldrich, H. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA (2012)
  • You Can’t Leave Your Work Behind: Occupational Experience and New Venture Founding Team Size Kim, P. Longest, K. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA (2012)
  • You Can’t Leave Your Work Behind: Occupational Experience and New Venture Founding Team Size Kim, P. Longest, K. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Denver, CO (2012)
  • Making Room for Something New: Foreign Direct Investment and Host-Country Entrepreneurial Activity Kim, P. Li, M. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2012)
  • Transaction Cost, Institutions, and Strategy of Entry Mode Li, M. Kim, P. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, Miami, FL (2011)
  • Making Room for Something New: Foreign Direct Investment and Host-Country Entrepreneurial Activity Kim, P. Li, M. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX (2011)
  • Diving in Before Testing the Waters: The Influence of Founder Experience and Occupational Characteristics on Venture Organizing Processes Kim, P. Longest, K. Li, M. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (2011)
  • Seeking Riches amid Uncertainty: Institutional Incentives for Starting Businesses in Emerging Economies Kim, P. Li, M. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2010)
  • Punching In, Punching Out: Work, Leisure, and Entrepreneurial Ambitions Kim, P. Lippmann, S. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2010)
  • Bounded by legacy: Prior experience and the emergence of market logics in the U.S. wholesale electric power market Kim, P. Kim, J. O'Toole, J. European Group of Organizational Studies, Barcelona, Spain (2009)
  • A Comparison of Korean Entrepreneurship among other Emerging Economies Kim, P. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (2009)
  • Standing on Shaky Ground: Frames and Emergent Institutions in the U.S. Wireless Telegraphy Field Kim, P. Lippmann, S. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (2009)
  • Bounded by Legacy: Analogy and Institutional Creation in the U.S. Wholesale Electric Market Kim, P. Kim, J. European Group of Organizational Studies Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain (2009)
  • Seeking Riches Amid Uncertainty: Institutional Incentives for Entreprenurial Entry in Emerging Economies Kim, P. Li, M. Smith Entrepreneurship Research Conference, College Park, MD (2009)
  • Backed by the State: Social Protection and Entrepreneurial Entry into Knowledge Intensive Industries Kim, P. Lee, C. Reynolds, P. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim CA (2008)
  • Bounded by Legacy: Analogy and Institutional Creation in the U.S. Wholesale Electric Market Kim, J. Kim, P. O'Toole, J. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim CA (2008)
  • Forms, Frames, and Fields: a Multi-level Perspective on Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Pre-Commercial Radio Industry Lippmann, S. Kim, P. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston MA (2008)
  • Task-Role Alignment of Social Support and Entrepreneurial Persistence Kim, P. Longest, K. Aldrich, H. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston MA (2008)
  • Bounded by legacy: Prior experience and the emergence of market logics in the U.S. wholesale electric power market Kim, P. Kim, J. O'Toole, J. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA (2008)
  • Backed by the State: Social Protection and Entrepreneurial Entry into Knowledge Intensive Industries Kim, P. Lee, C. Reynolds, P. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Chapel Hill, NC (2008)
  • Backed by the State: Social Protection and Entrepreneurial Entry into Knowledge Intensive Industries Kim, P. Lee, C. Reynolds, P. INSITE Technology Entrepreneurship and Institutions Conference, Madison WI (2008)
  • Bounded by Legacy: Analogy and Institutional Creation in the U.S. Wholesale Electric Market Kim, P. Smith Entrepreneurship Research Conference, College Park MD (2008)
  • Bounded by legacy: Prior experience and the emergence of market logics in the U.S. wholesale electric power market Kim, P. Kim, J. O'Toole, J. Smith Entrepreneurship Research Conference, College Park, MD (2008)
  • Too Close for Comfort: Effectiveness of Close Ties in Support Networks of New Ventures Kim, P. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2007)
  • A Rising Tide Does Not Lift All Boats: State Institutions and the Emergence of Organizations Kim, P. Lee, C. Reynolds, P. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY (2007)
  • Forms, Frames, and Fields: a Multi-level Perspective on Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Pre-Commercial Radio Industry Lippmann, S. Kim, P. Institutions and Entrepreneurship, Ithaca, NY (2007)
  • All in the Family: Advisory Networks for New Ventures Kim, P. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu HI (2005)
  • Firm Creation and the Measurement of New Organizations Kim, P. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2005)
  • Fruits of Co-laboring: Effects Of Entrepreneurial Team Stability on the Organizational Founding Process Kim, P. Aldrich, H. Ruef, M. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston MA (2005)
  • Measuring Operating Status for New Organizations Kim, P. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA (2004)
  • Starting Off Right: Financial Resources and Achieving Operating Status of Start-up Ventures Kim, P. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA (2004)
  • Teams that Work Together, Stay Together: Resiliency of Entrepreneurial Teams Kim, P. Aldrich, H. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Glasgow Scotland (2004)
  • If I were Rich? Financial and Human Capital’s Impact on Becoming a Nascent Entrepreneur Kim, P. Aldrich, H. Keister, L. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA (2003)
  • Hampered by Homophily? The Effects of Team Composition on the Success of Nascent Entrepreneurs’ Organizing Efforts Aldrich, H. Carter, N. Ruef, M. Kim, P. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston MA (2003)
  • Examining Attitudes Towards Racial Profiling Kim, P. Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD (2002)
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