John Marthinsen
- Professor
- Distinguished Chair in Swiss Economics
Academic Division: Economics
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, University of Connecticut
- MA, University of Connecticut
- BA, Lycoming College
- , University of Graz
Academic Interest / Expertise
Economics; International Finance; Swiss Banking; DerivativesAwards & Honors
- 2019 — "Most Impactful Faculty to the Class of 2019" Award, Babson College
- 2009 — "Professor of the Year" (The Kennedy Award),
- 1998 — Distinguished Chair in Swiss Economics of the Glavin Center for Global Leadership,
- 1997 — Golden Key Honor Society, Babson College
- 1990 — "Professor of the Year" (The Kennedy Award),
- 1981 — "Professor of the Year” ,
- 1977 — "Professor of the Year” ,
- 1973 — University Summer Fellowship, University of Connecticut
- 1973 — Phi Beta Kappa, University of Connecticut
- 1973 — Phi Kappa Phi, University of Connecticut
- 1972 — University Pre-doctoral Fellowship, University of Connecticut
- 1970 — National Science Foundation Traineeship, University of Connecticut
- 1969 — John A. Streeter Award for Outstanding Work in Economics, Lycoming College
- 1969 — Omicron Delta Epsilon, Lycoming College
- 1969 — Magna cum Laude, Lycoming College
Degree Courses 2025
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2024). Synthetic Central Bank Digital Currencies and Systemic Liquidity Risks. International Journal of Financial Studies. Vol: 12, Issue: 1, Page: 19. MDPI. link
- Gordon, S.R., Li, Z., Marthinsen, J.E. (2023). A Deep Analysis of the Economics and Finance Research on Cryptocurrencies, . Vol: 228. Economics Letters. link
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2022). The Price and Cost of Bitcoin. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Vol: 85, Page: 280 - 288. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. link
- Mancha, R., Nersessian, D., Marthinsen, J.E. (2022). Reorienting the sharing economy for social benefit: the nonprofit digital platform business model. Social Responsibility Journal. Vol: 18, Issue: 5, Page: 918-934. Emerald. link
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2021). A Theory of Optimum Cryptocurrency Scope. Economics of Innovation and New Technologies. Vol: 30, Issue: 2, Page: 183-196. Taylor & Francis.
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2020). Hyperinflation, Optimal Currency Scopes, and a Cryptocurrency Alternative to Dollarization . Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Vol: 85, Page: 161-173. Elsevier.
- Gai, Y., Marthinsen, J.E. (2019). Medicaid Expansion, HIV Testing, and HIV-Related Risk Behaviors in the United States, 2010–2017. American Journal of Public Health. Vol: 109, Issue: 10, Page: 1404-1412. the American Public Health Association (APHA). link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2017). Regulating Home Equity Protection Companies and Contracts: Are States Making "the Best" an Enemy of "the Good?". Connecticut Insurance Law Journal. Vol: 23, Issue: 1, Page: 1-29. University of Connecticut School of Law. link
- Meier, H.B., Marthinsen, J.E., Gantenbien, P.B., Weber, S.S. (2023). Swiss Finance: Banking, Finance, and Digitalization: Swiss Finance: Banking, Finance, and Digitalization. Page: 550. Springer Nature Palgrave Macmillan. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2020). Demystifying Global Macroeconomics. Page: Total pages = 810. Walter De Gruyter. link
- Marthinsen, J. (2018). Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of Financial Derivatives (Third Edition). Page: 365. DE G (Walter de Gruyter, Inc.). link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2017). International Macroeconomics for Business and Political Leaders. Issue: 978-1138635388/First Edition, Page: 110. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2014). Managing in a Global Economy: Demystifying International Macroeconomics. Issue: 2nd, Page: 816. Cengage Learning.
- Meier, H.B., Marthinsen, J.E., Gantenbein, P.A. (2012). Swiss Finance: Capital Markets, Banking, and the Swiss Value Chain. Page: 396. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2008). Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of Financial Derivatives. Issue: Second Edition. Prentice Hall. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2007). Managing in a Global Economy: Demystifying International Macroeconomics. Thomson South-Western.
- Marthinsen, J.E., Edmunds, J.C. (2003). Wealth by Association; Global Prosperity Through Market Unification. Issue: February/March. Greenwood Publishing Group/Quorum Books.
- Edmunds, J.C., Marthinsen, J.E. (2003). Wealth by Associaton. Praeger Press.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Marthinsen, J.E., Azcona, N. (2017). China’s Miracle Economy: Causes, Consequences, and Current Status. Issue: BAB346-PDF-ENG, Page: 32. Babson Case Collection. link
Book Chapters
- Marthinsen, J.E., Gordon, S.R. (2024). Stablecoins: Stablecoins. Encyclopedia . link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Central Banks: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society . Vol: 1, Issue: Second, Page: 409-413. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Amaranth Advisors: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society. Vol: 1, Issue: Second, Page: 95-100. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Strategic Default: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society. Vol: 7, Issue: Second, Page: 3272-3275. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Société Générale: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society (Second Edition). Vol: 6, Issue: Second, Page: 3196-3201. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Doubling Strategies: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society . Vol: 6, Issue: Second, Page: 3196-3201. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Virtual Currencies: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society. Vol: 7, Issue: Second, Page: 3552-3558. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Banking Secrecy: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society . Vol: 1, Issue: Second, Page: 205-209. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Offshoring and Reshoring: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society . Vol: 5, Issue: Second, Page: 2532-2534. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2018). Dumping: Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society. Vol: 2, Issue: Second, Page: 991-994. SAGE. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2006). Buried treasure: risks and value-added from using corporate treasuries as profit centers: Streben Nach Wertschöpfung (English translation: Pursuing Value Creation). Page: 178 – 197.
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2020). Instructors' Manual for Demystifying Global Macroeconomics: Demystifying Global Macroeconomics. Page: Total pages = 174 . Walter De Greuyter . link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2016). Mehr Intermediäre für Venture Capital Investitionen nötig. Page: 2. AWP Soziale Sicherheit. link
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2014). Overhead Slides for Managing in a Global Economy Demystifying International Macroeconomics. Cengage Learning.
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2014). Test Bank: Managing in a Global Economy Demystifying International Macroeconomics. Cengage Learning.
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2014). Instructor Manual for Managing in a Global Economy Demystifying International Macroeconomics. Issue: 2nd. Cengage Learning.
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Marthinsen, J.E. (2017). India’s Demonetization: What Were They Thinking?: Babson Insight. Babson College. link
Department & College Wide Services
- Faculty Search Committee (Fall 2022 - Spring 2023)