profile image for Heidi Neck

Heidi Neck

  • Professor
  • Jeffry A. Timmons Professor of Entrepreneurship
  • Faculty Director, Inspire Studio
  • Academic Director Babson Academy
Academic Division: Entrepreneurship
Heidi Neck, Ph.D. is the Jeffry Timmons Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at Babson College and serves as the Academic Director of the Babson Academy. This dedicated unit within Babson inspires change in the way universities approach entrepreneurship education. The Babson Academy builds upon Neck's work, including founding the Babson Collaborative, a global institutional membership organization that supports colleges and universities in enhancing their capability and capacity for teaching entrepreneurship. Neck also leads Babson's Symposia for Entrepreneurship Educators (SEE) programs, which further develop faculty from around the world in the art and craft of teaching entrepreneurship. She firmly believes that how we teach is just as important as what we teach.

Neck has received recognition for her teaching excellence at Babson, spanning undergraduate, graduate, and executive education. She has also garnered accolades from international organizations, including the Academy of Management and USASBE, for her pedagogical expertise and course design. In 2016, The Schulze Foundation honored her as the Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year for pushing the frontiers of entrepreneurship education in higher education. She received the same award again in 2022 from USASBE, recognizing her distinguished leadership and impact on entrepreneurship education.

As a Past President of the United States Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship (USASBE), Neck actively contributes to advancing entrepreneurship education. Her research interests encompass entrepreneurship education, the entrepreneurial mindset, and entrepreneurship within organizations. An accomplished educator and author, her market-leading textbook, Entrepreneurship: The Practice & Mindset (currently in its 3rd edition), received the Breakthrough Book of 2018 award from Sage Publishing. Additionally, it earned the 2018 Most Promising New Textbook Award and the 2021 Textbook Excellence Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). Neck's latest textbook, Introduction to Business, takes a modern approach by integrating sustainability and an entrepreneurial lens into general business education. She is also the lead author of Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach, a two-volume series published by Elgar Publishing, designed to help educators teach entrepreneurship in experiential and engaging ways. In total, Neck has authored six books and over 45 refereed articles, book chapters, and research monographs.

Beyond academia, Neck is a sought-after speaker and educator on cultivating the entrepreneurial mindset and advocating for entrepreneurship as a positive force for societal change. She co-founded VentureBlocks, an entrepreneurship education technology company, and achieved a successful exit with FlowDog, a canine aquatic fitness and rehabilitation center located near Boston. Previously, she served on the board of A. Wilbert's & Sons, a seventh-generation, family-owned land-management company in Louisiana. Neck earned her Ph.D. in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship from the University of Colorado at Boulder, holds a B.S. in Marketing from Louisiana State University, and completed her MBA at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her current passion? Pickleball!

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, University of Colorado at Boulder
  • MBA, University of Colorado at Boulder
  • BS, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

Academic Interest / Expertise

entrepreneurship education; mindset; creativity; entrepreneurial learning; idea generation

Awards & Honors

  • 2023 — Karl Vesper Pioneer Award, Notre Dame Experiential Classroom
  • 2022 — Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year, USASBE
  • 2021 — Textbook Excellence Award in Accounting, Business and Economics , Textbook & Academic Authors Association
  • 2018 — Most Promising New Textbook in Business, Textbook & Academics Authors Association
  • 2018 — Breakthrough College Book of 2017, SAGE Publishing
  • 2016 — Schulze Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Exchange, St. Thomas University
  • 2015 — Last Lecturer, Babson MBA Program
  • 2014 — Justin Longenecker Fellow , United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneruship
  • 2011 — Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Award, Academy of Management
  • 2011 — Deans' Award for Excellence in Executive Education Teaching, Babson College
  • 2008 — Best Pedagogy Workshop Award, United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneruship
  • 2008 — Best Workshop Award, United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneruship
  • 2007 — Price Babson Fellows Edwin M & Gloria W. Appel Prize ,
  • 2007 — The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Nominee for Professor of the Year,
  • 2007 — USASBE Best Corporate Entrepreneurship Paper (with Andrew Corbett), USASBE
  • 2006 — USASBE Most Innovative Entrepreneurship Course Distinction for Babson’s Foundation Management Experience, USASBE
  • 2005 — Best Practices in Teaching , USASBE
  • 2005 — Deans’ Award for Excellence in Teaching, Babson College
  • 2004 — Who’s Who Among America’s College Teachers,
  • 2000 — Price Institute Fellowship , University of Colorado at Boulder’s Center for Entrepreneurship
  • 1999 — MacMillan Fellowship , University of Colorado at Boulder’s Center for Entrepreneurship
  • 1999 — Price Institute Fellowship , University of Colorado at Boulder’s Center for Entrepreneurship
  • 1998 — MacMillan Fellowship , University of Colorado at Boulder’s Center for Entrepreneurship
  • 1998 — Price Institute Fellowship , University of Colorado at Boulder’s Center for Entrepreneurship


  • Degree Courses 2024

    • EPS 3529 IDEATE
  • Degree Courses 2023

    • EPS 3529 IDEATE


Journal Articles

  • Donaldson, C., Neck, H.M., Linton, G. (2024). Fearful pathways to social entrepreneurship intention: A fuzzy-set qualitative content analysis. The International Journal of Management Education. Vol: 22.
  • Donaldson, C., Villagrasa, J., Neck, H.M. (2023). The impact of an entrepreneurial ecosystem on student entrepreneurship financing: A signaling Perspective. Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance.
  • Ligouri, E.W., Winkler, C., Neck, H.M., Terjesen, S. (2019). Editorial: Special Issue on Entrepreneurship Education. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Vol: 51, Issue: S1, Page: 4-5.
  • Neck, H.M., Corbett, A.C. (2018). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship . Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Page: 8-41. Sage . link
  • Mueller, S., Brahm, T., Neck, H.M. (2015). Service learning in social entrepreneurship education: Why students want to become social entrepreneurs and how to address their motives. Journal of Enterprising Culture. Vol: 23, Issue: 3, Page: 23. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Neck, C.P., Neck, H.M. (2014). Organzational Slack and the Productive Opportunity of Growing Technology Firms. Journal of Leadership and Management. Vol: 1, Issue: 2, Page: 9-19. Institute of Leadership in Management. link
  • Roberts, J., Hoy, F., Katz, J.A., Neck, H.M. (2014). The Challenges of Infusing Entrepreneurship within Non-Business Disciplines and Measuring Outcomes. Entrepreneurship Research Journal. Vol: 4, Issue: 1, Page: 1-12. Walter de Gruyter GmbH. link
  • Mueller, S., Chambers, L., Neck, H.M. (2013). The Distinctive Skills of Social Entrepreneurs. Journal of Enterprising Culture. Vol: 21, Issue: 3, Page: 301-334. World Scientific Publishing Co.. link
  • DeMartino, R., Neck, H.M., Dwyer, P.A., Treese, C. (2012). Radical innovation in medium-sized enterprises : an exploratory study of strategic intent and innovation process. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. Vol: 15, Issue: 3, Page: 216-234. Inderscience Publishers. link
  • Wellbourne, T.M., Neck, H.M., Meyer, G.D. (2012). The entrepreneurial growth ceiling: Using people and innovation to mitigate risk and break through the growth ceiling in initial public offerings. Management Decision. Vol: 50, Issue: 5, Page: 778-796. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. link
  • Regele, M.D., Neck, H.M. (2012). The Entrepreneurship Education Subecosystem in the United States: Opportunities to Increase Entrepreneurial Activity. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship. Vol: 23, Issue: 2, Page: 25-47. link
  • Kelley, D.J., Neck, H.M., O'Connor, G., Peters, L. (2011). Building an Organizational Capability for Radical Innovation: The Direct Managerial Role. Journal of Engineering Technology Management. Vol: 28, Issue: 4, Page: 249-267.
  • Neck, H.M., Greene, P.G. (2011). Entrepreneurship Education: Known Worlds & New Frontiers. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol: 49, Issue: 1, Page: 55-70.
  • Brush, C.S., Allen, I., Neck, H.M. (2009). The Landscape of Social Entrepreneurship. Business Horizons. Vol: 52, Issue: 1, Page: 13-19.
  • Neck, H.M., Gerde, V., Neck, C. (2008). Teaching Entrepreneurial Mindset: Lessons from Dead Poets Society. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. Issue: 5, Page: 1-18.
  • Corbett, A.C., Neck, H.M., DeTienne, D.M. (2007). How Corporate Entrepreneurs Learn from Fledgling Initiative: Entrepreneurial Cognition and the Development of a Termination Script. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol: 31, Issue: 6, Page: 829-852.
  • Neck, H.M., Corbett, A., DeTienne, D. (2007). How Corporate Entrepreneurs Learn from Fledgling Innovation Initiatives: Cognition and the Development of a Termination Script. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. Vol: 31, Issue: 6, Page: 829-852.
  • Neck, H.M., Meyer, G.D., Cohen, B., Corbett, A.C. (2004). An entrepreneurial system view of new venture creation. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol: 42, Issue: 2, Page: 190-208.
  • Zacharakis, A.L., Neck, H.M., Bygrave, W.D., Reynolds, P. (2003). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: National Entrepreneurship Assessment: United States of America. Babson College Publishing.
  • Neck, C.P., Neck, H.M., Manz, H.M., Godwin, J. (1999). “I think I can; I think I can”: A self-leadership perspective toward enhancing entrepreneur thought patterns, self-efficacy, and performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology. Vol: 14, Issue: 6, Page: 477-501.
  • Neck, C.P., Neck, H.M., Manz, C.C. (1997). Thought self-leadership: Mind management for entrepreneurs. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. Vol: 2, Issue: 1, Page: 25-36.
  • Goel, S., Manz, C.C., Neck, C.P., Neck, H.M. (1995). Beyond traditional leadership: Leading others to lead themselves. Journal of Leadership Studies. Vol: 2, Page: 81-92.


  • Neck, H.M., Neck, C.P., Murray, E.L. (2024). Entrepreneurship: The Practice & Mindset, 3rd edition.
  • Neck, H.M., Neck, C., Murray, E. (2023). Introduction to Business, 1st edition: Introduction to Business. Sage Publications.
  • Cohen, D., Pool, G., Neck, H.M. (2021). The IDEATE Method: Identifying High Potential Entrepreneurial Ideas. Sage.
  • Neck, H.M., Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G. (2021). Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice Based Approach, Vol. 2: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice Based Approach, Vol. 2. Page: 392. Edward Elgar Publishing . link
  • Neck, H.M., Liu, Y. (2021). Innovation in Global Entrepreneurship Education: Teaching Entrepreneurship in Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Neck, H.M., Neck, C.P., Murray, E.L. (2021). Entrepreneurship: The Practice & Mindset 2e. Sage.
  • Neck, H.M., Neck, C.P., Murray, E. (2017). Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset. Issue: 1. Sage.
  • Neck, H.M., Greene, P.G., Brush, C.S. (2014). Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach. Page: 352. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Neck, H.M., Corbett, A. (2007). Entrepreneurs and corporate managers do think differently: Empirical implications for corporate venturing, entrepreneurship education, and public policy: . Proceedings of the 2007 USASBE National Conference.
  • Neck, H.M., Spinelli, S. (2006). The Timmons model of the entrepreneurship process: Entrepreneurship: The Engine of Growth. Issue: 2, Page: 1-18. Greenwood Publishing.
  • Neck, H.M., Bourne, J., Schiffman, S.J. (2006). The Babson-Olin Symposium for Engineering Educations: Helping engineering faculty teach entrepreneurship: Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Cases and Teaching Notes

  • Neck, H.M. (2009). Earthwatch, Babson Case # 172-C09-A.

Book Chapters

  • Neck, H.M., Grossman, E., Winkel, D., Stamp, J. (2022). The elusive role of play in entrepreneurship education: Theorising Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Neck, H.M., Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G. (2021). Introduction to Teaching Entrepreneurship: Volume 2. Vol: 2, Page: 2-16. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Neck, H.M., Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G. (2021). Are you Teaching Entrepreneurially? A Self-Assessment. Vol: 2, Page: 17-20. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Engel, J.S., Schindehutte, M., Neck, H.M., Smilor, R., Rossi, B. (2016). What I have learned about teaching entrepreneurship: Perspectives from five master educators: Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 2016. Page: 2-25. Elgar.
  • Brush, C.S., Neck, H.M., Greene, P.G. (2015). A Practice-Based Approach to Entrepreneurship Education: Evolving Entrepreneurial Education: Innovation in the Babson Classroom. Page: 16-35. Emerald Publsihing. link
  • Neck, H.M., Greene, P.G., Brush, C.S. (2014). Practice-based entrepreneurship education using actionable theory: Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 2014 (Annals in Entrepreneurship Education series). Page: 3-20. Edward Elgar Pub.
  • Ceru, D.J., Neck, H.M. (2014). Exercises to practice creation: Mind dumping for ideation: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach. Page: 194-199. Edward Elgar Pub.
  • Yamakawa, Y., Neck, H.M. (2014). Exercises to practice experimentation: Fear of failure: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach. Page: 254-259. Edward Elgar Pub.
  • Neck, H.M. (2011). Cognitive Ambidexterity: The Underlying Mental Model of the Entrepreneruial Leader: The New Entrepreneurial Leader: Developing Leaders Who Shape Social and Economic Opportunity. Page: 24-42. Berrett-Koehler.
  • Neck, H.M. (2011). Entrepreneurship Education: New Perspectives on Entrepreneurship. Page: 125-133. New Perspectives Publishing.
  • Neck, H.M. (2008). Opportunities for Social Entrepreneurship. In: New Venture Creation. Issue: 8th ed. McGraw-Hill.
  • Kelley, D.J., Neck, H.M., O'Connor, G., Paulson, A. (2005). Corporate Entrepreneurship Through Radical Innovation: Key Organizational and Initiative Level Mechanisms: Kluwer Series on International Series in Entrepreneurship Research: Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing. Page: 23-48. Kluwer.
  • Zahra, S., Neck, H.M., Kelley, D.J. (2004). International Corporate Entrepreneurship and the Evolution of Organizational Competence: A Knowledge-Based Perspective: Advances in Entrepreneurship Research. Page: 145-172. JAI Press.
  • Kelley, D.J., Neck, H.M., O'Connor, G., Paulson, A. (2002). Developing Radical Innovation Capabilities: Opposing Forces From the Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Systems: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2002.
  • Meyer, G.D., Neck, H.M., Meeks, M. (2002). The entrepreneurship-strategic management interface: Strategic Entrepreneurship. Page: 19-44. Blackwell.
  • Eisenhardt, K.M., Brown, S., Neck, H.M. (2000). Competing on the entrepreneurial edge: Entrepreneurial Strategies. Page: 49-62. Sage Publications.


  • Greene, P.G., Neck, H.M., Brush, C.S., Eisenman, E.J., Perkins, S. (2015). Entrepreneurship Education: A Global Consideration- From Practice to Policy Around the World: Entrepreneurship Education: A Global Consideration- From Practice to Policy Around the World. WISE Foundation. link
  • Costello, C., Neck, H.M., Kiser, C.Y., Meisel, D. (2013). Masterclass: A Special Entrepreneurs of All Kinds Issue: Babson Entrepreneur Experience Lab. Babson College. link
  • Costello, C., Neck, H.M., Dziobek, K. (2012). Entrepreneurs of All Kinds: Elements of the Entrepreneurs Inside Experience. Babson Entrepreneur Experience Lab. link
  • Neck, H.M., Costello, C., Williams, R. (2011). Elements of the Entrepreneur Experince. Babson Entrepreneur Experience Lab.
  • Neck, H.M. (2009). GEM United States 2008 Executive Report. Babson College.
  • Neck, H.M., Corbett, A.C., Neck, H.M. (in press). An empirical investigation of the cognitions of corporate entrepreneurs: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Page: 631-645.
  • Neck, H.M., Zacharakis, A.L., Bygrave, W.D., Reynolds, P. (2003). National entrepreneurship assessment, United States 2002 Executive Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership .
  • Neck, H.M., Zacharakis, A.L., Bygrave, W.D. (2002). National entrepreneurship assessment, United States 2001 Executive Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.

Working Papers

  • Brush, C.S., Neck, H.M. (2008). Understanding Entrepreneurial Thinking through the Contemporary View of Metaphor: Entrepreneur as Improvisational Actor.


  • Neck, H.M., Neck, C.P. (2023). Five Elements to Help Universities Better Serve Their Main Stakeholders: Students. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2020). LinkedIn. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2020). If you are teaching entrepreneurship online, try having a dress code!. LinkedIn. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2015). Two Big Lessons From Improvisation That Can Help Entrepreneurs Get Unstuck: link
  • Neck, H.M. (2015). The Entrepreneurial Skillset of Storytelling: Forbes. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2014). Entrepreneurship Requires Practice: Part 1 -- The Five Practices: Forbes. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2010). Idea generation: Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship. Page: 27-52. Wiley.
  • Neck, H.M. (2010). Social Entrepreneurship: Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship. Page: 411-436. Wiley.
  • Neck, H.M. (2005). Annotated Entrepreneurship Research Bibliography: International Conference on Small Business (ICSB) extranet. link
  • Neck, H.M., Welbourne, T.M., Meyer, G.D. (2000). Competing on knowledge: Young high-technology initial public offerings build for growth: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Page: 636-648. Babson College.
  • Neck, H.M., Cohen, B.D., Corbett, A. . (1999). A genealogy and taxonomy of high-technology new venture creation within an entrepreneurial system: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Page: 541-555. Babson College.
  • Welbourne, T.M., Neck, H.M., Meyer, G.D. (1999). Human resource slack and venture growth: An exploratory analysis of growing employees at a faster rate than sales: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Page: 480-490. Babson College.
  • Neck, H.M. (1998). Guest Column: Many questions remain in ‘tree’ business study: Boulder County Business Report. Page: A5.
  • Welbourne, T.M., Neck, H.M., Meyer, G.D. (1998). Getting past the entrepreneurial growth ceiling: A longitudinal study of IPO firm growth through solution driven strategies: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Page: 426 -439. Babson College.

Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)

  • Neck, H.M. (2019). Channel the Entrepreneurial Mindset to Overcome Fear. Chronicle of Higher Education.
  • Neck, H.M. (2017). Top five things entrepreneurship educators worry about. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2017). What to do when you are told to teach entrepreneurship: LinkedIn. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2017). Pitch. Pitch. Pitch. Pitch!: link
  • Neck, H.M. (2017). You failed. Now what? Take a bow. : link
  • Neck, H.M. (2017). I don't have the resources. Stop whining and bootstrap it!: link
  • Neck, H.M. (2017). Want to find out if your idea has legs? Then start interviewing!: link
  • Neck, H.M. (2017). Testing new ideas. Act in order to learn: link
  • Neck, H.M. (2017). Three ways to develop an entrepreneurial mindset: link
  • Neck, H.M. (2016). Design thinking or the importance of being human: Arabian Business. link
  • Neck, H.M., Greene, P.G. (2015). Identifying Business Opportunities Through the Practice of Play: Babson Insight for Entrepreneurship Educators. Babson College. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2014). A New Class of Entrepreneurial Leaders: Babson Insight for Entrepreneurship Educators. Babson College. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2014). A Practice-Based Approach to Entrepreneurship Education: Babson Insight for Entrepreneurship Educators. Babson College. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2014). Managing Discomfort: The Challenge of Being an Entrepreneur Inside an Oranization: Babson Insight for Entrepreneurship Educators. Babson College. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2014). Entrepreneurship Requires Practice: The Practice of Empathy: Forbes. link
  • Neck, H.M. (2013). The Five Practices of Entrepreneurs Inside and Out: Babson Insight for Entrepreneurship Educators. Babson Park College. link


  • Five Ways to Modernize Your Introduction to Business Curriculum Neck, H. Neck, C. Sage Publishing Webinar Series, Online (2023)
  • The Entrepreneurial Educator: All Disciplines Invited Neck, H. Teaching & Learning Conference at the Academy of Management, Boston, MA (2023)
  • Teaching the IDEATE Method of Idea Generation Neck, H. Babson Collaborative Summit, Santiago, Chile (2023)
  • What Do Business Students Want in Today’s College Classroom? Perspectives from Both Small and Large Classroom Instructors Neck, H. Neck, C. Sage Publishing Webinar Series, Online (2023)
  • Entrepreneurship as a Life Skill Neck, H. Texas Community College Teacher's Association, Houston, TX (2023)
  • The Elusive Role of Play in Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Glasgow, Scotland (2023)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurially Neck, H. USASBE Doctoral Consortium, Online (2023)
  • Selling Introduction to Business Neck, H. Sage Publications Winter Sales Conference, Boca Raton, FL (2022)
  • The Elusive Role of Play in Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. Reflections on Entrepreneurship Education Seminar, Online (2022)
  • The Role of Effectuation Theory in Developing ET&A Neck, H. Effectuation Japan 2022, Tokyo (2022)
  • What If Entrepreneurship Was a College Sport? Neck, H. USASBE Longenecker Mentor Program , Online (2022)
  • Entrepreneurship Education and The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Neck, H. Liguouri, E. Jones, C. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Conference, Melbourne, Australia (2022)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurially Neck, H. USASBE Doctoral Consortium , Online (2022)
  • Innovative Teaching and Learning Methodologies in Entrepreneurship Neck, H. Ignite Africa, South Africa / Virtual (2021)
  • The Power of Play in Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. One Hour Entrepreneurship Educator Webinar Series, Online/Virtual (2021)
  • How We Teach is Just as Important as What We Teach Neck, H. HBCU Entrepreneurship Virtual Conference, Maryland / Virtual (2021)
  • The Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystem of Babson College Neck, H. International Seminar of SIDEI: Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Virtual / Peru (2021)
  • Entrepreneurial Energy: What it feels like to think and act entrepreneurially and all the things you can do with that Neck, H. Mid-Ohio Valley Entrepreneurship Expo, Marietta Ohio (2021)
  • Innovation in Global Entrepreneurship Education: Babson Collaborative and International Comparison Neck, H. Liu, Y. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual (2021)
  • Supporting the Development of Entrepreneurial Mindsets | Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach Neck, H. Irish Academy of Management Conference, Ireland / Virtual (2021)
  • Bring Play Into the Entrepreneurship Classroom Winkel, D. Neck, H. Grossman, E. Stamp, J. Deshpande Symposium for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, Virtual (2021)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurially Online Neck, H. NTNU Engage, Norway (online) (2020)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurially Neck, H. GEM Global Annual Meeting, Miami, FL (2020)
  • Managing the Classsroom Neck, H. AACSB Bridge Program, Tempe, AZ (2020)
  • Creating Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Neck, H. Hart, J. USASBE, New Orleans, LA (2020)
  • Doctoral Consortium 2020: Hopefully Useful Teaching Exercises Neck, H. USASBE, New Orleans, LA (2020)
  • The IDEATE Method: Identifying High-Potential Entrepreneurial Ideas Cohen, D. Poole, G. Neck, H. USASBE, New Orleans, LA (2020)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurially Neck, H. Brush, C. Norway Forum on Entrepreneurship Education, Trondheim, Norway (2019)
  • Moderator, Panel Discussion: GEM Past, Present & Future Opportunities for Research & Guidance for Policy Makers Lange, J. Bygrave, W. Kelley, D. Neck, H. Zacharakis, A. Majbouri, M. U.S. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor U.S. 20th Anniversary Celebration, Wellesley, MA (2019)
  • Entrepreneurial Teaching for an Entrepreneurial Generation Neck, H. University of Southern Main Faculty Development Workshop, Portland, ME (2019)
  • Managing the Classroom Neck, H. AACSB Bridge Program, Miami, FL (2019)
  • Managing the Classroom Neck, H. AACSB Bridge Program, Dallas, TX (2019)
  • Beyond the Entrepreneurial Mindset Neck, H. Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) , Dallas TX (2019)
  • Hopefully Useful Teaching Exercises Neck, H. United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (USASBE), St. Pete Beach, FL (2019)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practical Aproach Neck, H. Sebrae Brazo; ConheCER - International Seminar on Entrepreneurship Education, Maceio Brazil (2018)
  • Managing the Classroom Neck, H. AACSB Bridge Program, New York City (2018)
  • Designing Field-Building Solutions Brush, C. Neck, H. Corbett, A. Ashoka Exchange Senior Leaders Experience, Boston MA (2018)
  • Entrepreneurial Thought & Action Brush, C. Neck, H. Corbett, A. , . Ashoka Exchange Senior Leaders Experience, Boston MA (2018)
  • Entrepreneurial Intelligence Neck, H. TEDx Babson, Wellesley, MA (2018)
  • Entrepreneurial Thought & Action Neck, H. VistaPrint Speaker Series, Waltham, MA (2018)
  • The Practice of Entrepreneurship Neck, H. SAGE Publishing Sales Forum, Thousand Oaks, CA (2018)
  • Designing the Future of Entrepreneurship Education Research Neck, H. Liguori, E. Winkler, C. Terjesen, S. De Hoyos Ruperto, M. USASBE Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA (2018)
  • Entrepreneurship: It's a Life Skill Neck, H. Entrepreneurship Seminar, Potsdam, NY (2017)
  • The Power of Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. Korea Association of Small Business Studies Annual Conference, Seoul, South Korea (2017)
  • Entrepreneurship: It's a Life Skill Neck, H. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA (2017)
  • Entrepreneurship: It's a Life Skill Neck, H. University of Oklahoma , Normal, OK (2017)
  • Inside My Entrepreneurship Classroom Neck, H. International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (2017)
  • Entrepreneurship: The Practice & Mindset Neck, H. Penn State Faculty Retreate, State College, PA (2017)
  • The Practice & Mindset of Entrepreneurship Neck, H. CCSBE Annual Conference, Quebec, Canada (2017)
  • Practicing Entrepreneurship Through Design Thinking Neck, H. Babson Worldwide Connect, Bangkok Thailand (2017)
  • The Importance of Entrepreneurship Education Cannot be Overstated Neck, H. ICSB Webinar Series, Webinar (2017)
  • Five Ways to Elevate Your Teaching Neck, H. Sage Authors Webinar Series, Webinar (2017)
  • Design Thinking for Idea Generation Neck, H. Weisman Scholars Summit, Wellesley, MA (2017)
  • It's Time to Be Bold...To Take Action...To Create the Future Neck, H. USASBE Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2017)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship as a Practice Neck, H. Greene, P. Brush, C. Bodo Graduate School- Faculty Research Seminar, Bodo, Norway (2016)
  • If We Cannot be Entrepreneurial Educators then... Neck, H. Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education Annual Conference, Decatur, IL (2016)
  • Kickoff with Heidi Neck Neck, H. USASBE Teaching Tuesday Podcasts, Online (2016)
  • The Journey I'm On Neck, H. Entrepreneurship & Innovation Exchange Conference, Minneapolis, MN (2016)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice Based Approach Greene, P. Neck, H. Brush, C. PSU Entrepreneurship Workshop, State College, PA (2016)
  • Managing the Classroom Neck, H. AACSB Bridge Program, St. Louis, MO (2016)
  • Defining Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. WISE Workshop on Global Entrepreneurship Education, Qatar (2016)
  • Entrepreneurship education: The Mindset & Practice Neck, H. California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference, San Diego (2016)
  • Design Thinking Neck, H. Babson Connect Worldwide, Dubai (2016)
  • Raising the Entrepreneur Generation Moffet, J. Neck, H. El Tahri, N. Tang, M. Towne, A. World Innovation Summit on Education, Doha, Qatar (2015)
  • Entrepreneurial Thought & Action: Quit Your Yappin' and Go Create Something Neck, H. WildHearts Global Entrepreneurial Leaders Summit, Babson College (2015)
  • Practicing Entrepreneurship in the Classroom Neck, H. Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Orlando, FL (2015)
  • Managing the Classroom Neck, H. AACSB Bridge Program, Babson College (2015)
  • Engagement, Active Learning, and Practice-Based Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. Black Hills State University Faculty Development Program, Spearfish, ND (2015)
  • The Five Practices of Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. OPEN 2015, VentureWell, Washington D.C. (2015)
  • What do we know about what works in entrepreneurship education Neck, H. 2016 USASBE (United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) Conference, Tampa, FL (2015)
  • A Video Game for Opportunity Recognition: Come Meet the Nanu Neck, H. Yakushin, A. United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference, Tampa, FL (2015)
  • Getting Out of the Classroom: Using co-curricular programs to develop future entrepreneurs Neck, H. Salas, D. Duval-Couetil, N. Vanevenhoven, J. Craft, J. United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Tampa, FL (2015)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach Neck, H. Innovation Academy, Dublin, Ireland (2014)
  • The Four Principles of Entrepreneurship Neck, H. Innovation Academy Commencement Ceremony, Killkenny, Ireland (2014)
  • Spreading the Word: Innovation in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Neck, H. Edelman, L. Corbett, A. Haynie, M. Sama, L. Preconference workshop at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA (2014)
  • Strategies to Think and Design Entrepreneurship Education Out of the Box, Neck, H. Verzat, C. Toutain, O. Naia, A. Martin, B. Krueger, N. Pittaway, L. Greene, P. Fiet, J. Edelman, L. Lans, T. Preconference workshop at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA (2014)
  • The Practices of Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. 2nd International Conference of Entrepreneurship Education, Girona Spain (2014)
  • A Practice-Based Approach to Teaching Entrepreneurship: Where Invisible Theory Meets Action Greene, P. Brush, C. Neck, H. USASBE 28th Annual Conference, Dallas, TX (2014)
  • Creativity & Experimentation Through Design Thinking Neck, H. Brush, C. UNICON Global Executive Education Conference, Wellesley, MA (2013)
  • The Practices of Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. Roundtable of Entrepreneurship Educators, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2013)
  • What Type of Entrepreneur Are You? Neck, H. National Staff Meeting, Boston, MA (2013)
  • Redefining the Role of Theory and Practice in Management Education Brush, C. Greene, P. Neck, H. Academy of Management Teaching and Learning Conference, Orlando, FL (2013)
  • The Art of the Pivot Neck, H. Babson College Black Affinity Conference, Wellesley, MA (2013)
  • Design Thinking for Opportunity Recognition Neck, H. Gateway Entrepreneurship Research Conference, St. Louis, MO (2013)
  • Action Trumps Everything Neck, H. Harambe Entrepreneur Alliance for African Entrepreneurs Annual Symposium, Wellesley, MA (2013)
  • Women’s Entrepreneurship Neck, H. Danesfort Dialogues Series, Belfast, Northern Ireland (2013)
  • Entrepreneurial Thought & Action Neck, H. Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland (2013)
  • Entrepreneurial Thought & Action: Babson’s Entrepreneurship Education Paradigm Neck, H. Enterprising Donegal Business Week, Letterkenny, Ireland (2013)
  • Action Trumps Everything Neck, H. Innovation Academy Conference for Entrepreneurship Education, Dublin Ireland (2013)
  • Entrepreneurial Thought & Action: Babson’s Entrepreneurship Education Paradigm Neck, H. Invest Northern Ireland, Belfast, Northern Ireland (2013)
  • What is Entrepreneurship Education? What Can It Be? Neck, H. Sligo Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ireland (2013)
  • The Role of Government in the Support of Entrepreneurship Neck, H. , Dublin Ireland (2013)
  • Action Trumps Everything: What and How We are Teaching Entrepreneurship.” Neck, H. , New York, NY (2013)
  • Elements of the Entrepreneurs Inside Experience Neck, H. Schlesinger, P. SmartBriefs, New York, NY (2013)
  • What’s Next in Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) Annual Conference, Washington, DC (2012)
  • Design Thinking Neck, H. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2012)
  • Managing the Classroom: First Day, Last Day, and Everything in Between Neck, H. AACB Bridge Program, Columbus, OH (2012)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship Neck, H. Leeds College of Business, Boulder, CO (2012)
  • Integrating Entrepreneurship Education Neck, H. Presentation to WPI Faculty, Worcester, MA (2012)
  • Do Something. Take Action. Change Your World Neck, H. South Dakota Entrepreneurship Education Conference, Brookings, SD (2012)
  • The Entrepreneurial Professor Neck, H. Greene, P. United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference, New Orleans, LA (2012)
  • Entrepreneurship Education: Do Something Neck, H. Irish Institute at Boston College, Boston, MA (2011)
  • Entrepreneurial Thought & Action Neck, H. , . The Lewis Institute Faculty Forum on Social Innovation Education, Babson Park, MA (2011)
  • Students Practicing Entrepreneurship Neck, H. Western New England Entrepreneurship Education Conference, Springfield, MA (2011)
  • Entrepreneruial Thought & Action: A New Paradigm for Babson College Neck, H. Center for Information Management Systems, Babson Park, MA (2011)
  • The Entrepreneurship Method Neck, H. The Global Summit on Educating Entrepreneurs, Ann Arbor, MI (2011)
  • Managing the Classroom: first Day, Last day, and Everything Between Neck, H. AACB Bridge Program, George Mason Univeristy, VA (2011)
  • The Entrepreneurial Spirit Neck, H. Goodwill Industries of Northern New England Annual Leadership Day, Portland, ME (2011)
  • Action Trumps Everything: An Exploration of Entrepreneurial Thought & Action Neck, H. Babson College Corporate Recruiter Day, Babson Park, MA (2011)
  • Managing the Classroom: first Day, Last day, and Everything Between Neck, H. AACB Bridge Program, Irvine, CA (2011)
  • Managing the Classroom: First Day, Last Day, and Everything in Between Neck, H. AACB Bridge Program, Irvine, CA (2011)
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship and the Micro-foundations of Dynamic Capabilities Neck, H. Corbett, A. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Switzerland (2010)
  • Generation Impact: Student preferences to start Social or Traditional Ventures Neck, H. US Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference, Nashville, TN (2010)
  • A Crucial World Mission: Teaching the Entrepreneurial Mindset Neck, H. Stanford's Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education, Lima, Peru (2010)
  • Teaching the Entrepreneurial Mindset Neck, H. , Lima, Peru (2010)
  • Stimulating the Entrepreneurial Mindset Neck, H. Denmark National Conference on Entrepreneurship Education, Arhus, Denmark (2010)
  • Managing the Classroom: first Day, Last day, and Everything Between Neck, H. AACB Bridge Program, Austin, TX (2010)
  • The Case Method of Teaching Neck, H. Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD (2010)
  • Practicing the Entrepreneurial Mindset Neck, H. Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI (2010)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship Using Design Pedagogy Noyes, E. Neck, H. Schiffman, S. NCIIA Experiential Education Workshop, San Francisco, CA (2010)
  • Entrepreneurship Pedagogy: Known Worlds and New Frontiers Neck, H. Pillar Session at US Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Nashville, TN (2010)
  • Social Entrepreneurship by Design Neck, H. USASBE's Most Innovative Entrepreneurship Education Course, Nashville, TN (2010)
  • Entrepreneurship Pedagogy: The Timmons Model Neck, H. 2009 HBCU Faculty Conference on Entrepreneurship, Washington, DC (2009)
  • Managing the Classroom: first Day, Last day, and Everything Between Neck, H. AACB Bridge Program, Columbus, OH (2009)
  • Developing Teaching Cases from Research Neck, H. STEP Global Academic Meeting, Wellesley, MA (2009)
  • The Entrepreneurial Teacher, The Entrepreneurial University, and The Entrepreneurial Student Neck, H. Generation E Conference, Rochester, NY (2009)
  • The Adventure of Entrepreneurship: A Video Case of Ernest Schackleton Neck, H. Ceru, D. United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Anaheim, CA (2009)
  • Exploring Social Entrepreneurship Activity in the United States: For Profit Venture Generating Social and Economic Value Brush, C. Allen, I. Neck, H. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (2008)
  • Social Entrepreneurship Ceru, D. Brush, C. Greene, P. Neck, H. Schiffman, S. USASBE Conference, San Antonio, TX (2008)
  • “Entrepreneur as Improvisational Actor,” Professional Development Workshop session Neck, H. 2007 National Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia PA (2007)
  • Cognitive scripts of corporate entrepreneurs: The importance of concomitance and alignment Corbett, A. Neck, H. National Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2007)
  • The cognition termination curve: Failure and learning in corporate entrepreneurship Corbett, A. Neck, H. DeTienne, D. National Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelpia, PA (2007)
  • Entrepreneurs and corporate managers do think differently: Empirical implications for corporate venturing, entrepreneurship education, and public policy Corbett, A. Neck, H. United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship National Conference, Orlando, FL (2007)
  • Welcome to Babson College Neck, H. 2006 Babson Undergraduate Orientation Opening Celebration, Babson Park, Massachusetts (2006)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. [None Given], NETS UK (2006)
  • Teaching High School Students Using the Case Method Neck, H. [None Given], NFTE University (2006)
  • The Foundation Management Experience Neck, H. [None Given], [None Given] (2006)
  • The Foundation Management Experience Neck, H. [None Given], [None Given] (2006)
  • The Opportunity of Entrepreneurship: Integrating Entrepreneurship & the Liberal Arts Neck, H. [None Given], Ohio (2006)
  • The Babson-Olin Symposium for Engineering Educations: Helping engineering faculty teach entrepreneurship Neck, H. Bourne, J. Schiffman, S. American Society for Engineering Educators national meeting , Chicago, IL (2006)
  • An Empirical Investigation of the Cognitions of Corporate Entrepreneurs Corbett, A. Neck, H. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN (2006)
  • The Foundation Management Experience Neck, H. Babson Town Meeting , [None Given] (2006)
  • Integrating Entrepreneurship into Engineering Curricula Neck, H. Babson-Olin Symposium for Engineering Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2006)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. Price Babson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2006)
  • Motivating Engineers to Engage in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Neck, H. the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance annual meeting, Portland, OR (2006)
  • Foundation Management Experience Neck, H. Stoddard, D. USASBE’s Most Innovative Entrepreneurship Education Course , Tuscon, AZ (2006)
  • Governance of Corporate Entrepreneurs: The Applicability of Agency Theory Kelley, D. Neck, H. Peters, L. O'Connor, G. 2005 Academy of Management Conference, Honolulu, HI (2005)
  • Improvisation in the Entrepreneurship Classroom Neck, H. 2005 United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Indian Wells, CA (2005)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. [None Given], NETS UK (2005)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. Babson Dream Gate Program , [None Given] (2005)
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship Through Radical Innovation in Medium Sized Enterprises DeMartino, R. Neck, H. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson Park, Massachusetts (2005)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. Price Babson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2005)
  • Action Learning & Rites of Passage Neck, H. SEE Summit, Babson College (2004)
  • Resources for Entrepreneurship Educators Neck, H. 2004 Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division Doctoral Consortium, New Orleans, LA (2004)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. [None Given], [None Given] (2004)
  • IDEALAB Neck, H. Entrepreneurship & Innovation Conference, [none given] (2004)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. Price Babson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2004)
  • Beyond the Case Method Neck, H. PriceBabson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2004)
  • Risk and Improvisation Neck, H. [None Given], NFTE University (2003)
  • Applying Agency Perspectives on Venture Capital to the Corporate Entrepreneurship Domain Kelley, D. Neck, H. O'Connor, G. Peters, L. 2003 Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson Park, MA (2003)
  • The Educators Toolbox Neck, H. PriceBabson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2003)
  • Teaching High School Students Using the Case Method Neck, H. [None Given], NFTE University (2003)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. Price Babson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2003)
  • The Educators Toolbox Neck, H. PriceBabson @ Berkeley Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, Berkeley (2003)
  • Beyond the Case Method Neck, H. PriceBabson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2003)
  • Developing Radical Innovation Capabilities: Opposing Forces From the Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Systems. Kelley, D. Neck, H. O'Connor, G. Paulson, A. 2002 Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boulder, Colorado (2002)
  • National entrepreneurship assessment, United States 2002 Executive Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Neck, H. [None Given], Washington D. C. (2002)
  • Entrepreneurship – A Contact Sport Neck, H. [None Given], [None Given] (2002)
  • The productive opportunity of entrepreneurial firms: Investment for future growth Neck, H. Meyer, G. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference , Boulder, Colorado (2002)
  • Organizational slack and the productive opportunity of growing firms Neck, H. National Academy of Management Meetings, Denver, Colorado (2002)
  • IdeaLab Neck, H. Price Babson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2002)
  • Beyond the Case Method Neck, H. PriceBabson Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators, [None Given] (2002)
  • Looking back and looking forward: The status of entrepreneurship research Meeks, M. Neck, H. Meyer, G. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Jonkoping, Sweden (2001)
  • Competing on knowledge: Young high-technology initial public offerings build for growth Neck, H. Welbourne, T. Meyer, G. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson Park, MA (2000)
  • Entrepreneurship Data Sources: Attention All Researchers Neck, H. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship symposium, San Antonio, TX (2000)
  • New venture creation within an entrepreneurial system: Interim results from the Boulder County genealogy study Neck, H. [None Given], Brisbane, Australia (1999)
  • The Boulder County genealogy study Neck, H. [None Given], Colorado (1999)
  • A genealogy and taxonomy of high-technology new venture creation within an entrepreneurial system Neck, H. Cohen, B. Corbett, A. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference , Columbia, SC (1999)
  • Human resource slack and venture growth: An exploratory analysis of growing employees at a faster rate than sales Welbourne, T. Neck, H. Meyer, G. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference , Columbia, SC (1999)
  • Competing on the entrepreneurial edge Neck, H. [None Given], University of Colorado (1998)
  • Getting past the entrepreneurial growth ceiling: A longitudinal study of IPO firm growth through solution driven strategies Neck, H. Welbourne, T. Meyer, G. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Ghent, Belgium (1998)
  • Certification reciprocity: An explanation of added value in the venture capitalist - IPO firm relationship Neck, H. Meyer, G. National Academy of Management Meetings , San Diego, CA (1998)
  • Dead Poet’s Society: Eight lessons for entrepreneurs Neck, H. Neck, C. Meyer, G. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Clearwater, FL (1998)
  • Growing “super gazelles”: An empirical study of entrepreneurial training strategies and venture hyper-performance Monroe, S. Price, C. Neck, H. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference , Babson Park, MA (1997)
  • Developing opportunistic thinking: Obstacles can’t exist in entrepreneurship Neck, C. Neck, H. National Academy of Management Meetings, Boston, MA (1997)
  • Through the lens of Kathleen Eisenhardt: Structured chaos as entrepreneurial strategy Neck, H. Hatem, T. National Academy of Management Meetings, Boston, MA (1997)
  • Opportunities or obstacles? A self-leadership perspective toward understanding employee perceptions of challenging situations Neck, C. Manz, C. Neck, H. National Academy of Management Meetings , Cincinnati, OH (1996)
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