Tina Opie
- Associate Professor
- Johnson Family Term Chair
Academic Division: Management
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, New York University
- MBA, University of Virginia Darden School of Business
- BBA, James Madison University
Academic Interest / Expertise
Organizational BehaviorAwards & Honors
- 2024 — George R. Terry Book Award, Academy of Management
- 2023 — Thinkers50 Breakthrough Idea Award Shortlist, Thinkers50
- 2022 — Forbes 10 Best Business Books of 2022 (Forbes 10 Best Business Books of 2022), Forbes Magazine
- 2022 — 2022 OWL Award Longlist (https://bookpal.com/blog/2022-owl-award-longlist/), BookPal
- 2022 — 2022 Porchlight Business Book Awards Longlist (https://www.porchlightbooks.com/blog/news-opinion/2022-porchlight-business-book-awards-longlist), PorchLight
- 2022 — Harvard Business Review 100, Harvard Business Review
- 2017 — Poets & Quants- Top 40 Undergraduate Business Professor, Poets & Quants
- 2016 — Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence- All Programs, Babson College
- 2016 — Dr. Martin Luther King Leadership Award, Babson College
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Akinola, M., Opie, T.R., Ho, G., Castel, S., Unzueta, M.M., Kristal, A., Stevens, F.G., Brief, A.P., Zambrotta, N.D. (2024). Does Broadening the Term “Diversity” Correlate with a Lowered Representation of Racial Minorities and Women in Organizations?. Academy of Management Discoveries. Vol: 10, Issue: 4, Page: 568-588. Academy of Management.
- Opie, T.R., Washington, E. (2023). Why Companies Can - and Should- Recommit to DEI in the Wake of the SCOTUS Decision. Harvard Business Review (Digital Edition).
- Akinola, M., Opie, T.R., Ho, G.C., Castel, S., Unzueta, M.M., Brief, A.P. (in press). Diversity Isn’t What It Used to Be: The Consequences of the Broadening of Diversity. Academy of Management Insights. Academy of Management.
- Thomason, B., Opie, T.R., Livingston, B.A., Sitzmann, T. (2023). "Woke" Diversity Strategies: Science or Sensationalism?. Academy of Management Perspectives. Academy of Management.
- Opie, T.R., Livingston, B.A. (2022). Dig, Bridge, Collectively Act. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). Vol: 100, Issue: 5, Page: 80-87. Harvard Business Review.
- Opie, T.R., Livingston, B. (2021). Shared Sisterhood: Harnessing Collective Power to Generate More Inclusive and Equitable Organizations. Organizational Dynamics. Vol: 51, Page: 1-9.
- Javadian, G., Opie, T.R., Parise, S.A. (2018). The influence of emotional carrying capacity and network ethnic diversity on entrepreneurial self-efficacy: the case of black and white entrepreneurs. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship.
- Opie, T.R. (2018). Let my hair be me: An investigation of employee authenticity and organizational appearance policies through the lens of Black women’s hair. Fashion Studies.
- Opie, T.R., Livingston, B., Greenberg, D., Murphy, W.C., , . (2018). Building Gender Inclusivity: Disentangling the Influence of Gender Demography on Classroom Participation. Higher Education. Springer Publications. link
- Cross, R.L., Opie, T.R., Pryor, G., Rollag, K.W. (2017). Connect and Adapt: How Network Development and Transformation Improve Retention and Engagement in Employees’ First Five Years. Organizational Dynamics.
- Opie, T.R., Roberts, L.M. (2017). Do black lives really matter in the workplace? Restorative justice as a means to reclaim humanity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: an international journal. Vol: 36, Issue: 8, Page: 707-719. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Opie, T., Phillips, K. (2015). Hair Penalties: The Negative Influence of Afrocentric Hair on Ratings of Black Women’s Dominance and Professionalism. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol: 6, Page: 1-14. Frontiers Research Foundation. link
- Opie, T.R., Livingston, B. (2022). Shared Sisterhood: How to Take Collective Action for Racial and Gender Equity at Work: Shared Sisterhood at Work: Collective Action to Redress Workplace Inequities. Harvard Business Review Press.
Book Chapters
- Opie, T. (2016). Authenticity and Organizational Norms: A Positive Organizational Scholarship Lens: Positive Organizing in a Global Society: Understanding and Engaging Differences for Capacity-Building and Inclusion. Routledge/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.. link
Conference Proceedings
- Greenberg, D., Opie, T.R., Murphy, W.C. (2016). Creating a Warm Climate?: The Influence of Demography on Class Participation. Vol: 2016, Issue: 1, Page: 13952. Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Opie, T.R., Javadian, G., Parise, S.A. (2016). Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy:The Role of Emotional Carrying Capacity and Network Ethnic Diversity: Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol: 2016, Issue: 1. Academy of Management. link
- Opie, T.R., Ho, G.C., Akinola, M., Unzueta, M.M., Castel, S.E., Brief, A.P. (2014). Are Diversity Scholars "Servants of Power"? The Consequences of Diversity Rhetoric: Academy of Management Proceedings. link
- Neeley, T., Opie, T.R., Wiruchnipawan, W., Thomas-Hunt, M.C., Polzer, J.T. (2014). Hiring and Status Evaluation for Accented Nonnative Speakers in Global Organizations: Academy of Management Proceedings. link
- Opie, T.R. (2013). How Perceptions of Deservingness and Permanence Affect Peripheral Group Member’ Helping Behavior: Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol: 2013, Issue: 1. link
- Opie, T.R. (2013). The Impact of Minority Group Member Norm Violation on Perceived Professionalism: Academy of Management Proceedings. link
- Opie, T.R., Livingston, B.A. (2023). Dig, Bridge, Collectively Act: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Trust. Harvard Business Review.
- Opie, T.R., Livingston, B. (2018). Survey: Tell Us About Your High-Quality Workplace Relationships.
- Opie, T.R., Freeman, E. (2017). Our Biases Undermine Our Colleagues' Attempts to be Authentic. Harvard Business Review (Online). link