Yunwei Gai
- Associate Professor
Academic Division: Economics
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Florida State University
- MS, Florida State University
- BS, Wuhan University
Academic Interest / Expertise
Industrial Organization; Econometrics; Financial Economics; Healthcare and Public PolicyAwards & Honors
- 2021 — Faculty Research Angel Fund (FRAF), Arthur M. Blank School for Entrepreneurial Leadership
- 2021 — Research Reimbursement Award, Babson Faculty Research Fund
- 2021 — Course Release, Babson College
- 2009 — Babson Faculty Research Fund,
- 2008 — Babson Faculty Research Fund, Major Award,,
- 2008 — Honorarium from Loyola University Chicago,
- 2006 — DeVoe Moore Dissertation Fellowship,
- 2006 — Florida State University Dissertation Research Grant,
- 2005 — The Pepper Institute Dissertation Fellowship,
- 2005 — The Irvin & Peggy Sobel Award, for outstanding Ph.D. Candidates,
- 2002 — James H. Gapinski Award, for outstanding first-year graduate student,
- 2001 — Florida State University Presidential University Research Fellowship,
- 1999 — Grand Prize in the National English Competition for College Students, Chinese Education Department,
- 1998 — Commercial Bank Scholarship, Commercial Bank of China,
- 1997 — People’s Scholarship, Wuhan University,
Degree Courses 2025
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Gai, Y. (2025). Relationship between influenza-related experience and current vaccination outcome. BMC Public Health.
- Feng, L., Chih, Y., Gai, Y., MacDonald, L. (2024). The Impact of Developing Hispanic-Serving Institution Program on College Persistence, Completion Rates, and Student Debt. CESifo Working Paper Series. Elsevier BV. link
- Gai, Y., Glover, W.J., Crocker, A., Brush, C.S. (2024). How Healthcare Entrepreneurship Enhances Ecosystem Outcomes: The Relationship Between Venture Capital-Funded Start-ups and County Level Healthunty level Health Outcomes. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research.
- Staveley-O'Carroll, J.O., Gai, Y. (2023). Adverse Selection and Risk Pooling in the Health Insurance Market: a Classroom Demonstration. Journal of Economic Education, The.
- Gai, Y., Jones, K.A. (2020). Insurance patterns and instability from 2006 to 2016. BMC Health Services Research. Vol: 20, Issue: April, Page: 334-345. Springer Nature/Health Systems Global. link
- Gai, Y., Polutnik, L. (2019). A Lecture on the Pharmaceutical Industry in the United States. Journal of International Business Education. Vol: 14, Issue: 1, Page: 1-24. NeilsonJournals Publishing. link
- Gai, Y., Polutnik, L. (2019). Sovaldi: Pricing of New Products and Consequences. Journal of International Business Education. Vol: 14, Issue: 1, Page: 1-16. NeilsonJournals Publishing. link
- Gai, Y., Pachamanova, D.A. (2019). Impact of the Medicare Hospital Readmission Reduction Program on Vulnerable Populations. BMC Health Services Research. Vol: 19, Issue: 1, Page: 837. Springer. link
- Gai, Y., Marthinsen, J.E. (2019). Medicaid Expansion, HIV Testing, and HIV-Related Risk Behaviors in the United States, 2010–2017. American Journal of Public Health. Vol: 109, Issue: 10, Page: 1404-1412. the American Public Health Association (APHA). link
- Gai, Y. (2019). Does State-Mandated Reporting work? The Case of Surgical Site Infection in CABG Patients. Applied Economics. Vol: 51, Issue: 56, Page: 5986-5998. Taylor & Francis. link
- Gai, Y., Feng, L. (2017). Relationship between Pharmacists and Adult Influenza Vaccination after Controlling Individual and Neighbourhood Effects. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. Vol: 57, Issue: 4, Page: 474-482.e12. Elsevier. link
- Gai, Y., Feng, L. (2017). Local Labor Market Condition and Seasonal Flu Vaccination. Atlantic Economic Journal. Vol: 45, Page: 181–199. Springer. link
- Shen, M., Gai, Y., Feng, L. (2016). Limited Access to Healthcare among Hispanics in the US-Mexico Border Region. American Journal of Health Behavior. Vol: 40, Issue: 5.
- Way, M.M., Polutnik, L., Gai, Y., , . (2016). Compensation and Employment Impact of a Full-time MBA Program. International Advances in Economic Research. Springer.
- Jones, K.A., Gai, Y. (2015). Patterns of Representation in WTO Committee Chairs, 1995–2012. World Trade Review. Vol: 14, Issue: 3. Cambridge University Press.
- Gai, Y., Minniti, M. (2015). External Financing and the Survival of Black-Owned Start-Ups in the US. Eastern Economic Journal. Palgrave MacMillan. link
- Gai, Y., Minniti, M. (2015). Health Insurance, Job Lock, and the Supply of Self-Employment. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol: 53, Issue: 2, Page: 558-580. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
- Gai, Y. (2014). Relationship between local family physician supply and influenza vaccination after controlling for individual and neighborhood effects. American Journal of Infection Control. Vol: 42, Issue: 5, Page: 500-505. Mosby, Inc.. link
- Feng, L., Gai, Y., Chen, X. (2014). Family Learning Environment and Early Literacy: A Comparison of Bilingual and Monolingual Children . Economics of Education Review. Vol: 39, Page: 110-130. Elsevier.
- Gai, Y., Feng, L. (2013). Factors Associated With First-Time Use of Preventive Services in the United States. American Journal of Health Behavior. Vol: 37, Issue: 2, Page: 257-268. PNG Publications.
- Jones, K.A., Gai, Y. (2013). Joining the WTO: Why Does It Take So Long?. Open Economies Review. Vol: 24, Issue: 4, Page: 695-716. Springer New York LLC.
- Gai, Y., Feng, L. (2012). Effects of Federal Nutrition Program on Birth Outcomes. Atlantic Economic Journal. Vol: 40, Issue: 1, Page: 61-83. Springer New York LLC.
- Gai, Y. (2009). Investment in Nutrition: A Global View of Donations in Direct Nutrition Intervention. Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies. Vol: 28, Issue: 1, Page: 226-269.
- Gai, Y. (2008). Pharmacist Consultation and Patient Medication Adherence. Pharmacy Practice. Vol: 6, Issue: 4, Page: 201-210.
- Gai, Y., Bokhari , F., Gottret, P. (2007). Government Health Expenditures and Health Outcomes. Health Economics. Vol: 16, Issue: 3.
- Gai, Y., Gu , N., Hay , J. (2007). The Effect of Pharmacist Consultation on Patient Medication Adherence: An Instrumental Variable Approach. Value in Health. Vol: 10, Issue: 3, Page: A184.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Gai, Y. (2015). Analyze Big Data Using SAS: An Interactive Goal-Oriented Approach. Page: 28. Babson College.
Book Chapters
- Gai, Y., Bokhari , F., Gottret, P. (2006). Improving Health Outcomes: Health Financing Revisited: A Practitioner’s Guide. The World Bank .
Conference Proceedings
- Gai, Y., Crocker, A., Brush, C.S., Glover, W.J. (2023). Multi-Stakeholder and Multi-Level Perspectives on Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Multi-Stakeholder and Multi-Level Perspectives on Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Vol: 2023, Issue: 1. Academy of Management. link
- Way, M.M., Polutnik, L., Gai, Y. (2013). Return to Investment in a Full-time MBA Program: The Relative Value of Ability, Skill and Experience: Proceedings of the 40th Northeast Business & Economics Association Annual Conference.
- Gai, Y. (2007). Healthy Development: The World Bank Strategy for Health, Nutrition, and Population Results: report from Health, Nutrition, & Population (HNP) Sector, World Bank.
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Gai, Y. (2012). Applying Health Economics for Managerial Decision Making: Cost Minimizing and Incentive Creation: Babson Insight. Babson College.