Michael Goldstein
- Professor
- Donald P. Babson Professor of Applied Investments
Academic Division: Finance
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- MA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- MBA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- BS, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Academic Interest / Expertise
Capital Markets; Design of Security Exchanges and Trading Systems; Emerging Equity Markets; Financial Institutions; Financial Instruments and Securities; Investments; Investment Banking, Climate ChangeAwards & Honors
- 2017 — Faculty Scholarship Award -- Interdisciplinary, Babson College
- 2016 — Best Paper Award in The Financial Review 2016, Eastern Finance Association/The Financial Review
- 2012 — Faculty Scholarship Award, Babson College
- 2008 — Faculty Scholarship Award , Babson College
- 2007 — Best Paper in Derivatives/Market Microstructure, Eastern Finance Association Meetings
- 2006 — Best Paper in Market Microstructure, Financial Management Association Meetings
- 2003 — Burridge Center Research Fellow,
- 2000 — Best Paper in Market Microstructure , Financial Management Association Meetings
- 2000 — Joseph Winn Term Chair ,
- 2000 — Procter & Gamble Teaching Excellence Award,
- 1994 — Chi Omega Outstanding Educator Award,
Journal Articles
- Truong, C., Goldstein, M.A. (2024). Adaptation time to climate-induced extreme events - Impact of trend, seasonality and interest rate stochasticity. North American Actuarial Journal. Page: 1–24. Taylor and Francis. link
- Truong, C., Malavasi, M., Goldstein, M.A. (2024). Timing is (almost) everything: Real options, extreme value theory, climate adaptation, and flood risk management. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol: 370, Issue: 122621, Page: 1-15. Elsevier. link
- Abedin, M.Z., Goldstein, M.A., Malhotra, N., Yadav, M.P. (2024). Middle East conflict and energy companies: The effect of air and drone strikes on global energy stocks. Finance Research Letters. Vol: Volume 69, Part A, Issue: 106009, Page: 1-11. Elsevier. link
- Abedin, M.Z., Goldstein, M.A., Huang, Q., Zeng, H. (2024). Forward-looking disclosure effects on stock liquidity in China: Evidence from MD&A text analysis. International Review of Financial Analysis. Vol: 95, Part B, Issue: 103484, Page: 1-14. Elsevier. link
- Ahmed, D., Xuhua, H., Goldstein, M.A., Xie, Y. (2024). Do global uncertainties impede insurance activity? An empirical evidence from top two economies. Finance Research Letters. Vol: 61, Part A, Issue: 105735, Page: 1-14. Elsevier. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Kwan, A., Philip, R. (2023). High Frequency Trading Strategies. Management Science. Vol: 69, Issue: 8, Page: 4413-4434. INFORMS. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Namin, E.S. (2023). Corporate bond liquidity and yield spreads: A review. Research in International Business and Finance,. Vol: 65, Issue: 101925. Elsevier. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Lynch, A.H., Li, X., Norchi, C.H. (2022). Sanctions or Sea Ice: Costs of closing the Northern Sea Route. Finance Research Letters. Vol: 50, Issue: 103257. Elsevier. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Lynch, A.H., Yan, R., Veland, S., Talleri, W. (2022). Economic viability of multi-modal transportation infrastructure in a changing Arctic. Weather, Climate, and Society. Vol: 14, Issue: 3. American Meteorological Society. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Lynch, A.H., Norchi, C.H. (2022). Conflict’s impact raises costs for Arctic shipping and the climate. Nature. Vol: 606, Issue: 9 June 2022. Springer Nature. link
- Cole, B., Goldstein, M.A., Moser, S.M., Van Ness, R.A. (2022). Trade Price Clustering in the Corporate Bond Market. China Finance Review International. Vol: 12, Issue: 3, Page: 353-377. Emerald Publishing. link
- Li, X., Stephenson, S.R., Lynch, A.H., Goldstein, M.A., Bailey, D.A., Veland, S. (2021). Arctic shipping guidance from the CMIP6 ensemble on operational and infrastructural timescales. Climatic Change. Vol: 167, Issue: 23. Springer. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Hotchkiss, E.S. (2020). Providing Liquidity in an Illiquid Market: Dealer Behavior in U.S. Corporate Bonds. Journal of Financial Economics. Vol: 135, Issue: 1, Page: 16-40. Elsevier. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Hotchkiss, E.S., Pedersen, D.J. (2019). Secondary Market Liquidity and Primary Market Pricing of Corporate Bonds. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Vol: 12, Issue: 2, Page: 1-17. link
- Goldstein, M.A., McCarthy, J., Orlov, A.G. (2019). The Core, Periphery, and Beyond: Stock Market Comovements among EU and Non‐EU Countries. The Financial Review. Vol: 54, Issue: 1, Page: 5-56. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Lynch, A.H., Zsom, A., Arbetter, T., Chang, A., Fetterer, F. (2018). The step-like evolution of Arctic open water. Scientific Reports. Vol: 8, Issue: 16902, Page: 1-9. Nature. link
- Sturm, M., Goldstein, M.A., Parr, C. (2017). Water and life from snow: A trillion dollar science question. Water Resources Research. Vol: 53, Issue: 5, Page: 3534–3544 . Wiley. link
- Ma, S., Goldstein, M.A., Pitman, A.J., Haghdadi, N., MacGill, I. (2017). Pricing the urban cooling benefits of solar panel deployment in Sydney, Australia. Scientific Reports. Vol: 7, Issue: 43938. Springer Nature Group. link
- Sturm, M., Goldstein, M.A., Huntington, H., Douglas, T.A. (2017). Using an option pricing approach to evaluate strategic decisions in a rapidly changing climate: Black–Scholes and climate change. Climatic Change. Vol: 140, Issue: 3, Page: 437–449. Springer International Publishing AG (Springer Nature Group). link
- Goldstein, M.A., Goyal, A., Lucey, B.M., Muckley, C.B. (2015). The Global Preference for Dividends in Declining Markets. The Financial Review. Vol: 50, Issue: 4 (November), Page: 575-609. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
- Goldstein, M.A. (2015). Circuit Breakers, Trading Collars, and Volatility Transmission Across Markets: Evidence from NYSE Rule 80A. The Financial Review. Vol: 50, Issue: 3 (August), Page: 459–479. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Kumar, P., Graves, F.C. (2014). Computerized and High-Frequency Trading. The Financial Review. Vol: 49, Issue: 2, Page: 177-202. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Irvine, P., Puckett, A. (2011). Purchasing IPOs with Commissions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol: 46, Issue: 5 (October), Page: 1193–1225. Cambridge University Press. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Fuller, K.P. (2011). Do Dividends Matter More in Declining Markets. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol: 17, Issue: 3, Page: 457-473. Elsevier B.V.. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Irvine, P., Kandel, E., Wiener, Z. (2009). Brokerage Commissions and Institutional Trading Patterns. Review of Financial Studies, The. Vol: 22, Issue: 12, Page: 5175-5212. Oxford University Pres.
- Goldstein, M.A., Shkilko, A.V., Van Ness, B.F., Van Ness, R.A. (2008). Competition in the Market for NASDAQ Securities. Journal of Financial Markets. Vol: 11, Issue: 2, Page: 113-143. Elsevier B.V.. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Truman, G., Pachamanova, D. (2007). InterCon Travel Health Teaching Note and Case Study. Journal of the Academy of Business Education. Vol: 8, Issue: Summer 2007, Page: 17-32.
- Goldstein, M.A., Hotchkiss, E., Sirri, E. (2007). Transparency and Liquidity: A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds. Review of Financial Studies, The. Vol: 20, Issue: March 2007, Page: 235-273.
- Goldstein, M.A., Kavajecz, K. (2004). Trading Strategies during Circuit Breakers and Extreme Market Movements. Journal of Financial Markets. Vol: 7, Issue: 3, June 2004, Page: 301-333.
- BLUME, M.E., Goldstein, M.A. (1997). Quotes, Order Flow, and Price Discovery. Journal of Finance, The. Vol: 52, Issue: 1, Page: 221-244. Wiley. link
- Goldstein, M.A., Van Ness, B., Van Ness, R. (2006). The Intraday Probability of Informed Trading on the NYSE: Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting. Vol: 3, Page: Chapter 7, 139-158. World Scientific Press.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Truman, G., Pachamanova, D.A., Goldstein, M.A. (2010). InterCon Travel Health Case Study (B): Journal of Information Systems Education. Vol: 21, Issue: 1.
Book Reviews
- Goldstein, M.A. (2014). Review of "Arctic Economics in the 21st Century: The Benefits and Costs of Cold. By Heather A. Conley": Journal of Economic Literature. Vol: 52, Issue: 2, Page: 565-567. American Economic Association. link
- (2021). Knowledge needs in sea ice forecasting for navigation in Svalbard and the High Arctic : Svalbard Strategic Grant, Svalbard Science Forum. NF-rapport 4/2021. Nordlandsforskning. link
- Goldstein, M. (2011). Trading at the Speed of Light: The Impact of High-Frequency Trading on Market Performance, Regulatory Oversight, and Securities Litigation: Finance: Current Topics in Corporate Finance and Litigation. Issue: 2. The Brattle Group. link
Working Papers
- Goldstein, M.A., McCarthy, J., Orlov, A.G. (2015). Stock Market Contagion in Advanced and Peripheral Economies: A Nonlinear Examination of Comovements across Eurozone Markets. SSRN. link
- Huntington, H.P., , E.A., Ashley, W.S., Cutter, S.L., Goldstein, M.A., Roncoli, .C., Spero, T.L. (2020). Data Availability Principles and Practice. Vol: 12, Issue: 4, Page: 647–649. Weather, Climate, and Society. link
- Goldstein, M.A. (2014). Special Issue on Computerized and High-Frequency Trading: Guest Editor's Note: Financial Review. Vol: 49, Issue: 2, Page: 173-175. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
Additional Links
Professional Services
- Editor, Associate Editor Journal of Financial Markets (2019 - Present)
- Admiral and Captain of 1628 Shallop The Elizabeth Tilley Pilgrim John Howland Society (2014 - Present)
- Officer, Treasurer The Pilgrim John Howland Society (2016 - 2020)
- Officer, President/Elect/Past Eastern Finance Association (2019 - 2020)
- Editor, Associate Editor Weather, Climate, and Society (American Meteorological Society) (2019 - 2020)
- Vice-President, Program Eastern Finance Association (2017 - 2018)
- Mass. Dept of Public Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services (2017)