profile image for Michael Goldstein

Michael Goldstein

  • Professor
  • Donald P. Babson Professor of Applied Investments
Academic Division: Finance
Dr. Goldstein is the Donald P. Babson Chair in Applied Investments and is a Professor of Finance at Babson College. Previously, he was the inaugural Faculty Director of the Master of Science in Finance Program at Babson College.

Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief of Financial Management, Editor of Weather, Climate, and Society (a journal of the American Meteorological Society), and Senior Editor of Journal of Climate Finance. Previously, he was Editor-in-Chief of The Financial Review. He also serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Financial Markets, Finance Research Letters, International Review of Financial Analysis.

He was an Honorary Professor at Queen's University – Belfast (UK), a Visiting Professor at Trinity College – Dublin (Ireland) and at The University of Sydney (Australia). He is a Visiting Professorial Fellow at the Climate Change Research Center in the Faculty of Science at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. Dr. Goldstein was Chair of the Economic Advisory Committee for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and has served as a panelist on three SEC roundtables. He also served as Chair of the NASDAQ Economic Advisory Board for 2005. From August 1997 to July 1998, Dr. Goldstein was the Visiting Economist at the New York Stock Exchange, the eighth academic to hold this one-year post. Prior to this position, he advised the Deputy Prime Minister of Poland on Poland's privatization program. He also worked as an Investment Banker with Merrill Lynch Capital Markets in their Financial Institutions and Japan Banking groups. He also consults and advises major security firms and Fortune 100 companies.

Dr. Goldstein's research specialty is examining the structure of markets. He also works in climate change, and has received two National Science Foundation (NSF) grants related to the Arctic Economy. He also does work on dividends, real estate, asset pricing, and privatization and has presented at numerous conferences worldwide.

His papers have been published in major finance academic journals, including The Journal of Finance, The Journal of Financial Economics, The Review of Financial Studies, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, and The Journal of Financial Markets, and in science/climate journals, including Climatic Change, Scientific Reports (a Nature journal), and Water Resources Research (a journal of the American Geophysical Union).

He has taught in Babson's undergraduate, MBA, and Executive Education programs. He has also taught at Boston College and at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he received the Proctor & Gamble Teaching Excellence Award.

Dr. Goldstein has been interviewed by many national and international media groups, including print, television and radio. Other areas of expertise include: Climate Change, Dividends, Real Estate Investment, Stock Market, Market Structure and Trading Costs.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
  • MA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
  • MBA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
  • BS, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Academic Interest / Expertise

Capital Markets; Design of Security Exchanges and Trading Systems; Emerging Equity Markets; Financial Institutions; Financial Instruments and Securities; Investments; Investment Banking, Climate Change

Awards & Honors

  • 2017 — Faculty Scholarship Award -- Interdisciplinary, Babson College
  • 2016 — Best Paper Award in The Financial Review 2016, Eastern Finance Association/The Financial Review
  • 2012 — Faculty Scholarship Award, Babson College
  • 2008 — Faculty Scholarship Award , Babson College
  • 2007 — Best Paper in Derivatives/Market Microstructure, Eastern Finance Association Meetings
  • 2006 — Best Paper in Market Microstructure, Financial Management Association Meetings
  • 2003 — Burridge Center Research Fellow,
  • 2000 — Best Paper in Market Microstructure , Financial Management Association Meetings
  • 2000 — Joseph Winn Term Chair ,
  • 2000 — Procter & Gamble Teaching Excellence Award,
  • 1994 — Chi Omega Outstanding Educator Award,


Journal Articles

  • Truong, C., Goldstein, M.A. (2024). Adaptation time to climate-induced extreme events - Impact of trend, seasonality and interest rate stochasticity. North American Actuarial Journal. Page: 1–24. Taylor and Francis. link
  • Truong, C., Malavasi, M., Goldstein, M.A. (2024). Timing is (almost) everything: Real options, extreme value theory, climate adaptation, and flood risk management. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol: 370, Issue: 122621, Page: 1-15. Elsevier. link
  • Abedin, M.Z., Goldstein, M.A., Malhotra, N., Yadav, M.P. (2024). Middle East conflict and energy companies: The effect of air and drone strikes on global energy stocks. Finance Research Letters. Vol: Volume 69, Part A, Issue: 106009, Page: 1-11. Elsevier. link
  • Abedin, M.Z., Goldstein, M.A., Huang, Q., Zeng, H. (2024). Forward-looking disclosure effects on stock liquidity in China: Evidence from MD&A text analysis. International Review of Financial Analysis. Vol: 95, Part B, Issue: 103484, Page: 1-14. Elsevier. link
  • Ahmed, D., Xuhua, H., Goldstein, M.A., Xie, Y. (2024). Do global uncertainties impede insurance activity? An empirical evidence from top two economies. Finance Research Letters. Vol: 61, Part A, Issue: 105735, Page: 1-14. Elsevier. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Kwan, A., Philip, R. (2023). High Frequency Trading Strategies. Management Science. Vol: 69, Issue: 8, Page: 4413-4434. INFORMS. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Namin, E.S. (2023). Corporate bond liquidity and yield spreads: A review. Research in International Business and Finance,. Vol: 65, Issue: 101925. Elsevier. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Lynch, A.H., Li, X., Norchi, C.H. (2022). Sanctions or Sea Ice: Costs of closing the Northern Sea Route. Finance Research Letters. Vol: 50, Issue: 103257. Elsevier. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Lynch, A.H., Yan, R., Veland, S., Talleri, W. (2022). Economic viability of multi-modal transportation infrastructure in a changing Arctic. Weather, Climate, and Society. Vol: 14, Issue: 3. American Meteorological Society. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Lynch, A.H., Norchi, C.H. (2022). Conflict’s impact raises costs for Arctic shipping and the climate. Nature. Vol: 606, Issue: 9 June 2022. Springer Nature. link
  • Cole, B., Goldstein, M.A., Moser, S.M., Van Ness, R.A. (2022). Trade Price Clustering in the Corporate Bond Market. China Finance Review International. Vol: 12, Issue: 3, Page: 353-377. Emerald Publishing. link
  • Li, X., Stephenson, S.R., Lynch, A.H., Goldstein, M.A., Bailey, D.A., Veland, S. (2021). Arctic shipping guidance from the CMIP6 ensemble on operational and infrastructural timescales. Climatic Change. Vol: 167, Issue: 23. Springer. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Hotchkiss, E.S. (2020). Providing Liquidity in an Illiquid Market: Dealer Behavior in U.S. Corporate Bonds. Journal of Financial Economics. Vol: 135, Issue: 1, Page: 16-40. Elsevier. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Hotchkiss, E.S., Pedersen, D.J. (2019). Secondary Market Liquidity and Primary Market Pricing of Corporate Bonds. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Vol: 12, Issue: 2, Page: 1-17. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., McCarthy, J., Orlov, A.G. (2019). The Core, Periphery, and Beyond: Stock Market Comovements among EU and Non‐EU Countries. The Financial Review. Vol: 54, Issue: 1, Page: 5-56. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Lynch, A.H., Zsom, A., Arbetter, T., Chang, A., Fetterer, F. (2018). The step-like evolution of Arctic open water. Scientific Reports. Vol: 8, Issue: 16902, Page: 1-9. Nature. link
  • Sturm, M., Goldstein, M.A., Parr, C. (2017). Water and life from snow: A trillion dollar science question. Water Resources Research. Vol: 53, Issue: 5, Page: 3534–3544 . Wiley. link
  • Ma, S., Goldstein, M.A., Pitman, A.J., Haghdadi, N., MacGill, I. (2017). Pricing the urban cooling benefits of solar panel deployment in Sydney, Australia. Scientific Reports. Vol: 7, Issue: 43938. Springer Nature Group. link
  • Sturm, M., Goldstein, M.A., Huntington, H., Douglas, T.A. (2017). Using an option pricing approach to evaluate strategic decisions in a rapidly changing climate: Black–Scholes and climate change. Climatic Change. Vol: 140, Issue: 3, Page: 437–449. Springer International Publishing AG (Springer Nature Group). link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Goyal, A., Lucey, B.M., Muckley, C.B. (2015). The Global Preference for Dividends in Declining Markets. The Financial Review. Vol: 50, Issue: 4 (November), Page: 575-609. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
  • Goldstein, M.A. (2015). Circuit Breakers, Trading Collars, and Volatility Transmission Across Markets: Evidence from NYSE Rule 80A. The Financial Review. Vol: 50, Issue: 3 (August), Page: 459–479. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Kumar, P., Graves, F.C. (2014). Computerized and High-Frequency Trading. The Financial Review. Vol: 49, Issue: 2, Page: 177-202. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Irvine, P., Puckett, A. (2011). Purchasing IPOs with Commissions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol: 46, Issue: 5 (October), Page: 1193–1225. Cambridge University Press. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Fuller, K.P. (2011). Do Dividends Matter More in Declining Markets. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol: 17, Issue: 3, Page: 457-473. Elsevier B.V.. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Irvine, P., Kandel, E., Wiener, Z. (2009). Brokerage Commissions and Institutional Trading Patterns. Review of Financial Studies, The. Vol: 22, Issue: 12, Page: 5175-5212. Oxford University Pres.
  • Goldstein, M.A., Shkilko, A.V., Van Ness, B.F., Van Ness, R.A. (2008). Competition in the Market for NASDAQ Securities. Journal of Financial Markets. Vol: 11, Issue: 2, Page: 113-143. Elsevier B.V.. link
  • Goldstein, M.A., Truman, G., Pachamanova, D. (2007). InterCon Travel Health Teaching Note and Case Study. Journal of the Academy of Business Education. Vol: 8, Issue: Summer 2007, Page: 17-32.
  • Goldstein, M.A., Hotchkiss, E., Sirri, E. (2007). Transparency and Liquidity: A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds. Review of Financial Studies, The. Vol: 20, Issue: March 2007, Page: 235-273.
  • Goldstein, M.A., Kavajecz, K. (2004). Trading Strategies during Circuit Breakers and Extreme Market Movements. Journal of Financial Markets. Vol: 7, Issue: 3, June 2004, Page: 301-333.
  • BLUME, M.E., Goldstein, M.A. (1997). Quotes, Order Flow, and Price Discovery. Journal of Finance, The. Vol: 52, Issue: 1, Page: 221-244. Wiley. link


  • Goldstein, M.A., Van Ness, B., Van Ness, R. (2006). The Intraday Probability of Informed Trading on the NYSE: Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting. Vol: 3, Page: Chapter 7, 139-158. World Scientific Press.

Cases and Teaching Notes

  • Truman, G., Pachamanova, D.A., Goldstein, M.A. (2010). InterCon Travel Health Case Study (B): Journal of Information Systems Education. Vol: 21, Issue: 1.

Book Reviews

  • Goldstein, M.A. (2014). Review of "Arctic Economics in the 21st Century: The Benefits and Costs of Cold. By Heather A. Conley": Journal of Economic Literature. Vol: 52, Issue: 2, Page: 565-567. American Economic Association. link


  • (2021). Knowledge needs in sea ice forecasting for navigation in Svalbard and the High Arctic : Svalbard Strategic Grant, Svalbard Science Forum. NF-rapport 4/2021. Nordlandsforskning. link
  • Goldstein, M. (2011). Trading at the Speed of Light: The Impact of High-Frequency Trading on Market Performance, Regulatory Oversight, and Securities Litigation: Finance: Current Topics in Corporate Finance and Litigation. Issue: 2. The Brattle Group. link

Working Papers

  • Goldstein, M.A., McCarthy, J., Orlov, A.G. (2015). Stock Market Contagion in Advanced and Peripheral Economies: A Nonlinear Examination of Comovements across Eurozone Markets. SSRN. link


  • Huntington, H.P., , E.A., Ashley, W.S., Cutter, S.L., Goldstein, M.A., Roncoli, .C., Spero, T.L. (2020). Data Availability Principles and Practice. Vol: 12, Issue: 4, Page: 647–649. Weather, Climate, and Society. link
  • Goldstein, M.A. (2014). Special Issue on Computerized and High-Frequency Trading: Guest Editor's Note: Financial Review. Vol: 49, Issue: 2, Page: 173-175. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link


  • Effects of proposed OSHA rules on Massachusetts Call/Volunteer Fire Departments Goldstein, M. U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Testimony, Virtual (2024)
  • Energy Prices and Financial Systems: Considering Climate Change, Geopolitics and Systemic Risks Goldstein, M. Financial Management Association Annual Conference 2024, Grapevine, TX (2024)
  • Introduction of Keynote Speaker Goldstein, M. Fire & Life Safety Education Conference, Southbridge, MA (2024)
  • Editor Panel Goldstein, M. 3nd Conference on INternational Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth, Reading, UK (2024)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. Darden - University of Virginia Finance Seminar, Charlottesville, VA (2024)
  • Thoughts From an Editor: The Editorial Process, Refereeing, and other comments Goldstein, M. University of Rhode Island Finance Seminar, Kingston, RI (2024)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. EUROFIDAI-ESSEC Paris December Finance Meeting 2023, Paris, France (2023)
  • Climate Finance:Past, Present, and Future Goldstein, M. CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE AND ENERGY FINANCE, Hannover, Germany (LEIBNIZ UNIVERSITY HANNOVER) (2023)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. International Academic Conference on Financial Instrument Innovation and Economic Growth, Virtual (2023)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Fajardo, Puerto Rico (2023)
  • FinTech and Academic Research Goldstein, M. FinTech for the Future, Worcester, MA (WPI) (2023)
  • Presentation of Workpackage IV Goldstein, M. Convergent Pressures on Arctic Development , Providence, RI (Brown University) (2023)
  • Finance, Sustainability, and Climate: Past, Present, and Future Goldstein, M. China Finance Review International & China International Risk Forum Joint Conference, Shanghai, China (Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) (2023)
  • Research in the US Goldstein, M. Research discussion with faculty from Soochow University, Renmin University of China Suzhou Campus, and Nanjing University of Finance and Economics , Suzhuo, China (2023)
  • Finance, Sustainability, and Climate Goldstein, M. Shanghai Tech University Finance Seminar, Shanghai, China (2023)
  • Some Thoughts on Research and Thoughts from an Editor Goldstein, M. Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE), Shanghai, China (2023)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. University of Laval, Quebec City, Qubec, Canada (2023)
  • Dealer Behavior and the Trading of Newly Issued Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Nikolova, S. Finance Division Boston College, Boston, MA (2023)
  • Do Firms set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. 14th ICMA Centre Research Seminar, Virtual - Reading (UK) (2023)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. FIU - Finance Division, Miami, FL (2023)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. UMass-Lowell Finance Division, Lowell, MA (2023)
  • Comments and Advice from Journal Editors Goldstein, M. American Finance Association/American Economics Association/Allied Social Sciences Association 2023, New Orleans, LA (2023)
  • Decentralized Finance Panel Discussion Goldstein, M. Fintech Exchange, Boston, MA (2022)
  • COASTAL ARCTIC DEVELOPMENT Goldstein, M. Lynch, A. Bennett, M. Stephenson, S. Norchi, C. Tingstad, A. , . Arctic Circle Assembly 2022, Reykjavík, Iceland (2022)
  • Climate Risk Goldstein, M. Financial Management Association 2022 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgi (2022)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. Financial Management Association 2022 meetings, Atlanta, GA (2022)
  • Do Firms Set Pension Discount Rates Strategically? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Li, X. Yu, T. FMA European Meetings 2022, Lyon, France (2022)
  • Finance, Sustainability, and Climate Goldstein, M. Conference on International Finance, Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth, Naples, Italy (2022)
  • Editor's Panel Discussion Goldstein, M. 2022 Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2022)
  • Dealer behavior and the trading of newly issued corporate bonds Goldstein, M. 2021 China Finance Review International Conference, Shanghai, China (and hybrid) (2021)
  • Panel Discussion Goldstein, M. Discussions on the future of the Arctic, US Coast Guard Cutter Healy, while in port in Boston Harbor (2021)
  • Thoughts From an Editor: The Editorial Process, Refereeing, and other comments Goldstein, M. University of Alabama Finance Doctoral Program, Virtual (2021)
  • Climate Change and Arctic Shipping Goldstein, M. US Navy Military Sealift Command Waypoints Speaker Series, Virtual (2021)
  • Building Community Health to Advance Climate Solutions Goldstein, M. Milken Institute Future of Health Summit, Virtual (2021)
  • Dealer Behavior and the Trading of Newly Issued Corporate Bonds Hotchkiss, E. Goldstein, M. Nikolova, S. Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, Virtual (2021)
  • Economic viability of multi-modal transportation infrastructure in a changing Arctic Goldstein, M. 101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting , Virtual (2021)
  • Post-Election Reality Check — A Green Recovery for All? George, C. Goldstein, M. Ali, M. Quintero, D. SEJ Webinar:, Virtual (2020)
  • Theory Discussion of “A Model of Maker-Taker Fees and Quasi-Natural Experimental Evidence” Goldstein, M. 2020 Financial Management Association (FMA) meeting , Virtual (was supposed to be New York) (2020)
  • Climate Finance Singh, T. Goldstein, M. Kolk, S. Ruah, D. Musulin, R. 2020 Actuarial Research Conference , Virtual (hosted by Univ. of Nebraska) (2020)
  • Discussion of Fixed Income ETFs, Bond Liquidity, and Stressed Markets by Thomas Marta Goldstein, M. The Microstructure Exchange, Virtual (2020)
  • Knowledge needs in sea ice forecasting for navigation in Svalbard and the High Arctic Goldstein, M. High North Dialogue Workshop, Virtual (US/Norway) (2020)
  • Synthesis as a Tool for Research and Scholarship: A Cross-Disciplinary Examination Carey, J. Goldstein, M. Karst, N. Pinard, M. Babson Research Day, Babson College (2020)
  • "Research for a Long Poem about Prairies: Military History, Botany, and Photography” Goldstein, M. Karst, N. Carey, J. Pinard, M. Babson Faculty Research Day, Babson College (2020)
  • Climate Finance Goldstein, M. Nord University Finance/Econ/Business Seminar Series, Bodo, Norway (2020)
  • CLIMATE FINANCE: Droughts, Ice Roads, Solar Panels and Snow Pack Goldstein, M. U. Nebraska Finance Research Seminar, Lincoln, NE (2019)
  • Arctic Shipping: The Economics of Sea Ice Goldstein, M. Arctic Shipping Forum, Helsinki, Finland (2019)
  • High Frequency Trading Strategies Goldstein, M. Kwan, A. Philip, R. Cornell Finance Research Seminar, Cornell University, Ithica, NY (2019)
  • The Step-Like Transition of Arctic Open Water Goldstein, M. Lynch, A. Zsom, A. Arbetter, T. Chang, A. Fetterer, F. Babson Research Day, Babson Park, MA (2019)
  • GC31F-1319: Step or Trend? Detecting and Analyzing Structural Breaks in the Evolution of Arctic Open Water Goldstein, M. Lynch, A. Zsom, A. Arbetter, T. Chang, A. Fetterer, F. 2018 American Geophysical Union Meetings, Washington, DC (2018)
  • CLIMATE FINANCE: Droughts, Ice Roads, Solar Panels and Snow Pack Goldstein, M. U. Tennessee Finance Research Seminar Series, Knoxville, TN (2018)
  • The Value of a Millisecond: Harnessing Information in Fast, Fragmented Markets Chen, H. Foley, S. Goldstein, M. Ruf, T. Fifth Annual Conference on Financial Market Regulation, Washington, DC (2018)
  • The Value of a Millisecond: Harnessing Information in Fast, Fragmented Markets Chen, H. Foley, S. Goldstein, M. Ruf, T. 2018 American Finance Association, Philadelphia, PA (2018)
  • Setting the Stage: Status of Academic Arctic Economic Research Goldstein, M. Kildow, J. Arctic Economics Workshop, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA (2017)
  • CLIMATE FINANCE: Droughts, Ice Roads, Solar Panels and Snow Pack Goldstein, M. Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY (2017)
  • High-Frequency Trading Strategies Goldstein, M. Kwan, A. Philip, R. Northern Finance Association 2017 Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (2017)
  • The Value of a Millisecond: Harnessing Information in Fast, Fragmented Markets Chen, H. Foley, S. Goldstein, M. Ruf, T. European Finance Association, Mannheim, Germany (2017)
  • Fin-Tech (Panel) Goldstein, M. Michaely, R. Yermack, D. 2017 Eastern Finance Association Meetings, Jacksonville, FL (2017)
  • The Value of a Millisecond: Harnessing Information in Fast, Fragmented Markets Chen, H. Foley, S. Goldstein, M. Ruf, T. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Market Microstructure 2016 Meeting, Cambridge, MA (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Banque de France/Toulouse School of Economics Conference on Market liquidity and regulation, Paris, France (2016)
  • Moving Together or Apart? Brexit and Stock Market Comovements across Large and Small Eurozone, EU, and Non-EU Economies Goldstein, M. McCarthy, J. Orlov, A. Financial Management Association 2016 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (2016)
  • The Value of a Millisecond: Speed Bumps, Inverted Maker-Taker Fees, Intermarket Competition, and Market Quality Chen, H. Foley, S. Goldstein, M. Ruf, T. Northern Finance Association 2016 Annual Meeting, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada (2016)
  • Earnings Up/Liabilities Down: Do Corporations Strategically Manage Pension Discount Rates? Chu, L. Goldstein, M. Yu, T. American Risk and Insurance Association 2016 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. ANU College of Business and Economics, Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia (2016)
  • Adapting the Black-Scholes Formula for Decision-Making in a Rapidly Changing Climate Sturm, M. Goldstein, M. Huntington, H. Douglas, T. Finance Department, University of Sydney Business School, Sydney, Australia (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. , . Finance Discipline Group, UTS Business School, Sydney, Australia (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Bond Business School, Finance Department, Robina, Queensland, Australia (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Macquarie Univ. Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies, Sydney, Australia (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. School of Economics and Finance, Queensland Univ. of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (2016)
  • From Drought to Ice Roads To Sea Ice: A New Approach to Assessing and Pricing the Combined Costs of Climate Trend and Variance Sturm, M. Goldstein, M. Huntington, H. Douglas, T. Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, Economics and Finance Seminar Series, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (2016)
  • From Drought to Ice Roads To Sea Ice: A New Approach to Assessing and Pricing the Combined Costs of Climate Trend and Variance Sturm, M. Goldstein, M. Huntington, H. Douglas, T. University of Queensland Business School, Finance Cluster, St. Lucia (near Brisbane), Queensland, Australia (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Accounting and Finance, University of Auckland Business School, Auckland, New Zealand (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Faculty of Business and Economics, U. Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2016)
  • From Drought to Ice Roads To Sea Ice: A New Approach to Assessing and Pricing the Combined Costs of Climate Trend and Variance Sturm, M. Goldstein, M. Huntington, H. Douglas, T. Faculty of Business and Economics, U. Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2016)
  • “Market microstructure in the high frequency era” Goldstein, M. O'Hara, M. Gerig, A. Barbara, J. Financial Research Network (FIRN) 2016 Market Microstructure Conference, Sydney, Australia (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Center for Applied Financial Studies, Univ. of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2016)
  • A New Approach to Pricing Climate Trend and Variance Sturm, M. Goldstein, M. Huntington, H. Douglas, T. Crafting Quality Research Workshop, Univ. of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2016)
  • From Drought to Ice Roads To Sea Ice: A New Approach to Assessing and Pricing the Combined Costs of Climate Trend and Variance Sturm, M. Goldstein, M. Huntington, H. Douglas, T. Climate Change Research Center, UNSW, Sydney, Australia (2016)
  • Climate Variance and Socio-Economic Decisions: The Value of Ice Roads to Canadian Diamond Mines and Native Communities Sturm, M. Goldstein, M. Huntington, H. Douglas, T. Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie Univ., Sydney, Australia (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Finance Department, University of Sydney Business School, Sydney, Australia (2016)
  • Variability, Predictability, and Risk in the Alaskan Arctic Waters Arbetter, T. Lynch, A. Goldstein, M. 2016 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2016)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. FINRA/Columbia Conference on Corporate Debt Market Structure, Liquidity and Volatility, New York, NY (2015)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Finance Department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY (2015)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. The Design and Regulation of Securities Markets, Sydney, Australia (2015)
  • The global preference for dividends in declining markets Goldstein, M. Goyal, A. Lucey, B. Muckley, C. Finance Department, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (2015)
  • Climate Variance Trumps Trend in Socio-Economic Decisions:A Canadian Ice Road Example Goldstein, M. Sturm, M. Huntington, H. Douglas, T. Finance Department, Wake Forest University, 1834 Wake Forest Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27109 (2015)
  • Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Finance Department, Wake Forest University, 1834 Wake Forest Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27109 (2015)
  • Polar Programs research Goldstein, M. Falkner, K. U.S. National Science Board, Washington, DC (2014)
  • Trade Price Clustering in the Corporate Bond Market Goldstein, M. Moser, S. Van Ness, R. 2014 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN (2014)
  • The Global Preference for Dividends in Declining Markets Goldstein, M. Goyal, A. Lucey, B. Muckley, C. 2013 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (2013)
  • Past is not Prologue: Bonds and Boundary Conditions Goldstein, M. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Washington, DC (2013)
  • Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Roundtable on Fixed Income Markets, Washington, DC (2013)
  • Know When to Hold Them, Know When to Fold Them: Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Hebrew University Finance Seminar, Jerusalem, Israel (2013)
  • Know When to Hold Them, Know When to Fold Them: Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. , Oxford, MI (2013)
  • Know When to Hold Them, Know When to Fold Them: Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. , Kingston, RI (2013)
  • Are Bonds Riskier than Stocks? Goldstein, M. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Economic Advisory Committee Meeting, (2012)
  • Know When to Hold Them, Know When to Fold Them: Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets Goldstein, M. Boston Area Finance Symposium, Boston, MA (2012)
  • Diamond Highways, Village Byways, and Cold Hard Cash Goldstein, M. , Alexandria, VA (2012)
  • Corporate Bond Clawbacks (IPOCs): Theory and Evidence Goldstein, M. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (2011)
  • Know When to Hold Them, Know when to Fold Them: Dealer Behavior in High Illiquid Assets Goldstein, M. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (2011)
  • Cold Hard Cash: The Economic Importance of Ice in the Arctic Goldstein, M. 7th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VII), Akureyri, Iceland (2011)
  • Grateful dettah: The Value of an Ice Road to a Small Community in the Northweast Territories of Canada Goldstein, M. 7th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VII), Akureyri, Iceland (2011)
  • No Limits: Computers, Algorithms and the Speed of Trading Goldstein, M. Babson Financial Services Careers Affinity Group, the Babson Alumni technology Council and the Stephen D. Cutler Center for Investments and Finance Panel, Babson College, Babson Park, MA (2011)
  • Are Stock Splits Disappearing? Goldstein, M. Boston Area Finance Symposium, Bentley College, Waltham, MA (2011)
  • Dealer Behavior and the Trading of Newly Issued Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA (2011)
  • IPO, Directors' Dealings, and Ownership Concentration Goldstein, M. Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA (2011)
  • Securities issuers are newsboys: the Risk of Setting a fixed-offer price can explain underpricing in firm-commitment and best-efforts IPOs Goldstein, M. Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA (2011)
  • Transparency: Where is the Tipping Point? Goldstein, M. Security Traders Association 14th Annual Congressional Conference, Washington, D.C. (2011)
  • Current Trends for Global Exchanges & Liquidity providers Goldstein, M. BTIG Global Exchange Forum, New York, NY (2011)
  • Trading at the Speed of Light: the Impact of High Frequency Trading on Market Performance, Regulatory Oversight, and Securities Litigation Goldstein, M. the Brattle Group Invitational Dinner, Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago, IL (2011)
  • Ice Roads in the Northwest Territories: the Intersection of Climate, Economics, and Transportation Policy Goldstein, M. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA (2010)
  • Trading, the Speed of Light and the Role of Regulation Goldstein, M. High Frequency Trading World USA, New York, NY (2010)
  • Dealer Behavior and the Trading of Newly Issued Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Bank of International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland (2010)
  • Diamonds and Oil from the Tundra: A System Study on teh Ipact of Changing Seasons on Arctic Mining and Oil Exploration Goldstein, M. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS) meeting, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (2010)
  • Trading at the Speed of Light: High Frequency Trading and the Role of Regulation Goldstein, M. The Brattle Group Invitational Dinner, New York, NY (2010)
  • Dealer Behavior and the Trading of Newly Issued Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (2010)
  • Re-examining the risk-return relationship : the Influence of Financial Crisis (2007-2009) Goldstein, M. INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (2010)
  • Trading Risk, Return, & Expectations Goldstein, M. INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (2010)
  • High Frequency Trading Goldstein, M. Market Structure Roundtable, Washington, D.C. (2010)
  • Undisclosed Goldstein, M. University of Wisconsin (Madison), University of Virginia (Darden), Undisclosed (2008)
  • Dealer Behavior and the Trading of Newly Issued Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Bentley College Meeting, Waltham, MA, USA (2007)
  • Purchasing IPOs with commissions: Theoretical predictions and empirical results Goldstein, M. 2007 Financial Management Association Conference, Orlando, FL, USA (2007)
  • Dealer Behavior and the Trading of Newly Issued Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Hotchkiss, E. Drexel University Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2007)
  • Purchasing IPOs with commissions: Theoretical predictions and empirical results Goldstein, M. 2007 Allied Social Sciences Association Conference, Chicago, IL, USA (2007)
  • Do Dividends Matter More in Declining Markets? Goldstein, M. Fuller, K. State Street Global Advisors Meeting, Boston, MA, USA (2007)
  • Purchasing IPOs with commissions: Theoretical predictions and empirical results Goldstein, M. Harvard Business School Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, and IPO Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA (2006)
  • Competition and Consolidation in the Market for NYSE-listed Securities Goldstein, M. 2006 Financial Management Association Conference , Salt Lake City, UT, USA (2006)
  • Transparency and Liquidity: A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. 2006 Financial Management Association Conference , Salt Lake City, UT, USA (2006)
  • Inter-market Competition and Fragmentation on Nasdaq Goldstein, M. 2006 International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, MA, USA (2006)
  • Do Dividends Matter More in Declining Markets? Goldstein, M. Fuller, K. Suffolk University Meeting, Boston, MA, USA (2006)
  • Transparency and Liquidity: A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. 2006 Allied Social Sciences Association Conference, Boston, MA, USA (2006)
  • Transparency and Liquidity: A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Sirri, E. Hotchkiss, E. Bank of Canada Meeting, Canada (2005)
  • Transparency and Liquidity: A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Queen's University Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2005)
  • Transparency and Liquidity: A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. Sirri, E. Hotchkiss, E. Queen's University Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2005)
  • Transparency and Liquidity: A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds Goldstein, M. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA (2005)
  • Brokerage Commissions and Information Allocation Goldstein, M. 2005 Financial Management Association-European Conference, Siena, Italy (2005)
  • Do Dividends Matter More in Declining Markets Goldstein, M. 2005 Western Finance Association Meeting, Portland, OR, USA (2005)
  • Dividend Policy and Market Movements Goldstein, M. 2004 Financial Management Association Conference , New Orleans, LA, USA (2004)
  • Electronic Limit Order Books, Dealer/Specialists, and Inter-Market Competition on NASDAQ Goldstein, M. 2004 Financial Management Association Conference , New Orleans, LA, USA (2004)
  • Dividend Policy and Market Movements Goldstein, M. 2004 Financial Management Association-European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland (2004)
  • The Intraday Probability of Informed Trading Goldstein, M. 2003 Financial Management Association Conference , Denver, CO, USA (2003)
  • Revealed Preferences, Trading Strategies, and Extreme Market Movements Goldstein, M. 2003 Financial Management Association-European Conference, Dublin, Ireland (2003)
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  • Editor, Associate Editor Journal of Financial Markets (2019 - Present)
  • Admiral and Captain of 1628 Shallop The Elizabeth Tilley Pilgrim John Howland Society (2014 - Present)
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