profile image for Danna Greenberg

Danna Greenberg

  • Professor
  • Walter H. Carpenter Professor
  • Associate Dean of Faculty
  • Division Chair
Academic Division: Management
​​Danna Greenberg is the Walter H. Carpenter Professor of Organizational Behavior. Danna teaches organizational behavior at the undergraduate, graduate, and execute level often in association with entrepreneurship and design thinking. Danna holds a B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College graduating magna cum laude with honors in the major and a Ph.D. in Organizational Studies from Boston College graduating with first year distinction. Danna's main area of research focuses on understanding the intersection between individuals' work and non-work lives as they move through their careers. The broad questions that drive her research are how do people manage work-life transitions in today's demanding work world, how does this influence their identity, engagement, and performance at work, and how do organizational and societal factors influence individuals' ability to craft full, meaningful lives. Danna's scholarship is guided by the belief that individuals can and should be able to live full lives at work and at home and that by challenging current assumptions regarding work we can find better ways for businesses, families, and communities to thrive. She has recently published a book on this topic entitled: Maternal Optimism: Forging Positive Paths Through Work and Motherhood. Danna's second research stream centers on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Here she is focused on the continued changing landscape of higher education as it pertains to how we teach, what we teach, and how we define our lives as academics. She has used this research expertise to lead curriculum innovation in the graduate and undergraduate programs at Babson. She has written a book related to this work entitled The New Entrepreneurial Leader. Danna has published more than 30 articles and book chapters in leading journals including Academy of Management Journal, Human Resource Management, and Academy of Management Learning and Education. She serves as an Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Learning and Education, on the editorial board of the Journal of Management Education and as a reviewer for Human Resources Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Human Relations. Danna speak internationally on issues pertaining to work-life and innovation in education. She also serves as a consultant and board member to organizations focused on improving organizational support and individual management of work and family and to organizations focused on strengthening community and education. She and her husband are the proud parents of three active, engaged teenagers.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, Boston College, Carroll School of Management
  • BA, Wellesley College

Academic Interest / Expertise

Organizational Behavior; Work/Life Transitions; Management Education; Curriculum Innovation, Qualitative Research

Awards & Honors

  • 2006 — Best Symposium Award , Careers Division, Academy of Management Meeting
  • 2005 — Best Empirical Paper Award, Eastern Academy of Management
  • 1996 — Best Practice-Related Paper Award, Organization Development and Change Division
  • 1995 — Boston College representative , OB/ODC/OMT Doctoral Student Consortium
  • 1993 — Award of distinction for graduate comprehensive examination and first year, Boston College, Boston College
  • 1989 — Magna cum Laude with Honors , Wellesley College
  • 1989 — Sigma Xi Honors Society inductee.,


Journal Articles

  • Freeney, Y., van der Werff, L., Greenberg, D., Hayden, T., Costello, V. (2025). More than “just a mom”: Identity distancing and reactivation during re‐entry transitions. Vol: 32, Issue: 2, Page: 610-633. link
  • Taylor, S.N., Corbett, A.C., Greenberg, D., Murphy, W.C., Rollag, K.W., Shay, J.P. (2025). A conceptual model of entrepreneurial leadership: How entrepreneurial leaders enable entrepreneurial opportunity. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Vol: 21. Spinger. link
  • Sumpter, D.M., Greenberg, D., Rosado-Solomon, E.H. (2024). Others matter when mothers return: An investigation of relational movement and its role in post-maternity leave reentry transitions. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
  • Crosina, E., Frey , E., Corbett, A., Greenberg, D. (2023). From Negative Emotions to Entrepreneurial Mindset: A Model of Learning through Experiential Entrepreneurship Education. link
  • Greenberg, D., Hibbert, P. (in press). Beyond legitimacy: A bold agenda for MLE scholarship. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol: 21, Issue: 2, Page: 161-166.
  • haley, u., cooper, c., hoffman, a., pitsis, t., Greenberg, D. (2022). In search of scholarly impact: Scholarly impact and its understandings. . Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol: 21, Issue: 3, Page: 343-349.
  • Thomason, B., Chawla, N., Gabriel, A., Greenberg, D., Lambert, C., Morgen, K., Sumpter, D. (2022). How organizations can take a lead in protecting reproductive rights. . MIT Sloan Management Review -digital article.
  • Randolph, A.F., Greenberg, D., Simon, J.K., Gartner, W.B. (2022). Exploring differences in the antisocial behaviors of adolescent rule-breaking that affect entrepreneurial persistence. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research. Vol: 28, Issue: 2, Page: 471-499.
  • Sumpter, D., Greenberg, D., Kim, S. (2021). The Dark Side of Construct Convergence: Navigating Consensus, Evolution, and Practical Relevance in Theory Building. Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol: 35, Issue: 3, Page: 485-502. link
  • Greenberg, D., Clair, J., Ladge, J. (2021). A Feminist Perspective on Conducting Personally Relevant Research: Working Mothers Studying Pregnancy and Motherhood at Work. Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol: 35, Issue: 3, Page: 400-417.
  • Greenberg, D. (2021). Ask an Expert: How Can I Plan for a Successful Career and Family. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). Harvard Business School Publishing. link
  • Cross, R.L., Dillon, K., Greenberg, D. (2021). The Secret To Building Resilience. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). HBS Press.
  • Greenberg, D., Hibbert, P. (2020). COVID-19: Learning to Hope and Hoping to Learn. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol: 19, Issue: 2, Page: 123-130.
  • Greenberg, D., Ladge, J. (2019). How Being a Working Parent Changes as Children Grow Up. Harvard Business Review (Digital Edition). Vol: digital article. link
  • Gerhardt, M., Charlier, S., Greenberg, D. (2019). AMLE Reviewer Resource Library: A Collection of Recommended Pieces on Developmental Reviewing. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Page: 7-10.
  • Greenberg, D., Charlier, S. (2019). Being an AMLE Reviewer. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol: 18, Issue: 1, Page: 1-6.
  • Opie, T.R., Livingston, B., Greenberg, D., Murphy, W.C., , . (2018). Building Gender Inclusivity: Disentangling the Influence of Gender Demography on Classroom Participation. Higher Education. Springer Publications. link
  • Deets, S.G., Greenberg, D., Erzurumlu, S.S., Hunt, J.M., Manwaring, M.M., Rodgers, V.L., Swanson, E. (2017). Signing to Living PRME: Learning from a Journey Towards Responsible Management Education. The International Journal of Management Education. Vol: 15, Issue: 2, Page: 205-218.
  • Yamakawa, Y., McKone-Sweet, K.E., Hunt, J.M., Greenberg, D. (2016). Expanding the Focus of Entrepreneurship Education: A Pedagogy for Teaching the Entrepreneurial Method. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship. Vol: 27, Issue: 2, Page: 19. Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship.
  • Ladge, J., Greenberg, D. (2015). Becoming a working mother: Identity and efficacy beliefs during resocialization. Human Resource Management. Vol: 54, Issue: 6, Page: 977-998.
  • Greenberg, D., McKone-Sweet, K.E., Wilson, H.J. (2013). Entrepreneurial leaders: Creating opportunity in an unknowable world. Leader to Leader. Vol: 67, Issue: Winter 2013, Page: 56-62. Jossey-Bass Inc.. link
  • Ladge, J.J., Clair, J.A., Greenberg, D. (2012). Cross-Domain Identity Transition during Liminal Periods: Constructing Multiple Selves as Professional and Mother during Pregnancy . Academy of Management Journal. Vol: 55, Issue: 6, Page: 1449-1471. Academy of Management. link
  • Greenberg, D., Landry, E.M. (2011). Negotiating a flexible work arrangement: How women navigate the influence of power and context . Journal of Organizational Behavior. Vol: 32, Issue: 8, Page: 1163-1188.
  • Greenberg, D., Clair, J., Maclean , T. (2009). Who will you be as a management educator: Lessons from Greek Mythology. Decision Line. Vol: 40, Issue: 4, Page: 14-18.
  • Greenberg, D., Clair, J., McClean, T. (2007). Enacting the role of management professor: Lessons from Athena, Prometheus, and Asclepius. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol: 6, Issue: 4, Page: 439-457.
  • Rollag, K.W., Greenberg, D. (2005). Chris Pierce and the Yankee Donut Company: An Email Based Simulation that Introduces Students to the Complexities of Management and Organizational Behavior. Journal of Management Education. Vol: 29, Issue: 4, Page: 554-568.
  • Swanson, E., Greenberg, D. (2004). What's a Cultural Studies Curriculum Doing at a College Like This?. Liberal Education: Journal of the American Association of Colleges and Universities.
  • Greenberg, D., Guinan, P.J., Rutledge, M. (2002). Managing acquisitions to fuel corporate entrepreneurship: The influence of organizational members’ sensemaking. Babson Entrepreneurial Review. Page: 59-84.
  • Greenberg, D., Clair, J., MacLean, T. (2002). Teaching through traumatic events: Uncovering the choices of management educators as they responded to September 11th. Academy of Management Learning and Education. Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Page: 38-54.
  • Greenberg, D., Stevenson, W.B. (2000). Agency and social networks: Strategies of action in a social structure of position, opposition, and opportunity. Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol: 45, Issue: 4, Page: 651-679.
  • Greenberg, D., Bartunek, J.M., Davidson, B. (1999). Consistent and inconsistent impacts of a teacher-led empowerment initiative in a federation of schools. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Vol: 35, Issue: 4, Page: 457-478.
  • Greenberg, D., Stevenson, W.B. (1998). The formal analysis of narratives of organizational change. Journal of Management. Vol: 24, Issue: 6, Page: 741-762.
  • Greenberg, D., Bartunek, J.M., Davidson, B., Humphries, M. (1996). Participation, complexity of understanding, and the assessment of organizational change. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Page: 259-263.
  • Greenberg, D. (1995). Blue versus gray: A metaphor constraining sensemaking around an organizational change. Group and Organization Management. Vol: 20, Issue: 2, Page: 183-209.
  • Greenberg, D., Picariello, M.L., Pillemer, D.B. (1990). Children’s sex-related stereotyping of colors. Child Development. Vol: 61, Page: 1453-1460.


  • Ladge, J., Greenberg, D. (2019). Maternal Optimism: Forging Positive Paths Through Work and Motherhood. Oxford University Press. link
  • Greenberg, D., McKone-Sweet, K.E., Wilson, H.J. (2011). The New Entrepreneurial Leader: Developing Leaders Who Shape Social and Economic Opportunity. Page: 288. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Cases and Teaching Notes

  • Cohen, A.R., Kassarjian, J.M., Langowitz, N.S., Manwaring, M.M., Landry, E.M., Greenberg, D. (2012). The Case of the Co-Founders: Instructions for JR. Babson College.
  • Cohen, A.R., Kassarjian, J.M., Langowitz, N.S., Manwaring, M.M., Landry, E.M., Greenberg, D. (2012). The Case of the Co-Founders: Instructions for JR and KB. Babson College.
  • Cohen, A.R., Kassarjian, J.M., Langowitz, N.S., Manwaring, M.M., Landry, E.M., Greenberg, D. (2012). The Case of the Co-Founders: Instructions for KB. Babson College.
  • Greenberg, D., Moland, L. (2007). Tracy Hesitated: The Case of Marquet Consulting.
  • Greenberg, D. (2005). Music-line: To Market to Market.
  • Greenberg, D. (2004). Managing the Team at Whole Foods.
  • Greenberg, D., McKone-Sweet, K., Moland, L. (2003). Approaches to Ethical Decision-Making.
  • Greenberg, D., Rollag, K. (2002). Chris Pierce and the Yankee Donut Company.
  • Greenberg, D. (2001). Managing Organizational and International Crises.

Book Chapters

  • Hunt, J.M., Turner, L.B., Taylor, S.N., Greenberg, D. (2024). Building sustainability leadership: Rethinking curriculum design and the role of the faculty. : Higher education for the sustainable development goals: Bridging the global north and south . Page: 127-143. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Greenberg, D., Beitelspacher, L.S., Rodgers, V.L. (2020). A Systems Approach to Transformational Responsible Management Learning & Education: The SAGE Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education. Page: 363-377. Sage Publications.
  • Murphy, W.C., Greenberg, D. (2018). Nonprofit board membership: Benefits for Women's Career and Leadership Development: More Women on Boards of Directors: An International Perspective. Information Age Publishing.
  • Manwaring, M.M., Greenberg, D., Hunt, J.M. (2016). Walking the talk: Empowering undergraduate business students to act on their values: Educating for Responsible Management: Putting Theory into Practice. Page: 20. Greenleaf Publishing. link
  • Greenberg, D., Clair, J., Ladge, J. (2016). Identity and the transition to motherhood: Navigating existing, temporary, and anticipatory identities. : Research Perspectives on Work and the Transition to Motherhood. Page: 33-55. Springer.
  • Greenberg, D., Hunt, J.M. (2015). Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders - Integrating Entrepreneurship Education and Organizational Behavior in the First Year: Evolving Entrepreneurial Education: Innovation in the Babson Classroom. Page: 99-118. Emerald Publishing.
  • Fixson, S.K., Greenberg, D., Zacharakis, A.L. (2015). Leading entrepreneurial action project (LEAP): A project course integrating three disciplines: Evolving Entrepreneurial Education: Innovation in the Babson Classroom. Page: 175-190. Emerald.
  • Ladge, J.J., Greenberg, D., Clair, J.A. (2011). What to Expect When She's Expecting: Work-Family and Identity Integration Challenges and Opportunities of "Soon-to-Be" Working Professional Mothers: Creating Balance?: International Perspectives on the Work-Life Integration of Professionals. Page: 143-155. Springer.
  • Greenberg, D., Lane, H., Bahde, K. (2005). Organizational learning in cross border mergers & acquisitions: Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Culture and Human Resources. Page: 53-76. Stanford University Press.
  • Greenberg, D., Lane, H.W., Bedrow, I. (2004). Barriers and bonds to knowledge transfer in global alliances and mergers: The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity. Page: 342-361. Blackwell Publishers.
  • Greenberg, D., Guinan, P.J. (2004). Mergers and acquisitions in technology based industries: The emergent process of knowledge transfer: Mergers and Acquisitions: Creating Integrative Knowledge. Page: 135-151. Blackwell Publishers Strategic Management Society Book Series.
  • Guinan, P.J., Greenberg, D. (2003). Mergers and acquisitions in technology based industries: The emergent process of knowledge transfer: Mergers and Acquisitions: Creating Integrative Knowledge.
  • Greenberg, D. (2002). Designing effective organizations: The Portable MBA in Management. Issue: 2nd Edition, Page: 243-275. J. Wiley & Sons.

Book Reviews

  • Greenberg, D. (2015). Globally Responsible Leadership: Managing According to the UN Global Compact: Academy of Management Learning and Education. Vol: 14, Issue: 2, Page: 297-99. Academy of Management Learning and Education.


  • Murphy, W.C., Greenberg, D. (2019). Opportunities Abound, Intentionality Needed: 2019 Boston Club Census: Women Leaders in the Nonprofit Sector. The Boston Club. link
  • Greenberg, D., Murphy, . (2017). Women on Nonprofit Boards: A Qualitative Investigation: Modest Gains, Robust Benefits: The 2017 Census of Women Directors and Chief Executives of Massachusetts’ Largest Nonprofit Organizations. The Boston Club. link

Conference Proceedings

  • Randolph, A.F., Simon, J.K., Greenberg, D., Gartner, W.B. (2020). Rule Breaking, Gender, Social Status and Entrepreneurial Persistence.
  • Greenberg, D., Opie, T.R., Murphy, W.C. (2016). Creating a Warm Climate?: The Influence of Demography on Class Participation. Vol: 2016, Issue: 1, Page: 13952. Academy of Management Proceedings.
  • McKone-Sweet, K.E., Greenberg, D., Wilson, J.H. (2014). The Future of Supply Chain Management Education: Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings. Decision Sciences Institute. link


  • Ladge, J., Greenberg, D., Cassie, J. (2019). Tips for managing back to school stress: LinkedIn. LinkedIn. link
  • Ladge, J., Greenberg, D. (2019). Lean into Maternal Optimism: Psychology Today. Psychology Today. link
  • Greenberg, D., Murphy, W.C. (2017). Viewpoint: Women, nonprofits can take action to change the face of Boston's boards: Boston Business Journal. Boston Business Journal. link
  • Greenberg, D., Schlesinger, P.F. (2012). Competition or Collaboration: The Relationship Between Businesses : Giving Voice to Values.
  • Greenberg, D., Schlesinger, P.F. (2012). Disagreements and Degradation in an FME Business: Giving Voice to Values.
  • Greenberg, D., Schlesinger, P.F. (2012). Performance Appraisals: Fact or Fiction? : Giving Voice to Values.
  • Greenberg, D., Schlesinger, P.F. (2012). Selling Flashlights in the Dark: Confronting Faulty Merchandise: Giving Voice to Values.
  • Greenberg, D., Schlesinger , P. (2012). Suspicious Sales for Swellesley Blanket: Giving Voice to Values.

Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)

  • Greenberg, D., Landry, E., Gasik, A. (2006). Work-life balance survey: Topline summary report.
  • Guinan, P.J., Greenberg, D. (2003). Managing Acquisitions Knowledge Enterprises: Babson Insights. Issue: November.


  • Diversity dynamics: Unraveling the impact of technological and social shifts on workplace equality. Conzon, V. Yen, J. Greenberg, D. Work Family Research Network Conference, Montreal, Canada (2024)
  • experience of academics as work/family scholars and higher-education leaders. Masterson, C. Greenberg, D. Ladge, J. Work Family Research Network Conference., Montreal, Canada (2024)
  • Relationally mindful teaching: Prioritizing humanity and connection in management education Gibson, K. Kanov, J. Greenberg, D. Workman, K. Positive Relationships at Work Research Roundtable, Case Western University (2024)
  • A pedagogy that links students’ and professors’ development of self-awareness Hunt, J. Turner, L. Taylor, S. Greenberg, D. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA (2023)
  • Compassion and Teaching Gibson, K. Kanov, J. Greenberg, D. Workman, K. CompassionLab, Virtual (2023)
  • An Integrated conceptual model of entrepreneurial leadership: New frontiers for research Taylor, S. Greenberg, D. Corbett, A. Rollag, K. Shay, J. Murphy, W. Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, WA (2022)
  • Research: How Do We Build on Our Legacy? Nersessian, D. Matsuno, K. Greenberg, D. Levinson, J. Sulkowski, A. Spinelli, S. Babson College Research Day, Wellesley, MA (2022)
  • Relational Identity Formation During Identity Transitions: Evidence from Reentry of Working Mothers Sumpter, D. Greenberg, D. Rosado-Solomon, E. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Virtual (2021)
  • Teaching through relationship: Prioritizing humanity and connection in management education Gibson, K. Kanov, J. Greenberg, D. Workman, K. Positive Relationships at Work Conference/Microcommunity Meeting, Virtual (2021)
  • Work/life Thriving in the Age of COVID Greenberg, D. Babson College Undergraduate Parent Advisory Committee, virtual (2020)
  • Parent/caregiver support from an equity perspective Greenberg, D. Lockton Employer Support for Parents and Caregivers during COVID-19, web-based presentation (2020)
  • Beyond the Pandemic: Supporting Working Parents to Survive and Thrive Greenberg, D. Ovia Health Client Webinar, webinar (2020)
  • Rule breaking, gender, social status and entrepreneurial persistence Randolph, A. Simon, J. Greenberg, D. Gartner, W. Academy of Management Meeting, ONLINE (2020)
  • Reducing the pressure: What your managers need to support working parents Greenberg, D. Enterprise Manager Support Webinar, webinar (2020)
  • Work/Life Thriving for You, Your Team, and Your Organization Greenberg, D. Uplift Foundation Medicine Women's Conference, Boston, MA (2019)
  • Maternal Optimism & Work/Life Thriving Greenberg, D. Boston College Work/Family Roundtable, Boston, MA (2019)
  • A Conversation on Work/Family Before You Become a Working Mother Greenberg, D. HerQuest Webinar, Boston, MA (2019)
  • Work/Life Thriving Through Your Career Greenberg, D. Wellesley College Alumnae Careers Webinar, Wellesley, MA (2019)
  • Broadening the impact of your scholarship: Our experience on the road to Maternal Optimism Greenberg, D. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (2019)
  • Maternal Optimism Greenberg, D. 8th International Conference of Work and Family, Barcelona (2019)
  • Motherhood and Entrepreneurship Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Volpe, E. 8th International Conference of Work and Family, Barcelona, Spain (2019)
  • When Family Comes Apart: Achieving Growth Through Cross-Domain Identity Play Greenberg, D. Ladge, J. Masterson, C. 8th International Conference of Work and Family, Barcelona, Spain (2019)
  • Motherhood and Entrepreneurship: Intersecting identities and women’s experience with value creation Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Volpe, E. DIANA Conference, Babson Park, MA (2019)
  • Mothers are Working Why Aren’t Our Policies Greenberg, D. South by Southwest, Austin, TX (2019)
  • Personally Relevant Research: Working Mothers Studying Working Mothers Greenberg, D. Boston Field Researchers Conference, Boston, MA (2018)
  • The value of a woman is a Jewish value Langowitz, N. Greenberg, D. Temple Beth Elohim Sisterhood Meeting, Wellesley, MA (2018)
  • Doctoral programs in management: Educating responsibly for healthy academic careers Greenberg, D. Forray, J. Academy of Management, Chicago (2018)
  • The enrichment effect of return to work for academic mothers Sumpter, D. Greenberg, D. Academy of Management, Chicago (2018)
  • Beyond capital: Early life societal pressure, rule breaking, and future entrepreneurial careers Randolph, A. Simon, J. Greenberg, D. Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference (BCERC), Waterford, Ireland (2018)
  • Can entrepreneurs have a life and a venture: A model of the entrepreneurial process from an enrichment perspective Greenberg, D. Balachandra, L. Work Family Research Network Conference, Washington DC (2018)
  • Work that supports life and a life that works: Integrating identities of motherhood and entrepreneurship Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Hamilton Volpe, E. Work Family Research Network Conference, Washington DC (2018)
  • Do elite circles have a glass ceiling?: Women’s access, entry and engagement in community elites. Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Breaking Bias: Leadership Excellence and Gender in Organizations, Purdue University, IN (2018)
  • Negotiation Skills for Women: Putting Reform Jewish Values to Work Langowitz, N. Greenberg, D. URJ Biennial 2017, Boston, MA (2017)
  • Motherhood in America Report Greenberg, D. Webinar, MA (2017)
  • Innovations in Undergraduate Business Education Crittenden, V. Beitelspacher, L. Greenberg, D. Karst, N. 2017 Innovations in Undergraduate Business Education Conference, New Jersey (2017)
  • Becoming academics: Boundary-crossing perspectives Antol, A. Bernstein, R. Greenberg, D. Putnam, L. Rogge, J. Svirina, A. Veloso, E. Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2017)
  • Passion and pursuit: Women’s ascension to nonprofit leadership Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Boston University Organizational Behavior Seminar Series, Boston, MA (2017)
  • Evolving entrepreneurial education: Innovation in the Babson classroom Greenberg, D. Marketing Management Association Conference, Providence, RI (2016)
  • Working mothers managing the return to work Greenberg, D. Ovia Health and Room to Grow, Boston, MA (2016)
  • Identity Construction in NonProfit Contexts Murphy, W. Greenberg, D. Academy of Management, Annaheim, CA (2016)
  • Creating a warm climate? The influence of demography on voice in the classroom Greenberg, D. Opie, T. Murphy, W. Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA (2016)
  • Early Educators Workshop Greenberg, D. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Ohio (2016)
  • Foundations of management and entrepreneurship: Developing entrepreneurial leaders the Babson way Greenberg, D. Stoddard, D. Deshpande Symposium for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, Lowell, MA (2015)
  • The Future of Supply Chain Management Education: Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders McKone-Sweet, K. Greenberg, D. Wilson, J. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Tampa, FL (2014)
  • Mompreneurs: Work-life integration in a boundaryless world Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Volpe, E. Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2014)
  • Pregnant and pre-tenure: The work-life of assistant professors Greenberg, D. Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2014)
  • The intersection of faculty and student race and gender on class participation evaluation Greenberg, D. Opie, T. Murphy, W. Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2014)
  • The Power of Words in our Business School Curriculum: Who gets seen and heard? Greenberg, D. Dobrow, S. Murphy, W. Opie, T. Ely, R. Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2014)
  • Mompreneurs: Identity and Career When Working Without Boundaries Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Work and Family Researchers Network Conference: Changing Work and Family Relationships in a Global Economy, New York, NY (2014)
  • Entrepreneurial leadership and the government sector Greenberg, D. Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland (2014)
  • The CEO as entrepreneurial leader Greenberg, D. Rhode Island CEO Club, Providence, RI (2013)
  • Managing the work-life interface throughout one’s career Greenberg, D. Wellesley College Alumnae Club of Boston, Boston, MA (2013)
  • Women and salary negotiations Greenberg, D. Wellesley College Alumnae Club of Boston, Boston, MA (2013)
  • Becoming a Working Mother: Identity, Efficacy and Resocialization Following Re-entry Greenberg, D. Ladge, J. Academy of Management 2013 Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL (2013)
  • Entrepreneurial Leaders as a Vehicle for Social Innovation Greenberg, D. Academy of Management 2013 Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL (2013)
  • The Flipped Case: Using the Flipped Classroom Method to Expand Case Pedagogy Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Iyer, B. Teaching and Learning Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL (2013)
  • GVV in Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship Hunt, J. Greenberg, D. Murphy, W. Schlesinger, P. Giving Voice to Values Faculty Convening, Wellesley, MA (2013)
  • Organizational Behavior in the First Year Greenberg, D. Hunt, J. Foray, J. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Asheville, NC (2013)
  • Using social media to engage the popular press in research. Presentation in PDW (Hitting the airwaves: Learning to translate our work to media outlets) Greenberg, D. Academy of Management Annual Meeting , Boston, MA (2012)
  • Developing your strength as an entrepreneurial leader. Greenberg, D. Presentation for Edinburgh Napier University , (2012)
  • Opportunities for cross-university engagement with the pedagogy of entrepreneurial leadership Greenberg, D. University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME (2012)
  • The new entrepreneurial leader and innovation in the domain of work-life Greenberg, D. McKone-Sweet, K. Wilson, H. Work and Family Researchers Network Inaugural Conference, New York, NY (2012)
  • Uncovering your Entrepreneurial Leader McKone-Sweet, K. Greenberg, D. Babson College Thought Leadership alumni series, (2012)
  • The New Entrepreneurial Leader: Developing Leaders Who Shape Social and Economic Opportunity McKone-Sweet, K. Greenberg, D. Teaching Entrepreneurial Thought & Action: An Educator Program for Greater China, Wellesley, MA (2012)
  • The New Entrepreneurial Leader: Developing Leaders Who Shape Social and Economic Opportunity Greenberg, D. Ansari, S. McKone-Sweet, K. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Dean’s Conference, New Orleans, LA (2012)
  • Babson's Engagement with PRME: Shaping the New Entrepreneurial Leader McKone-Sweet, K. Greenberg, D. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX (2011)
  • Where west meets east: Context-sensitive, system-wide mindset for responsible Management and Business Ethics Education Greenberg, D. Karam, C. Jamli, D. Leigh, J. , Z. Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (2011)
  • Yoga for personal and organizational effectiveness Greenberg, D. Valcour, M. Allen, T. Corner, T. Miele, S. Steady, E. Steady, J. Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (2011)
  • Paper presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference Greenberg, D. Ladge, J. Becoming a working mother: Identity, efficacy, and resocialization following re-entry. , Chicago, IL (2011)
  • The New Entrepreneurial Leader McKone-Sweet, K. Greenberg, D. Lewis Institute Catalyst for Change Conference, Babson College, Babson Park, MA (2011)
  • Pregnancy and Motherhood: Identity, Psychological Contracts, and Personal Resources Greenberg, D. Ladge, J. Clair, J. Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2010)
  • Finding Your Passion? Do what you love? CEO of me? Introducing management students to a protean orientation to career development Greenberg, D. Ladge, J. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference , Albuquerque, New Mexico (2010)
  • Organizational behavior and culture Greenberg, D. Session for the Management Basics Program at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA (2008)
  • How Do you Draw the Line? Individual Agency in Managing the Work-Life Boundaries Landry, E. Greenberg, D. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2007)
  • Expecting: Negotiating Identity during Pregnancy Greenberg, D. Clair, J. Ladge, J. Kennedy School of Government Conference: “Gender and Negotiation” , Undisclosed (2007)
  • Organizational behavior and culture Greenberg, D. Session for the Management Basics Program at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA (2007)
  • Teaching business ethics in an integrated curriculum: Experiences from Babson College Greenberg, D. symposium on ethics teaching to the Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2007)
  • How do you draw the line?: Individual agency in managing the work-life interface Greenberg, D. Trefalt, S. symposium presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2007)
  • Creating work-life boundaries: Women’s experiences negotiating flexible work arrangements Greenberg, D. Landry, E. symposium to the Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2007)
  • Private to public: Emerging images and identities for pregnant women in the workplace Greenberg, D. Clair, J. annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA (2006)
  • She’s having a baby!?: Implications of the transition to motherhood for working women’s identity and careers Greenberg, D. Clair, J. Co-organizer of symposium presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2006)
  • Teaching OB in an Integrated Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities Rollag, K. Greenberg, D. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Scranton, PA (2005)
  • Athena, Prometheus, and Asclepius: Greek archetypes that frame our roles as professors Greenberg, D. Clair, J. MacLean, T. annual meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Springfield, MA (2005)
  • Teaching OB in an integrated curriculum: Challenges and opportunities Greenberg, D. Rollag, K. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Scranton, PA (2005)
  • Organizational behavior and culture Greenberg, D. Session for the Management Basics Program at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA (2005)
  • Knowledge Transfer in Acquisitions: Multi-Level Forces Yield an Emergent Process Guinan, P. Greenberg, D. Undisclosed, Undisclosed (2004)
  • Knowledge transfer in acquisitions: Multi-level forces yield an emergent process Greenberg, D. Guinan, P. annual meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA (2004)
  • Mentoring for women’s leadership: A replicable model Greenberg, D. Langowitz, N. Hunt, J. Blackwell, T. annual meeting of the American Association of University Women, Providence, RI (2003)
  • Electronic in-box exercises: Using technology to support students’ intellectual and aesthetic learning about the world of managers Greenberg, D. Rollag, K. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Springfield, MA. (2003)
  • Electronic In-Box Exercises: Using Technology to Support Student’s Intellectual and Aesthetic Learning about the World of Managers Rollag, K. Greenberg, D. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Springfield, MA (2003)
  • If, when, and how: Engaging in political issues during management classes Greenberg, D. Eylon, D. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Springfield, MA (2003)
  • Teaching through traumatic events: How business school professors responded to the events of September 11th Greenberg, D. Clair, J. MacLean, T. annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Denver, CO (2002)
  • Strategies for leveraging knowledge and creating value from M&A’s in technology-based industries Greenberg, D. Guinan, P. M&A Summit , Calgary, Canada (2002)
  • Mergers and acquisitions: A process for building new technological capabilities Greenberg, D. Guinan, P. Undisclosed, Wellesley. MA (2001)
  • Culture in the multinational organization: Understanding the influence of structure and nationality Greenberg, D. Wellesley College Research Seminar Series, Wellesley, MA. (2000)
  • Disentangling subcultures: The differentiated influence of societal and organizational factors Greenberg, D. annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL (1999)
  • Actors and networks: Connecting agency to the social structure of interorganizational relations Greenberg, D. Stevenson, W. annual meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, CA (1998)
  • Mobilizing and taking action in environmental policy networks Greenberg, D. Stevenson, W. International Sociological Association Conference, Canada (1998)
  • Culture and meaning construction in a multinational context Greenberg, D. annual meeting of EIASM, Belgium (1997)
  • When will an American act like an American: Incorporating identity and context into comparative management research Greenberg, D. annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA (1997)
  • Participation, complexity of understanding, and the assessment of organizational change Greenberg, D. Bartunek, J. Davidso, B. Humphries, M. annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, OH (1996)
  • The construction of a gender system in the wired space of organizations Greenberg, D. Whelan, K. annual meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Washington, D.C. (1996)
  • The consequences of adoption of an innovation designed to empower teachers Greenberg, D. Bartunek, J. annual meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Ithaca, NY (1995)
  • The mobilization of organizations in the environmental policy domain Greenberg, D. Stevenson, W. International Sociological Association Conference, Germany (1994)
  • Tailoring strategic change to organizational traditions Greenberg, D. Organizational Studies Doctoral Student Conference, Seattle, WA (1994)
  • Blue versus gray: A metaphor constraining organizational change. Greenberg, D. Organizational Studies Doctoral Student Conference, Albany, NY (1993)
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