Wendy Murphy
- Professor
- Associate Dean
Academic Division: Management
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Boston College
- MS, Boston College
- BA, Boston College
Academic Interest / Expertise
Mentoring; Developmental Networks; Work-Life Interface; Leadership; NegotiationsAwards & Honors
- 2024 — Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching Executive Education, Babson College
- 2018 — Alternate, Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program
- 2017 — Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching across All Programs , Babson College
- 2014 — Dean's Award for Faculty Scholarship , Babson College
- 2014 — Best 40 Under 40 B-school Professors in the World, Poets & Quants
- 2014 — Babson Research Scholar, Babson College
- 2013 — Breakthrough Performance Award, Babson Executive Education
Journal Articles
- Taylor, S.N., Corbett, A.C., Greenberg, D., Murphy, W.C., Rollag, K.W., Shay, J.P. (2025). A conceptual model of entrepreneurial leadership: How entrepreneurial leaders enable entrepreneurial opportunity. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Vol: 21. Spinger. link
- Garg, N., Murphy, W.C., Singh, P. (2022). Reverse mentoring and job crafting as resources for health: A work engagement mediation model. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness.
- Aytekin, I., Murphy, W.C., Mehmet, Y., Cogan, C., Ceyhan, S. (2021). Developmental networks affect academics’ career satisfaction through research productivity. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Page: 3387-3413.
- Garg, N., Murphy, W.C., Singh, P. (2021). Reverse mentoring and job crafting as resources for health: A work engagement mediation model. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness. Emerald. link
- Aytekin, I., Murphy, W.C., Mehmet, Y., Dogan, C., Ceyhan, S. (2021). Developmental networks affect academics’ career satisfaction through research productivity. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Taylor Francis. link
- Garg, N., Murphy, W.C., Singh, P. (2021). Reverse mentoring, job crafting, and work outcomes: The mediating role of work engagement. Career Development International. Vol: 26, Issue: 2, Page: 290-308. Emerald. link
- Cross, R.L., Edmondson, A., Murphy, W.C. (2020). A Noble Purpose Alone Won’t Transform Your Company. MIT Sloan Management Review.
- Murphy, W. (2019). Advice for Men who are Nervous about Mentoring Women. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). Harvard Business School. link
- Murphy, W.C. (2018). Good Mentors Help You Work Through Strong Emotions. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). link
- Chanland, D.E., Murphy, W.C. (2018). Propelling Diverse Leaders to the Top: A Developmental Network Approach. Human Resource Management. Wiley. link
- Opie, T.R., Livingston, B., Greenberg, D., Murphy, W.C., , . (2018). Building Gender Inclusivity: Disentangling the Influence of Gender Demography on Classroom Participation. Higher Education. Springer Publications. link
- Murphy, W.C. (2016). How Women (and Men) Can Find a Role Model when None are Obvious. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). link
- Iyer, B.R., Murphy, W.C. (2016). The Benefits of Virtual Mentors. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). Harvard Business Publishing. link
- Murphy, W.C., Burton, J.P., Henagan, S.C., Briscoe, J.P. (2013). Employee Reactions to Job Insecurity in a Declining Economy: A Longitudinal Study of the Mediating Role of Job Embeddedness. Group & Organization Management. Vol: 38, Issue: 4, Page: 512-537. Sage Publications, Inc..
- Murphy, W.C. (2012). Reverse mentoring at work: Fostering cross-generational learning and developing millennial leaders. Human Resource Management. Vol: 51, Issue: 4, Page: 549-573. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Gordon, J.R., Pruchno, R.A., Wilson-Genderson, M., Murphy, W.C., Rose, M. (2012). Balancing caregiving and work: Role conflict and role strain dynamics . Journal of Family Issues. Vol: 33, Issue: 5, Page: 662-689. Sage Publications, Inc..
- Briscoe, J.P., Henagan, S.C., Burton , J.P., Murphy, W.C. (2012). Coping with an insecure employment environment: The differing roles of protean and boundaryless career orientations. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Vol: 80, Issue: 2, Page: 308-316. Academic Press.
- Murphy, W.C. (2011). From e-mentoring to blended monitoring: Increasing students' developmental initiation and mentors' satisfaction. Academy of Management Learning and Education. Vol: 10, Issue: 4, Page: 606-622.
- Murphy, W.C., Volpe, E.H. (2011). Married professional women's career exit: Integrating identity and social networks . Gender in Management: An International Journal. Vol: 26, Issue: 1, Page: 57-83.
- Murphy, W.C., Kram, K.E. (2010). Understanding non-work relationships in developmental networks. Career Development International. Vol: 15, Issue: 7, Page: 637-663.
- Murphy, W.C., Tosti-Kharas, J. (2021). The Handbook of Research Methods in Careers. Edward Elgar.
- Murphy, W.C., Kram, K.E. (2014). Strategic Relationships at Work: Creating Your Circle of Mentors, Sponsors, and Peers for Success in Business and Life. Page: 272. McGraw-Hill.
- Murphy, W.C. (2014). Individual and Relational Dynamics of Ambition in Careers. Page: 272. Scholars' Press.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Murphy, W.C., Kram, K.E. (2017). Building Your Developmental Network. The Case Centre & Harvard Business School Publishing. link
Book Chapters
- Murphy, W.C., Gibson, K.R., Kram, K.E. (2024). Advancing Women through Developmental Relationships: Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership, 2nd Edition. Edward Elgar Publishing. link
- Paquette, V., Murphy, W.C., Duffy, S. (2023). Networked Mentoring Programs: Targeted developmental relationships and building a broader community: Making Connections: A Handbook for Effective Formal Mentoring Programs in Academia. Utah State University Pressbooks. link
- Ghosh, R., Murphy, W.C., Cotton, R., Kram, K.E. (2022). Seeking support from multiple Developers: Assessing optimal structure, content, antecedents, and outcomes of Developmental Networks: HRD Perspectives on Developmental Relationships: Connecting and Relating at Work. Page: 467-502. Palgrave MacMillan.
- de Janasz, S., Murphy, W.C., , . (2019). Real career development with Virtual Mentoring: Past, present, and future: Cambridge Handbook of Technology and Employee Behavior. Cambridge University Press. link
- Murphy, W.C., Cotton, R. (2019). Your Success Network: Building key relationships that support your goals. Issue: 10, Page: 387-410. Adventures in Medicine.
- Murphy, W.C., Greenberg, D. (2018). Nonprofit board membership: Benefits for Women's Career and Leadership Development: More Women on Boards of Directors: An International Perspective. Information Age Publishing.
- Murphy, W.C., Gibson, K.R., Kram, K.E. (2017). Advancing Women through Developmental Relationships: Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Chandler, D.E., Murphy, W.C., Kram, K.E., Higgins, M.C. (2016). Bridging formal and informal mentoring: A developmental network perspective: Mentoring in Formal and Informal Contexts. Information Age Publishing. link
- Murphy, W.C., Chandler, D.E., Tosti-Kharas, J. (2016). Developing Millennial leaders: A careers approach: Generational Differences in Work Values and Work Ethic: An International Perspective. Nova Science Publishers.
- Murphy, W.C., Volpe, E.H. (2015). Enacting authentic careers: An identity and social networks approach: Searching for Authenticity, Volume 2 in Research in Careers. Vol: 2, Page: Chapter 5. Information Age Publishers. link
- Murphy, W.C., Volpe, E.H. (2015). Encore careers: Exploring career exit and rebirth: Handbook of Gendered Careers in Management. Page: Chapter 26. Edward Elgar Publishing. link
- Murphy, W.C., Greenberg, D. (2019). Opportunities Abound, Intentionality Needed: 2019 Boston Club Census: Women Leaders in the Nonprofit Sector. The Boston Club. link
- Greenberg, D., Murphy, . (2017). Women on Nonprofit Boards: A Qualitative Investigation: Modest Gains, Robust Benefits: The 2017 Census of Women Directors and Chief Executives of Massachusetts’ Largest Nonprofit Organizations. The Boston Club. link
- Murphy, W.C., Iyer, B.R. (2015). Connecting at Work: Relationships that Facilitate Learning and Work Engagement. Final Grant Report submitted to SHRM Foundation. SHRM.
Conference Proceedings
- Greenberg, D., Opie, T.R., Murphy, W.C. (2016). Creating a Warm Climate?: The Influence of Demography on Class Participation. Vol: 2016, Issue: 1, Page: 13952. Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Murphy, W.C. (2023). An Expert Explains Why You Need A Personal Board of Advisors: Entrepreneur. link
- Taylor, S.N., Murphy, W.C. (2020). Emotional intelligence is the secret to leadership in times of crisis: Entrepreneur. link
- Greenberg, D., Murphy, W.C. (2017). Viewpoint: Women, nonprofits can take action to change the face of Boston's boards: Boston Business Journal. Boston Business Journal. link
- Murphy, W.M., Kram, K.E. (2017). How can Leaders foster a Developmental Culture. HRM Asia.
- Murphy, W.C., Kram, K. (2014). How to Develop Talent through Relationships: Inside HR. link
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Murphy, W.C. (2018). Forget Networking: Create High Quality Connections: Babson Insights. link
- Murphy, W.C. (2015). 7 Ways to be a Great Mentor for Women: The GlassHammer. theglasshammer.com. link
- Murphy, W.C., Kram, K.E. (2014). Taking an Entrepreneurial Approach to Relationships: Knowing Why, Knowing Where, Knowing How, Knowing Who: Babson Entrepreneurial Educator Newsletter. Babson College.
- Murphy, W.C., Kram, K.E. (2014). Take an Entrepreneurial Approach to Relationships: Reflect, Experiment, Learn, Educate: Babson Insight. Babson College.
- Murphy, W.C. (2012). The new rules of mentoring : Babson Insight. Babson College.
Additional Links
Professional Services
- Task Force Member MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership (2017 - 2018)
- Committee Chair Academy of Management/ Careers Division (2018)
Department & College Wide Services
- Collaborative Enrollment Working Group (Fall 2023 - Present)
- Advisory Committee on Education Abroad (Summer 2020 - Present)
- Undergraduate Academic Policy Committee (Summer 2020 - Present)
- Undergraduate Academic Standards Committee (Summer 2020 - Present)
- Associate Dean Accreditation (Spring 2023 - Summer 2023)
- Enrollment Management Committee (Fall 2022 - Spring 2023)
- Faculty Director CELT (Spring 2022 - Summer 2022)
- Crisis Response Team (CRT) (Spring 2020 - Fall 2021)
- Undergraduate Academic Policy Committee (Fall 2015 - Spring 2018)
- Co-Director, FME Faculty (Spring 2015 - Spring 2018)
- Undergraduate Dean Search Committee (Summer 2015 - Spring 2016)
- Faculty Search Committee (Summer 2014 - Spring 2015)