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Scott Taylor

  • Professor
  • Arthur M. Blank Endowed Chair for Values-Based Leadership
Academic Division: Management
Scott Taylor is a professor of organizational behavior and the Arthur M. Blank Endowed Chair for Values-Based Leadership at The Blank School at Babson College. He is also a research fellow with the Coaching Research Lab at Case Western Reserve University, a member of the Institute of Coaching (IOC) at McLean, Harvard Medical School Affiliate, and a core member of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (CREIO).

The primary focus of his research is leader assessment and development. He studies the various approaches organizations use to assess and develop their leaders, evaluates the effectiveness of those approaches, and develops new approaches to improve leader assessment and development. As a result, his research has focused on competency development (especially emotional and social competence), leader self-awareness, 360-degree feedback assessment, executive coaching, gender, and sustainable individual change.

Scott has won a number of awards for both his research and his teaching. His scholarly work has appeared in several outlets such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, Group & Organization Management, Harvard Business Review, Human Relations, Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Dynamics, Personnel Psychology, and The Leadership Quarterly. In addition, Scott has over twenty years of teaching experience in a variety of settings. He is a highly rated instructor and facilitator who has taught leadership development, human resource, and organizational behavior courses to executive, graduate, and undergraduate students.

Scott has worked domestically and internationally with over sixty companies in a variety of industries. As part of the Babson Executive and Enterprise Education faculty, Scott has taught in custom programs for, among others, Assa Abloy, Biogen, Dell EMC, FLIR Systems, Grant Thornton, MCAA, MilliporeSigma, National Football League, Siemens, Staples, The Home Depot, and Veolia. Independent of Babson, his past and present executive development work includes organizations such as Coca-Cola FEMSA, Fifth Third Bank, Office for Financial Research (of the United States Treasury), Pemex Gas y Petroquímica Básica, Sandia National Laboratories, and the Smucker Company.

Prior to joining Babson College, Scott was an assistant professor in the school of management at Boston University and later an associate professor with tenure in the Anderson School of Management at the University of New Mexico. Scott has a B.A. in Spanish from Brigham Young University. He received an MBA with concentrations in organizational behavior and human resource policy and a PhD in organizational behavior from Case Western Reserve University.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, Case Western Reserve University
  • MBA, Case Western Reserve University
  • BA, Brigham Young University

Academic Interest / Expertise

Leader Development; Organizational Behavior

Awards & Honors

  • 2023 — Best Symposium Award in Management Education and Development Division, Academy of Management
  • 2020 — The Arthur M. Blank Endowed Chair for Values-Based Leadership at The Blank School at Babson College, 2020-Present, Babson College
  • 2019 — Best Symposium Award in Management Education and Development Division, Academy of Management
  • 2017 — Babson College Faculty Scholarship Award, Babson College
  • 2017 — Peter M. Black Endowed Faculty Scholar, 2017-2020, Babson College
  • 2017 — Invited member of the Consortium for Advancing Adult Learning & Development (CAALD), McKinsey & Company
  • 2016 — Babson College Deans’ Award for Teaching Excellence in Executive Education, Babson College
  • 2016 — Best Symposium in Management Education and Development Award, Academy of Management
  • 2015 — Breakthrough Performance Award, Babson College Executive Education
  • 2014 — Women’s Leadership Research Best of 2014, Women’s Leadership Center of Kennesaw University
  • 2013 — Academy of Management Learning & Education: Recognition for Research, Academy of Management
  • 2012 — Core Membership, Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations


  • Degree Courses 2025

  • Degree Courses 2024



Journal Articles

  • Taylor, S.N., Corbett, A.C., Greenberg, D., Murphy, W.C., Rollag, K.W., Shay, J.P. (2025). A conceptual model of entrepreneurial leadership: How entrepreneurial leaders enable entrepreneurial opportunity. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Vol: 21. Spinger. link
  • Atwater, L.E., Sturm, R.E., Taylor, S.N., Trinngale, A. (2021). The era of #MeToo and what managers should do about it. Business Horizons. Vol: 64, Page: 307-318.
  • Braddy, P.W., Sturm, R.E., Atwater, L.E., Taylor, S.N., McKee, R.A. (2020). Gender bias still plagues the workplace: Looking at derailment risk and performance with self–other ratings. Group & Organization Management. Vol: 45, Issue: 3, Page: 315-350.
  • Van Oosten, E.B., McBride-Walker, M.M., Taylor, S.N. (2019). The impact of emotional and social competence and executive coaching on leader development and effectiveness. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. Vol: 71, Issue: 4, Page: 249-269. American Psychological Association.
  • Taylor, S.N., Passarelli, A., Van Oosten, E.B. (2019). Leadership coach effectiveness as fostering self-determined, sustained change. The Leadership Quarterly. Vol: 30, Issue: 6. Elsevier.
  • Atwater, L.E., Tringale, A.A., Taylor, S.N., Braddy, P.W. (2019). Looking ahead: How what we know about sexual harassment now informs us of the future. Organizational Dynamics. Vol: 48, Issue: 4, Page: 1-9.
  • Cross, R.L., Taylor, S.N., Zehner, D., , . (2018). Collaboration without burnout. Harvard Business Review (Print Edition). Vol: 96, Issue: 4, Page: 134-137.
  • Taylor, S.N. (2016). Don’t give up on the self too quickly. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice. Vol: 9, Issue: 4, Page: 795-813. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
  • Taylor, S.N., Sturm, R.E., Atwater, L.E., Braddy, P.W. (2016). Underestimating one’s leadership impact: Are women leaders more susceptible?. Organizational Dynamics. Vol: 45, Issue: 2, Page: 132-138. Elsevier.
  • Jack, A.I., Friedman, J.P., Boyatzis, R.E., Taylor, S.N. (2016). Why do you believe in God? Relationships between religious belief, analytic thinking, mentalizing and moral concern. PLoS ONE. Vol: 11, Issue: 5, Page: 1-21. Public Library of Science. link
  • Byrnes, R.T., Taylor, S.N. (2015). Voluntary transition of the CEO: Owner CEOs' sense of self before, during and after transition. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol: 6, Page: 16. Frontiers Research Foundation.
  • Boyatzis, R.E., Rochford, K., Taylor, S.N. (2015). The role of the positive emotional attractor in vision and shared vision: toward effective leadership, relationships, and engagement. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol: 6, Page: 13. Frontiers Research Foundation.
  • Amdurer, E., Boyatzis, R.E., Saatcioglu, A., Smith, M.L., Taylor, S.N. (2014). Long term impact of emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies and GMAT on career and life satisfaction and career success. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol: 5, Page: 15. Frontiers Research Foundation.
  • Mahon, E.G., Taylor, S.N., Boyatzis, R.E. (2014). Antecedents of organizational engagement: exploring vision, mood and perceived organizational support with emotional intelligence as a moderator. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol: 5. Frontiers Research Foundation.
  • Powley, E.H., Taylor, S.N. (2014). Pedagogical Approaches to Develop Critical Thinking and Crisis Leadership. Journal of Management Education. Vol: 38, Issue: 4, Page: 560-585. Sage Publications, Inc.. link
  • Sturm, R.E., Taylor, S.N., Atwater, L.E., Braddy, P.W. (2014). Leader self-awareness: An examination and implications of women's under-prediction. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Vol: 35, Issue: 5, Page: 657-677. John Wiley & Sons Ltd..
  • Taylor, S.N. (2014). Student self-assessment and multisource feedback assessment: Exploring benefits, limitations, and remedies. Journal of Management Education. Vol: 38, Issue: 3, Page: 359-383. Sage Publications, Inc..
  • (2014). Why do managers engage in trustworthy behavior? A multilevel cross-cultural study in 18 countries. Personnel Psychology. Vol: 67, Issue: 1, Page: 61–98. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc..
  • Taylor, S.N., Boyatzis, R.E. (2012). Looking at stress and learning: Peer coaching with compassion as a possible remedy. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal. Vol: 6, Issue: 1, Page: 1-14. Kwantlen Polytechnic University. link
  • Taylor, S.N., Wang, M., Zhan, Y. (2012). Going beyond self–other rating comparison to measure leader self-awareness. Journal of Leadership Studies. Vol: 6, Issue: 2, Page: 6-31. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. link
  • Taylor, S.N. (2012). The influence of emotional and social competencies on the performance of Peruvian refinery staff. Cross Cultural Management: an international journal. Vol: 19, Issue: 1, Page: 19-29. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. link
  • Taylor, S.N., Bright, D.S. (2011). Exploring conditions for openness in multisource feedback assessment. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Vol: 47, Issue: 4, Page: 432-460. Sage Publications, Inc..
  • Taylor, S.N., Hood, J. (2011). It may not be what you think: Gender differences in predicting emotional and social competence. Human Relations. Vol: 64, Issue: 5, Page: 627-652. Sage Publications, Inc..
  • Taylor, S.N. (2010). Redefining leader self-awareness by integrating the second component of self-awareness. Journal of Leadership Studies. Vol: 3, Issue: 4, Page: 57-68.
  • Taylor, S.N. (2006). Why the real self is fundamental to intentional change. Journal of Management Development. Vol: 25, Page: 643-656.
  • Boyatzis, R.E., Taylor, S.N., Stubbs, E. (2002). Learning cognitive and emotional intelligence competencies. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol: 1, Issue: 2, Page: 150-162.


  • Boyatzis, R.E., Rochford, K., Taylor, S.N. (2015). The impact of shared vision on leadership, engagement, citizenship and coaching.. Page: 199. Frontiers in Psychology.

Book Chapters

  • Hunt, J.M., Turner, L.B., Taylor, S.N., Greenberg, D. (2024). Building sustainability leadership: Rethinking curriculum design and the role of the faculty. : Higher education for the sustainable development goals: Bridging the global north and south . Page: 127-143. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Passarrelli, A.M., Taylor, S.N. (in press). Coaching for positive leader development: Dynamic balancing of paradoxical forces in intentional change.
  • Taylor, S.N. (2021). Rethinking entrepreneurial education: Considering the case of Babson College’s Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship course.: 10th annual Deshpande symposium on innovation & entrepreneurship in higher education: Commemorative volume . Page: 25-29. Deshpande Foundation. link
  • Taylor, S.N. (2021). The importance of externally focused self-awareness to family entrepreneurship: Family entrepreneurship: Insights from leading experts on successful multi-generational entrepreneurial families. Page: 113-122. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Powley, E.H., Taylor, S.N. (2014). Leading healing in a broken unit: Understanding Complex Military Operations: A case study approach. Page: 115-131. Routledge Studies in Security and Conflict Management.


  • Taylor, S.N. (2024). Most entrepreneurs lack this one quality that's essential for success — Do you? : Entrepreneur. link
  • Taylor, S.N. (2023). Great leaders must be great coaches. Here’s how to become one.: Entrepreneur. link
  • Batista, J.M., Taylor, S.N. (2021). ¿Desde qué 'mindset' se vota? (From what mindset do you vote?). El Periódico.
  • Taylor, S.N., Murphy, W.C. (2020). Emotional intelligence is the secret to leadership in times of crisis: Entrepreneur. link

Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)

  • Cross, R.L., Taylor, S.N. (2018). How successful people manage collaborative overload. . link
  • Taylor, S.N. (2018). How to become a resonant leader: Babson Thought & Action. Babson College. link


  • Redefining entrepreneurial leadership. Taylor, S. Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations Meeting, Boston, MA (2024)
  • Coaching for positive leader development: Dynamic balancing of paradoxical forces in intentional change. Passarelli, A. Taylor, S. Weatherhead Executive Coach Community of Practice, Cleveland, OH (2024)
  • How collaborative accountability in workplace coaching impacts employee sustained change. Terekhin, R. Van Oosten, E. Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, IL (2024)
  • Coaching for positive leader development: Dynamic balancing of paradoxical forces in intentional change. Passarelli, A. Taylor, S. Coaching Research Lab Member Meeting, Cleveland, OH (2023)
  • A pedagogy that links students’ and professors’ development of self-awareness Hunt, J. Turner, L. Taylor, S. Greenberg, D. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA (2023)
  • Creating a culture of employee development. Van Oosten, E. Taylor, S. Boyatzis, R. Good, D. Lyddy, C. Dhar, U. Berg, J. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA (2023)
  • An Integrated conceptual model of entrepreneurial leadership: New frontiers for research Taylor, S. Greenberg, D. Corbett, A. Rollag, K. Shay, J. Murphy, W. Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, WA (2022)
  • Babson’s signature undergraduate entrepreneurial thought and action course: Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship Taylor, S. 11th Annual Deshpande Symposium for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, Cleveland, OH (2022)
  • An integrated conceptual model of entrepreneurial leadership: Advancing new frontiers for research and practice. Taylor, S. Advancing Frontiers in Entrepreneurial Leadership Research Symposium, Babson Park, MA (2021)
  • Motivational dynamics in coaching relationships. Taylor, S. Passarelli, A. Van Oosten, E. Coaching Research Lab Member Meeting, Cleveland, OH (2020)
  • Rethinking Leadership in Entrepreneurial Families Taylor, S. Webinar for the Institute for Family Entrepreneurship, Babson Park, MA (2020)
  • Rethinking effective leadership during COVID-19 Taylor, S. Taste of Babson, Babson Park, MA (2020)
  • Rethinking effective leadership Taylor, S. Webinar for Eze Castle Integration, Franklin, MA (2020)
  • Leadership coach effectiveness as fostering self- determined, sustained change Taylor, S. Faculty Research Fund Research Chat, Babson Park, MA (2020)
  • Coaching senior leaders in transition Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA (2019)
  • Coaching to behavior change and the real self Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA (2019)
  • Group Coaching Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA (2019)
  • Competencies of outstanding project managers Taylor, S. Project Management in Practice, Boston, MA (2019)
  • Leadership coach effectiveness as fostering self-determined, sustained change Taylor, S. Passarelli, A. Van Oosten, E. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology International Conference, Washington, DC (2019)
  • Rethinking what we think about leadership: Self and social awareness really matter Taylor, S. Babson College Alumni Weekend, Wellesley, MA (2018)
  • Leader performance and derailment: Exploring gender effects in self-other ratings Phillip, B. Rachel, S. Atwater, L. Taylor, S. McKee, R. SIOP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (2018)
  • Revisiting the meaning of self-awareness: Considering its second component Taylor, S. Consortium for Advancing Adult Learning and Development, Boston, MA (2017)
  • Rethinking effective leadership in a VUCA environment Taylor, S. Taste of Babson, Andover, MA (2017)
  • Evolution or devolution of 360° feedback: Let’s debate it! Taylor, S. Bracken, D. Braddy, P. Rose, D. Kabins, A. Scott, J. SIOP Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2017)
  • Women leaders' meta-accuracy: Examining referent group, self-promotion, and sexism Taylor, S. Braddy, P. Sturm, R. Atwater, L. SIOP Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL (2017)
  • Don’t give up on the self too quickly in 360-feedback assessment Taylor, S. Babson Faculty Research Fund Research Chat, Babson Park, MA (2017)
  • What kind of leader do you want to be? Taylor, S. Babson Student Leadership Seminar, Wellesley, MA (2016)
  • Expanding how we define coaching effectiveness Taylor, S. Van Oosten, E. Passarelli, A. 2016 Columbia University Coaching Conference, New York, New York (2016)
  • Coaching with self-awareness and an outward mindset Taylor, S. Coaching Research Lab Member Meeting, Cleveland, OH (2016)
  • Positive affect: Examining the association between coach self-awareness and coach effectiveness Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference , Anaheim, CA (2016)
  • The meaning of leadership (part of a Professional Development Workshop presentation for A New Wave of OD Innovation? Exploring the Fertile Soil at the Nexus of Dialogic OD and Positive Social Science) Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference , Anaheim, CA (2016)
  • What every manager should understand about stress Taylor, S. Babson MBA General Management Club meeting, Wellesley, MA (2016)
  • Emotional intelligence: What really matters. Taylor, S. Babson Friends and Family Weekend, Wellesley, MA (2015)
  • Voluntary transition at the top: Former CEOs’ sense of self before, during and after transition Byrnes, R. Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference (Careers Division), Vancouver, Canada (2015)
  • Why do you believe in God? Opposing relationship of empathy and analytical thinking Jack, A. Boyatzis, R. Taylor, S. Friedman, J. Spirituality and Creativity in Management World Congress, Barcelona, Spain (2015)
  • Leadership: New Insights on What Really Matters Taylor, S. American Society for Training & Development, Albuquerque, NM (2014)
  • Rethinking management education: What really matters? Taylor, S. ASC Student Assembly Group, Albuquerque, NM (2014)
  • Leadership through emotional and social competence Taylor, S. Kirtland Federal Credit Union, Albuquerque, NM (2014)
  • Longitudinal impact of EI, SI and CI competencies on career and life satisfaction and career success Amdurer, E. Boyatzis, R. Saatcioglu, A. Smith, M. Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference (Careers Division), Lake Buena Vista, FL (2013)
  • Predicted-other ratings: An examination and implications for women leaders Sturm, R. Taylor, S. Atwater, L. Braddy, P. Academy of Management Conference (GDO Division), Lake Buena Vista, FL (2013)
  • Impact of leader competency type with leader promotability: Extending self-other agreement research Taylor, S. Gentry, W. Hulett, A. Cullen, K. Academy of Management Conference (OB Division), Lake Buena Vista, FL (2013)
  • The four cardinal competencies of emotional and social competence Taylor, S. Fifth Third Bank Coaching Forum conference call presentation, Cincinnati, OH (2013)
  • Leadership through emotional and social competence Taylor, S. New Mexico Legal Assistants Conference, Albuquerque, NM (2013)
  • The science behind positive leadership development Taylor, S. Organizational Effectiveness Lecture Series, Dayton, OH (2013)
  • Leading with emotional and social competence Taylor, S. Health Science Center Brown Bag Lunch Session, Albuquerque, NM (2013)
  • Leadership through resonance Taylor, S. Perfect Wedding Guide Business Networking Luncheon, Albuquerque, NM (2012)
  • Leadership through emotional and social intelligence Taylor, S. Anderson School of Management Homecoming Alumni Series, Albuquerque, NM (2012)
  • The importance of caring: Renewing an old concept as a new direction for leadership Taylor, S. Fifth Third Bank Coaching Forum conference call presentation, Cincinnati, OH (2012)
  • What are our students learning? Outcome assessment: Learning, development, and accreditation Batista, J. Boyatzis, R. Garli, F. Serlavos, R. Taylor, S. Academy of Management Conference (MED Division), Boston, MA (2012)
  • Compassionate mentoring and coaching: Drawing upon social and emotional competence Taylor, S. College of Nursing, University of New Mexico’s Health Science Center, Albuquerque, NM (2012)
  • Predicting supervisor ratings: The effects of gender, age, and personality Sturm, R. Taylor, S. Atwater, L. 27th Annual SIOP Conference, San Diego, CA (2012)
  • Teaching teamwork and elements of high performing teams Taylor, S. Rinchem Inc. Leadership Meeting, Albuquerque, NM (2012)
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