profile image for Erik Noyes

Erik Noyes

  • Associate Professor
  • Michael London '92 and Stephen H. Kramer '92 Term Chair in Entrepreneurship
Academic Division: Entrepreneurship
An expert in innovation, growth strategy, and AI, Professor Noyes is the Michael London '92 and Stephen H. Kramer '92 Term Chair in Entrepreneurship. His research examines entrepreneurial thinking, AI-enabled innovation, and disruptive innovation in both startups and new corporate ventures.

Dr. Noyes led the creation of “The Generator”, Babson's interdisciplinary AI lab whose mission is to empower innovators from all fields to bring visionary ideas to life by harnessing AI capabilities. The Generator supports an interdisciplinary community of innovators, provocateurs, and boundary-spanners from across diverse industries to seize upon transformative opportunities enabled by the AI-age. In connection with the Lab, he teaches the MBA course AI Pioneers: Creating the Future of Business and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in AI, among other graduate and undergraduate entrepreneurship courses.

Professor Noyes is the founding Faculty Director of the Weissman Foundry, an interdisciplinary venture and innovation-space shared by Babson College, the Olin College of Engineering, and Wellesley College. Recognized as a “Top 50” business professor in the United States by Poets & Quants, Noyes was awarded Babson's College-wide Teaching Excellence Award in 2023 and Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award in 2010. Noyes co-led Babson's award-winning Foundations of Management & Entrepreneurship (FME) program, rated the most innovative undergraduate entrepreneurship course in the U.S. by the U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). He also co-founded Affordable Design & Entrepreneurship (ADE), a collaboration between Babson College and the Olin College of Engineering.

Prior to joining Babson, he consulted for companies such as Nokia, BMW, Hewlett-Packard, New Balance, and Motorola to identify and evaluate new growth businesses in diverse areas such as healthcare, mobile computing, consumer products, sensing systems, and automotive design.

Professor Noyes is a Founding Editor of the journal Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy (EE&P). His research has been published in the Journal of Small Business
Management, Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy, the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Frontiers in Entrepreneurship Research
, multiple books, and the Harvard Business School case collection. He has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, USA Today, The Chronicle for Higher Education, and international press.


Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, Boston University, Graduate School of Management
  • MBA, Whittemore School of Business, University of New Hampshire
  • BA, Brown University

Awards & Honors

  • 2017 — 2017 winner of the USASBE Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Award, USASBE
  • 2015 — BFRF Mini-grant Award, Babson Faculty Research Fund
  • 2006 — Kauffman scholarship , Academy of Management
  • 2005 — Kauffman scholarship , Babson College
  • 2005 — Research assistantship,
  • 2004 — Kauffman scholarship ,
  • 2001 — Doctoral Merit Fellowship (4-year), Boston University Graduate School of Management
  • 1991 — SAS Academic Scholarship, Institute for Shipboard Education
  • 1989 — Granite State Merit Scholar,
  • 1989 — Rotary Club Academic Scholarship, the Rotary Club


  • Degree Courses 2025

  • Degree Courses 2024



Journal Articles

  • Noyes, E.A., , . (2023). Entrepreneurship Education at the Dawn of Generative Artificial Intelligence. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Vol: 6, Issue: 4. Sage.
  • Winkler, C., Liguori, E., Van Gelderen, M., Noyes, E.A., Pittz, T., Hytti, U., McGuire, J. (2021). Editorial: Publishing in Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Page: 1-12.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2019). Wefunder: Leading the growth of a new industry. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Vol: 2, Issue: 2, Page: 1-13. SAGE.
  • Liguori, E., Winkler, C., Winkel, D., Marvel, M., Keels, J., van Gelderen, M., Noyes, E. (2018). The Entrepreneurship Education Imperative: Introducing Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Page: 5-7. Sage.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2018). Teaching Entrepreneurial Action Through Prototyping: The Prototype-It Challenge. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Page: 118-134. SAGE. link
  • Mandel, R.P., Noyes, E.A. (2016). Survey of experiential entrepreneurship education offerings among top undergraduate entrepreneurship programs. Education and Training. Vol: 58, Issue: 2, Page: 164-178. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
  • Noyes, E.A., Linder, B. (2015). Developing undergraduate entrepreneurial capacity for social venture creation. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. Vol: 18, Issue: 2, Page: 113-124.
  • Noyes, E.A., Brush, C.S., Hatten, K., Smith-Doerr, L. (2014). Firm Network Position and Corporate Venture Capital Investment. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol: 52, Issue: 4, Page: 713–731. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
  • Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2013). Grasping Change: Visualizing International Technology Adoption for Entrepreneurship Education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. Vol: 16, Issue: Special Issue, Page: 13-32. Allied Academies. link
  • Noyes, E.A., Allen, I., Parise, S.A. (2012). Innovation and entrepreneurial behaviour in the Popular Music industry. Creative Industries Journal. Vol: 5, Issue: 1-2, Page: 139-150. Routledge. link
  • Shulman, J.M., Noyes, E.A. (2012). The Rich Get Richer and So Can You: Investing in a Billionaires’ Index. Journal of Index Investing, The. Vol: 2, Issue: 4, Page: 12-32. Institutional Investor, Inc.. link
  • Noyes, E.A. (2011). 2D and 3D Visualizations of Creative Destruction for Entrepreneurship Education. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing. Vol: 99, Page: 277-294. Springer-Verlag.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2011). Mapping the Multi-Industry Terrain of Nanotechnology Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Vol: 12, Issue: 4, Page: 297-306.
  • Parise, S.A., Noyes, E.A., Allen, I. (2010). Artistic Influneces and Innovation in the Popular Music Industry. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Vol: 30, Issue: 15. Babson College.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2009). Music to Our Ears: Examining the Origins of New Market Creation in the Popular Music Industry. Enterprising Matters Magazine.


  • Noyes, E.A. (2020). Wefunder: Leading the Growth of a New Industry: Entrepreneurship, textbook. Wiley.

Cases and Teaching Notes

  • Noyes, E.A., Mandel, R. (2020). Wefunder: Leading the Growth of a New Industry: Entrepreneurship, 5th edition by Zacharakis, Bygrave and Corbett. Wiley Publishing.
  • Noyes, E.A., Mandel, R. (2019). Wefunder: Leading the Growth of a New Industry: Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy. Page: 1-13. Sage Journals.
  • Iyer, B.R., Noyes, E.A. (2014). Appirio: new venture on a cloud: Strategies for e-Business: Creating Value Through Electronic & Mobile Commerce: Concepts & Cases. Issue: 3rd, Page: 486-495. Pearson.
  • Iyer, B.R., Noyes, E.A. (2013). Appirio: A Venture Build on a Cloud, in Strategies for E-Business: Concepts and Cases.
  • Gilleran, R., Noyes, E.A. (2013). Makerbot: Challenges in Building a New Industry.
  • Gilleran, R., Noyes, E.A. (2013). MakerBot: Challenges in Building a New Industry. Page: 17. Babson College.
  • Gilleran, R., Noyes, E.A. (2013). MakerBot: Challenges in Building a New Industry Teaching Note. Page: 6. Babson College.
  • Gilleran, R., Noyes, E.A. (2013). MakerBot: Challenges in Building a New Industry Video Teaching Note. Babson College.
  • Iyer, B.R., Noyes, E.A. (2012). Appirio: A Venture Built on a Cloud.
  • Iyer, B.R., Noyes, E.A. (2012). Appirio: New Venture on a Cloud: Harvard Business School Case Collection. Page: 12. Harvard Business Publishing.
  • Lawrence, A., Noyes, E.A. (2008). LightWorks Optics.

Book Chapters

  • Noyes, E.A. (2024). Using AI to Accelerate Entrepreneurial Prototyping: Entrepreneurship, textbook. Wiley.
  • Rice, M.P., Noyes, E.A. (2021). Incubators as catalysts in entrepreneurship ecosystems: Handbook of Research on Business & Technology Incubation and Acceleration: A Global Perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2021). Fumbling in the Dark: An Empathy-Building Exercise: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-based Approach. Edward Elgar.
  • Mandel, R.P., Noyes, E.A. (2019). Equity crowdfunding: Inside advice from six entrepreneurs who've done it: Weatherwise Magazine. Vol: 66, Issue: 1, Page: 12-19. Crowdfund Insider. link
  • Noyes, E.A. (2016). Prototyping your ideas: Entrepreneurship, 4th Edition. Wiley.
  • de Bruin, A., Noyes, E.A. (2014). Capitalizing on creativity: insights on creative entrepreneurship: The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting). Issue: 1st, Page: 281-295. Routledge.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2014). Exercises to practice experimentation: $5, $50, and $500 experiments: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach. Page: 264-269. Edward Elgar Pub.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2014). Exercises to practice experimentation: Competitive cup stacking: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach. Page: 241-246. Edward Elgar Pub.
  • Mandel, R.P., Noyes, E.A. (2013). Beyond the NWS: Inside the Thriving Private Weather Forecasting Industry: Weatherwise Magazine. Vol: 66, Issue: 1, Page: 12-19. Taylor & Francis.
  • Noyes, E.A., Brush, C.S. (2012). Teaching Entrepreneurial Action: Application of Creative Logic: Entrepreneurial Action (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth) . Page: 253 - 280. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Noyes, E.A., Parise, S.A., Allen, I. (2011). Music to Our Ears: New Market Creation and Creative Influences in the Popular Music Industry: Entrepreneurship and the Creative Economy. Page: 201-218. Edward Elgar.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2011). 2D and 3D Visualizations of Creative Destruction for Entrepreneurship Education: Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications. Vol: 99, Page: 277-294. Springer-Verlag.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2010). Entrepreneurship and conditions for entrepreneurs: Norway and the United States Compared. : The Life Cycle of New Ventures: Emergence, Newness and Growth. Edward Elgar.

Working Papers

  • Bida, C., Hersey, S., Johansen, E., Linder, B., Noyes, E.A., Taha, K. (in press). A founderless venturing model.
  • Brush, C.S., Hatten, D., Noyes, E.A., Smith-Doerr, D. (2008). Patterns of Corporate Entrepreneurship: Testing Structural Hole Theory in Firm vs. Director Networks.

Conference Proceedings

  • Noyes, E.A. (2024). An AI-based Framework for Assessing Innovativeness in Product Design Categories: Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence Proceedings.
  • Hitt, T., Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2021). Face of the Team: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence. IEEE.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2021). Face of the Team: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence. IEEE.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2020). Feeling Powerless: An Empathy-Building Exercise: Proceedings of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. USASBE.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2020). Feeling powerless: An empathy-building exercise. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Experiential Exercises Track.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2018). Fumbling in the dark: Empathy-building in entrepreneurship education.
  • Van Gelderen, M., Noyes, E.A. (2018). Translation of entrepreneurship research into teaching workshop: entrepreneurial intentions exercise development and design.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2018). Fumbling in the dark: Empathy-building in entrepreneurship education. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Experiential Exercises Track.
  • van Gelderen, M., Noyes, E.A. (2018). Translation of entrepreneurship research into teaching workshop: Entrepreneurial intentions exercise development and design. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Experiential Exercises Track.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2017). Prototype creation for crowdfunding pitch videos.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2017). Prototype creation for crowdfunding pitch videos. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2017). Prototyping and entrepreneurial action: Conference Proceedings of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Experiential Exercises Track.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2016). Prototyping and entrepreneurial action.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2015). Teaching crowdfunding: A resource for entrepreneurship educators.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2015). Teaching crowdfunding: A resource for entrepreneurship educators. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference.
  • Deligiannidis, L., Noyes, E.A. (2014). Interactive visualization of business births and deaths in the U.S. economy using a novel visualization technique called HiFi Pie.
  • Deligiannidis, L., Noyes, E.A. (2014). Interactive visualization of business births and deaths in the U.S. economy using a novel visualization technique called HiFi Pie: Proceedings of the World Computing Association, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering. Page: 46-52.
  • Deligiannidis, L., Noyes, E.A., Arabnia, H.R. (2013). SuperViewer: An Interactive Visual Interface to Explore the Top 500 List.
  • Deligiannidis, L., Noyes, E.A., Arabnia, H.R. (2013). SuperViewer: An Interactive Visual Interface to Explore the Top 500 List: Proceedings of the World Computing Association, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications.
  • Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2012). TradeMapper: an e-learning tool for entrepreneurship education in global markets.
  • Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2012). TradeMapper: an e-learning tool for entrepreneurship education in global markets: Proceedings of the World Computing Association, International Conference on E-Learning.
  • Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2011). Emergent: a knowledge discovery tool for understanding emerging industry structure.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2011). Emergent: A Knowledge Discovery Tool for Understanding Emerging Inustry Structure: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Systems Interaction.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2011). Interactive Visualization to Teach Innovation and Technology Adoption in Entrepreneurship Education: Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference. InfoVis.
  • Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2011). Interactive visualization to teach innovation and technology adoption in entrepreneurship education..
  • Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2011). Three visualization tools to grasp dynamism in the global economy: Prism, TradeMapper, and Emergent.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2011). Three Visualization Tools to Grasp Dynamism in the Global Economy: Prism, TradeMapper, and Emergent: Proceedings of the World Computing Association, Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Conference.
  • Noyes, E.A., Allen, I., Parise, S.A. (2010). Artistic influences and innovation in the popular music industry.
  • Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2010). Looking for growth: 3D Visualization to teach creative destruction in entrepreneurship education.
  • Noyes, E.A., Deligiannidis, L. (2010). Looking for Growth: 3D Visualization to Teach Creative Destruction in Entrepreneurship Education: Proceedings of the World Computing Association, Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Conference.
  • Deligiannidis, L., Noyes, E.A. (2010). Visualizing creative destruction in entrepreneurship education.


  • Mandel, R.P., Noyes, E.A. (2013). Inside the Thriving private weather forecasting industry. .
  • Noyes, E.A., Mandel, R. (2013). Inside the thriving private weather forecasting industry.: Weatherwise Magazine.
  • Noyes, E.A., Allen, I., Parise, S.A. (2012). The muse of the Grammys: entrepreneurship and innovation in the popular music industry .
  • Noyes, E.A., Allen, I., Parise, S.A. (2012). The Muse of the Grammys: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Popular Music Industry : Music Business Journal. Berklee College of Music.
  • Noyes, E.A., Åmo, B.W., Allen, I. (2010). Entrepreneurship and Conditions for Entrepreneurs: Norway and the USA Compared: The Life Cycle of New Ventures: Emergence, Newness and Growth. Page: 13-23. Edward Elgar.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2009). Music to our Ears: examining the origins of new market creation on the popular music industry.

Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)

  • Noyes, E., Girdharry, K. (2024). Why Faculty Should Lead the AI Revolution: AACSB: Insights for Everyone. link
  • Noyes, E.A. (2024). I Teach AI and Entrepreneurship. Here's How Entrepreneurs Can Use AI to Better Understand Their Target Cutomers: Entrepreneur Media. Entrepreneur Media.
  • Noyes, E.A. (2023). The AI-enabled Explosion of Organizational Creativity and Innovation is Here: Innovation Leader. InnoLead.
  • Mandel, R., Noyes, E.A. (2019). Equity Crowdfunding: Inside Advice from Six Entrepreneurs Who've Done It: Crowdfund Insider. Crowdfund Insider.


  • An AI-based Framework for Assessing Innovativeness in Product Design Categories Noyes, E. Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV (2024)
  • Four Ways AI Can Support Entrepreneurship and Industry Innovation Noyes, E. New England Statistical Society, Babson (2024)
  • Face of the team: diversity, equity and inclusion Hin, T. Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV (2021)
  • Feeling powerless: An empathy-building exercise Noyes, E. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference, New Orleans, LA (2020)
  • Feeling powerless: An empathy-building exercise Noyes, E. United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Experiential Exercises Track, New Orleans (2020)
  • Fumbling in the dark: Empathy-building exercise Noyes, E. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference, Los Angeles, CA (2018)
  • Fumbling in the dark: Empathy-building in entrepreneurship education Noyes, E. United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Experiential Exercises Track, Los Angeles (2018)
  • Translation of research into teaching workshop: Entrepreneurial intentions exercise development and design Noyes, E. , . United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Experiential Exercises Track, Los Angeles (2018)
  • Prototype creation for crowdfunding pitch videos Noyes, E. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Ireland (2017)
  • Prototype Creation for Crowdfunding Pitch Videos Noyes, E. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Ireland (2017)
  • Prototyping and entrepreneurial action Noyes, E. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2017)
  • Prototyping and Entrepreneurial Action Noyes, E. United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Experiential Exercises Track, Philadelphia (2017)
  • Teaching crowdfunding: A resource for entrepreneurship educators Noyes, E. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (2015)
  • Teaching crowdfunding: A resource for entrepreneurship educators Noyes, E. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (2015)
  • Teaching crowdfunding: A resource for entrepreneurship educators Noyes, E. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (2015)
  • Opportunities and challenges in Crowdfunding: considerations for product developers Noyes, E. Lesley University, Illustration and Product Development Course, Cambridge, MA (2015)
  • Entrepreneurs and Crowdfunding Noyes, E. Babson Center for Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership Tell-all Funding Event, Boston, MA (2015)
  • Reflections on the Maker Movement Noyes, E. Babson Faculty Research Fund Talk, Babson Park (2015)
  • Interactive visualization of business births and deaths in the U.S. economy using a novel visualization technique called HiFi Pie Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. The 2014 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, Las Vegas, NV (2014)
  • Interactive visualization of business births and deaths in the U.S. economy using a novel visualization technique called HiFi Pie Noyes, E. World Computing Association International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, Las Vegas, NV (2014)
  • SuperViewer: An Interactive Visual Interface to Explore the Top 500 List Deligiannidis, L. Noyes, E. Arabnia, H. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, NV (2013)
  • SuperViewer: An Interactive Visual Interface to Explore the Top 500 List Deligiannidis, L. Noyes, E. Arabnia, H. World Computing Association International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, Las Vegas, NV (2013)
  • Entrepreneurship and the Emerging World of 3D Printing Noyes, E. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), Bangalore, India (2012)
  • TradeMapper: an e-learning tool for entrepreneurship education in global markets Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. International Conference on E-Learning, Las Vegas, NV (2012)
  • TradeMapper: an e-learning tool for entrepreneurship education in global markets Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. World Computing Association International Conference on E-Learning, Las Vegas, NV (2012)
  • Creating and Teaching Multimedia Wiki-Cases Noyes, E. Iyer, B. Babson Faculty Pedagogical Fund Teaching Talk, Babson Park, MA (2011)
  • Interactive visualization to teach innovation and technology adoption in entrepreneurship education Noyes, E. VisWeek/IEEE InfoVis, Providence,RI (2011)
  • Interactive Visualization to Teach Innovation and Technology Adoption in Entrepreneurship education Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. VisWeek/IEEE InfoVis, Providence, RI (2011)
  • Three Visualization Tools to Grasp Dynamism in the Global Economy: prism, TradeMapper, and Emergent Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2011)
  • Three Visualization tools to grasp dynamism in the global economy: Prisim, TradeMapper and Emergent Noyes, E. World Computing Association Modeling Simulation and Visualization Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2011)
  • Portfolios with Gaping Holes: Do They lead to Innovation in the Music Business? Noyes, E. Allen, I. Parise, S. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Syracuse, NY (2011)
  • Emergent: a knowledge discovery tool for understanding emerging industry structure Noyes, E. International Conference on Human-Systems Interaction, Yokohama, Japan (2011)
  • Emergent: A Knowledge Discovery Tool for Understanding Emerging Industry Structure Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. International Conference on Human-Systems Interaction, Yokohama, Japan (2011)
  • Exploiting Information Visualization to Reveal the Dynamism of Entrepreneurial Processes Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance Conference (NCIIA), Education Workshop, Washington, DC (2011)
  • Exploiting information visualization to reveal the dynamism of entrepreneurial processes Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. National Collegiate Investors and Innovators Alliance Conference (NCIIA), Washington D.C. (2011)
  • The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Babson College and Boston Noyes, E. Global Conference on Entrepreneurship in India, Karagpur, India (2011)
  • Visualization as a Tool for Entrepreneruship Education Noyes, E. Babson Faculty Pedagogical Fund Teaching Talk, Babson Park, MA (2010)
  • Looking for New Opportunities in Entrepreneurship Education Noyes, E. International Entrepreneurship, Learning and Networks Conference, Wales, UK (2010)
  • Using network Analysis to Map the Emerging Nanotechnology Industry Noyes, E. International Entrepreneurship, Learning and Networks Conference, Wales, UK (2010)
  • Looking for Growth: 3D Visualization to Teach Creative Destruction in Entrepreneurship Education Noyes, E. Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2010)
  • New Industry Emergence and the Spawning of New Markets in the Popular Music Industry Noyes, E. Parise, S. Allen, I. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lasaunne, Switzerland (2010)
  • New Industry Emergence: The Multi-Industry Terrain of Nanotechnology Entrepreneurship Noyes, E. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lasaunne, Switzerland (2010)
  • Visualizing Creative Destruction in Entrepreneurship Education Noyes, E. Deligiannidis, L. International Conference on Human-Systems Interaction, Rzeszow, Poland (2010)
  • Teaching Entrepreneurship Using Design Pedagogy Noyes, E. Neck, H. Schiffman, S. NCIIA Experiential Education Workshop, San Francisco, CA (2010)
  • Music to Our Ears: New Industry Emergence and the Spawning of New Market Categories in the Popular Music Industry Noyes, E. Parise, S. Allen, I. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK (2009)
  • Risky Networks: The Diffusion of CVC Investment through Interlocking Boards in the S&P500 Noyes, E. Brush, C. Smith-Doerr, L. Hatten, K. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago, IL (2009)
  • Music to Our Ears: New Industry Emergence and the Spawning of New Market Categories in the Popular Music Industry Parise, S. Allen, E. Noyes, E. Babson BFRF Research Chat, Wellesley, MA (2008)
  • Patterns of Corporate Entrepreneurship: Testing Structural Hole Theory in Firm vs. Director Networks Brush, C. Hatten, D. Noyes, E. Smith-Doerr, D. Annual Academy of Management Meetings - Entrepreneurship Division, Anaheim, CA (2008)
  • How Do S&P500 Company Positions in Interlocking Boards Impact Corporate Entrepreneurship?", Noyes, E. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2007)
  • Intercorporate Structural Holes and Patterns of Corporate Entrepreneurship Noyes, E. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain (2007)
  • Interlocking Boards and Patterns of Corporate Venture Capital Investment Noyes, E. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Bloomington, IN (2006)
  • Mining, Monetizing and Marketing Abandoned Business Innovation Concepts Noyes, E. CRI Academic Advisory Board, Boston, MA (2006)
  • Principles of Strategic Innovation: Industry Foresight, Customer Insight and Organizational Alignment Johnston, R. Noyes, E. Creative Problem-Solving Institute Annual Conference, Buffalo, NY (2000)
  • Methods to Generate Strategic Foresight for Business, Public Agencies and Non-Profits Noyes, E. Teopaco, J. New England Creativity Conference, Hartford, CT (1999)
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