Donna Kelley
- Professor
- Frederic C. Hamilton Professor of Free Enterprise Studies
- Division Chair
Academic Division: Entrepreneurship
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- MBA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- BA, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Academic Interest / Expertise
Entrepreneurship in Asia; Corporate Entrepreneurship and InnovationCourses
Degree Courses 2025
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Kelley, D.J., Majbouri, M., Randolph, A.F. (2021). Black Women Are More Likely to Start a Business than White Men. Harvard Business Review (Digital Edition). Issue: May 11, 2021. link
- Kelley, D.J., , . (2020). An Assessment and Planning Methodology for University-based Entrepreneurship Ecosystems. The Journal of Entrepreneurship. Vol: 29, Issue: 2.
- Kelley, D.J. (2019). A Study of Key Indicators of Development for University-Based Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Taiwan. Entrepreneurship Research Journal.
- Ali, A., Kelley, D., Levie, J. (2019). Market-driven Entrepreneurship and Institutions. . Journal of Business Research.
- Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G., Kelley, D.J., Ali, A. (2017). The Influence of Human Capital Factors and Context on Women's Entrepreneurship: Which Matters More?. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. Vol: 8, Page: 105-113. Elsevier.
- Ali, A., Kelley, D.J., Lee, C. (2017). Do You See What I See? Growth Intentions as a Function of Personal Resources and Opportunity Perceptions. Kindai Management Review. Vol: 5, Page: 39. Kindai University.
- Ru-Mei, H., Kelley, D.J. (2016). The Role of Cognition and Information Access in the Recognition of Innovative Opportunities. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol: 54, Page: 297-311.
- Levie, J., Kelley, D., Martinez, A., Schott, T. (2014). The Effect of Training on Starting a Business on Subsequent Entrepreneurial Awareness, Attitudes, Intention and Activity : a 37 Nation Study. International Review of Entrepreneurship. Vol: 12, Issue: 3, Page: 79-102.
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Zahra, S. (2013). Where Do Breakthroughs Come From? Characteristics of High-Potential Inventions. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol: 30, Issue: 6, Page: 1212-1226. Wiley. link
- Brush, C.S., Kelley, D.J., Duffy, S. (2012). ICSB-WEC webinar report on women's entrepreneurship: Insights from the GEM 2010 Women's Report. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. Vol: 4, Issue: 3, Page: 337-339. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. link
- Lee, H., Kelley, D.J., Lee, J., Lee, S. (2012). SME Survival: The Impact of Internationalization, Technology Resources, and Alliances. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol: 50, Issue: 1, Page: 1-19. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
- Kelley, D.J., Neck, H.M., O'Connor, G., Peters, L. (2011). Building an Organizational Capability for Radical Innovation: The Direct Managerial Role. Journal of Engineering Technology Management. Vol: 28, Issue: 4, Page: 249-267.
- Kelley, D.J. (2011). Sustainable Coporate Entrepreneurship: Evolving and Connecting with the Organization. Business Horizons. Vol: 54, Issue: 1, Page: 73-83.
- Kelley, D.J. (2009). Adaptation and Organizational Risk in Innovation-Based Corporate Entrepreneurship Programs. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
- Kelley, D.J., Lee, H. (2008). Building Dynamic Capabilities for Innovation: Key Management Practices. R&D Management. Vol: 38, Issue: 2, Page: 155-168.
- Kelley, D.J., Chang, S., Lee, H. (2008). High-Tech Based Ventures’ Survival After Environmental Jolts in Korea: The Role of Tangible vs. Intangible Resource Buffers. International Journal of Business Performance Management. Vol: 10, Issue: 1, Page: 39-56.
- Hayton, J., Kelley, D.J. (2006). A Competency-Based Framework for Promoting Corporate Entrepreneurship. Human Resource Management. Vol: 45, Issue: 3, Page: 407-427.
- Lee, H., Kelley, D.J., Rice, M.P. (2006). An Agency Theory Perspective on Managing Innovation-Based Corporate Entrepreneurship: Applying Insights from the U.S. to a Korean Multinational Firm.. Journal of Strategic Management (Korea). Vol: 9, Issue: 1, Page: 1-19.
- Kelley, D.J., Lee, H. (2006). Toward a Framework for Understanding the Management of Entrepreneurs in Established Organizations. Journal of Business Research (Korea).. Vol: 21, Issue: 3, Page: 1-26.
- Kelley, D.J., Nakosteen, R. (2005). Technology Resources, Alliances and Sustained Growth in New, Technology-Based Firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol: 52, Issue: 3, Page: 292-300.
- Kelley, D.J., Rice, M. (2002). Advantage Beyond Founding: The Strategic Use of Technologies. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 17, Issue: 1, Page: 41-57.
- Kelley, D.J., Rice, M.P. (2002). Leveraging the Value of Proprietary Technologies. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol: 40, Issue: 1, Page: 1-16.
- Rice, M.P., Kelley, D.J., Peters, L., O’Connor, G.C. (2001). Radical Innovation: Triggering Initiation of Opportunity Recognition and Evaluation. R&D Management. Vol: 31, Issue: 4, Page: 409-420.
- Kelley, D.J., Rice, M.P. (2001). Technology-Based Strategic Actions in New Firms: The Influence of Founding Technology Resources. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol: 26, Issue: 1, Page: 55-73.
- Kelley, D.J., Rice, M.P., Peters, L. (2001). The Relationship Between Technology-Based and Product-Based Knowledge and Alliance Formation in New Firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. Vol: 1, Issue: 2, Page: 143-156.
- Thomas, H., Kelley, D.J. (2012). Entrepreneurship Education in East Asia. Page: 264. Edward Elgar.
- Kelley, D.J. (2006). Beyond the Champion-Centric View: A Systems-Level Perspective on Innovation-Based Corporate Entrepreneurship: Handbook of Corporate Entrepreneurship. Elger.
- Kelley, D.J., Marram, E.P. (2006). Entrepreneurial Growth: Entrepreneurship. Page: 555-592. John Wiley & Sons.
- Kelley, D.J., Marram, E.P. (2004). Managing and Sustaining Growth in the Entrepreneurial Firm: Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship. Page: 405-426. John Wiley & Sons.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Kelley, D.J., Zhu, H., Gao, S., Liu, M. (2015). Bringing Silicon Valley to China: Linktone. Page: 21. Babson College.
- Kelley, D.J., Zhu, H., Kelley, D.J. (2014). The Journey West: Expanding a Chinese Business to the US. Page: 16. Babson College.
Book Chapters
- Kelley, D.J. (2021). Exercise: Creating Customer Journey Maps: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach: 2nd Revision. Edgar Elgar.
- Kelley, D.J. (2020). Economic and Social Crises and the Power of Data: ICSB Annual Global Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Report. International Council of Small Business.
- Kelley, D.J., Marram, E.P. (2007). Entrepreneurial Growth: Entrepreneurship. Page: 555-592. John Wiley & Sons.
- Kelley, D.J., Neck, H.M., O'Connor, G., Paulson, A. (2005). Corporate Entrepreneurship Through Radical Innovation: Key Organizational and Initiative Level Mechanisms: Kluwer Series on International Series in Entrepreneurship Research: Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing. Page: 23-48. Kluwer.
- Zahra, S., Neck, H.M., Kelley, D.J. (2004). International Corporate Entrepreneurship and the Evolution of Organizational Competence: A Knowledge-Based Perspective: Advances in Entrepreneurship Research. Page: 145-172. JAI Press.
- Kelley, D.J., Neck, H.M., O'Connor, G., Paulson, A. (2002). Developing Radical Innovation Capabilities: Opposing Forces From the Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Systems: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2002.
- Kelley, D.J., Rice, M.P. (2000). Knowledge-Based Resources as a Foundation for Alliance Formation in Entrepreneurial Firms: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2000.
- Kelley, D.J., Rice, M.P. (1999). Technology Portfolios and Alliance Formation in the New Firm: 1999 Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Proceedings..
Book Reviews
- Kelley, D.J. (2007). Book Review: Asian Models of Entrepreneurship From the Indian Union and the Kingdom of Nepal to the Japanese Archipelago: Human Systems Management. Page: 00,1-2.
- Kelley, D.J., Shay, J.P., Majbouri, M., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Hechavarria, D.M., Auguste, D. (2025). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2024/2025 United States Report. Babson College .
- Shay, J.P., Kelley, D.J. (in press). Chapter 4: Digital technologies and artificial intelligence: embraced by entrepreneurs and established business owners: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2024/2025: United States Report. GEM USA 2024/2025 Report.
- Kelley, D.J., Shay, J.P. (in press). Introduction: The United States Economy 2023/2024: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2024/2025: United States Report. GEM USA 2024/2025 Report.
- Kelley, D.J. (2024). 2023/2024 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Women’s Report: 2023/2024 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Women’s Report. Page: 58 pages. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
- Kelley, D.J. (2024). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2023/2024 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2023/2024 United States Report. Page: 88 pages. Babson College.
- Kelley, D.J., Shay, J.P. (2024). Introduction: The United States Economy 2023/2024: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2023/2024 USA Report.
- Kelley, D.J., Shay, J.P., Majbouri, M., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C. (2024). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2023/2024 United States Report. Babson College .
- Kelley, D.J. (2024). 2023/2024 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report: 2023/2024 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report. Page: 80 pages. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
- Kelley, D.J. (2023). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2022/2023 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2022/2023 United States Report. Page: 83 pages. Babson College.
- Kelley, D.J., Shay, J.P., Majbouri, M., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C. (2023). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2022 United States Report. Babson College .
- Kelley, D.J., , . (2023). 2022/2023 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report: 2022/2023 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report. Page: 62 pages. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
- Kelley, D.J., Hashmi, N. (2022). 2021-22 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Women’s Report: 2021-22 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Women’s Report. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
- Kelley, D.J., Shay, J., Majbouri, M., Brush, C., Corbett, A., Daniels, C. (2022). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2021/2022 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2021/2022 United States Report. Babson College.
- Kelley, D.J. (2022). 2021-22 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report: 2021-22 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
- Kelley, D.J. (2021). 2020-21 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
- Kelley, D.J., Shay, J.P., Majbouri, M., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C. (2021). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2019/2020 United States Report. Babson College.
- Kelley, D.J. (2021). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2020/2021 Annual Global Report. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.
- Kelley, D.J. (2020). 2019-20 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report: 2019-20 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
- Kelley, D.J. (2020). 2020 GEM Women’s Report for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. GEM.
- Kelley, D.J., Trindade, G. (2020). An Ecosystem on the Rise: Entrepreneurship in Miami: An Ecosystem on the Rise: Entrepreneurship in Miami.
- Kelley, D.J. (2020). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2019/2020 Annual Global Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2019/2020 Annual Global Report. GEM.
- Kelley, D.J., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Majbouri, M. (2020). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2019/2020 United States Report . Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J., Gartner, W.B., Allen, M.R. (2020). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Family Business Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Family Business Report. Babson College.
- Lange, J.E., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Kelley, D.J., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M., Vedula, S. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2018/2019 United States Report . Babson College. link
- Lange, J.E., Ali, A., Brush, C., Corbett, A.C., Kelley, D.J., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2017 United States Report. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2018/2019 Annual Global Report. GEM. link
- Kelley, D.J. (2018). 2017-18 GEM Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership. link
- Kelley, D.J. (2018). 2017-18 GEM Women’s Report for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership. link
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C., Corbett, A.C., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M. (2017). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2016 United States Report. Page: 54. Babson College.
- Kelley, D., Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G., Majbouri, M. (2017). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Women's Entrepreneurship 2016/17 Report. Page: 94. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.
- Ali, A., Bosma, N.S., Gratzke, P., Hart, M., Kelley, D.J., levie, J. (2016). Europe’s Hidden Entrepreneurs: Employee Entrepreneurial Activity and Competitiveness in Europe. Page: 38. World Economic Forum. link
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Lyons, T., Majbouri, M., Rogoff, E. (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2015 United States Report: The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor US Report. Page: 65. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J., Singer, S., Herrington, M. (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2015-6 Annual Global Report.
- Kelley, D.J., Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G., Herrington, M., Ali, A., Kew, P. (2015). Special Report: Women's Entrepreneurship, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Special Report: Women's Entrepreneurship, The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J., Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G., Herrington, M., Ali, A., Kew, P. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2014 Women’s Report.
- Brush, C.S., Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Majbouri, M., Lyons, T., Rogoff, E. (2015). Women Entrepreneurs: 2014 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Page: 33-40. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Daniels, C., Kim, P.H., Lyons, T.S., Majbouri, M., Rogoff, E.G. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: 2014 United States Report: 2014 United States Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.
- Ali, A., Espinosa, J.A., Hart, M., Kelley, D.J., Levie, J. (2015). Leveraging Entrepreneurial Ambition and Innovation: A Global Perspective on Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness, and Development. Page: 36. World Economic Forum. link
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Lyons, T., Majbouri, M., Rogoff, E.G. (2014). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013 United States Report. Babson College. link
- Herrington, M., Kelley, D.J. (2013). African Entrepreneurship: Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Report 2012. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. link
- Xavier, S.R., Kelley, D.J., Kew, J., Herrington, M., Vorderwülbecke, A. (2013). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2012 Global Report. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. link
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Majbouri, M., Rogoff, E.G. (2013). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2012 United States Report. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J., Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G., Litovsky, Y. (2013). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2012 Women’s Report. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. link
- Kelley, D.J., Singer, S., Herrington, M. (2012). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 Annual Global Report. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. link
- Kelley, D.J., Ali, A., Rogoff, E.J., Brush, C.S., Corbett, A.C., Majbouri, M., Hechevarria, D. (2012). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 United States Report. Babson College.
- Brush, C.S., Kelley, D.J. (2012). Assessment of the Goldman Sachs 10k Women’s Curriculum Training Program.
Conference Proceedings
- Kelley, D.J., Hyunsuk, L. (2009). Growth Aspirations as a Function of Entrepreneurial Perceptions and Motivation: Proceedings of the International Council of Small Business.
- Kelley, D.J., Zheng, X. (2009). The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: Understanding the Process of Entrepreneurial Learning and Knowledge Creation: Proceedings of the International Council of Small Business.
- Kelley, D.J., Hsieh, R., Liu, C. (2009). The Roles of Entreprenurial Alertness, Prior Knowledge and Social Networks in the Process of Opportunity Recognition: Proceedings of the International Council of Small Business.
- Kelley, D.J. (2013). Conducting an Early-Stage Feasibility Analysis for an Entrepreneurial Opportunity. Page: 15. Babson College.
- Zacharakis, A.L., Carter, S., Corbett, A.C., Delmar, F., Edelman, L., Gruber, M., Honig, B., Kelley, D.J., Kickul, J., Lelux, B., Lumpkin, T., Marino, L., Schindehutte, M. (2012). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Vol: 31. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J. (2011). Building an Organizational- Level Ability for Innovation-Based Corporate Entrepreneurship: Handbook of Corporate Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar.
- Kelley, D.J., Marram, E.P. (2009). Beyond Start-Up: Developing and Sustaining the Growing Organization: Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship. John Wiley & Sons.
- Kelley, D.J. (2000). Entrepreneur vs. Manager: Expansion vs. Control: Women's Business. Vol: 2, Issue: 7, Page: 29.
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Kelley, D.J. (2019). Entrepreneurship in the Underserved Population: ICSB Annual Global Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Report. International Council of Small Business. link
- Kelley, D.J. (2019). How to Educate Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs: The Role of University Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: ICSB Annual Global Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Report. International Council of Small Business. link
- Damas, J., Kelley, D. (2015). U.S. Entrepreneurs’ Domestic Focus Ignores Global Markets and Dangerous Competitors. Babson Insight for Entrepreneurship Educators.
- Kelley, D.J. (2014). Entrepreneurial Employee Activity: New Research & Insights for Managers: Babson Insight for Entrepreneurship Educators. Babson College. link
- Kelley, D.J. (2006). Management Practices for Innovation-Based Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Babson Quarterly. Issue: 1.
- Kelley, D.J. (2005). What Leads to Sustained Growth in High Technology: Innovative First Products, Technology and Product Development, or Alliances? : Babson Business Review.
- Kelley, D.J., Spinelli, S. (2002). Commercializing Emerging Technologies: Interpreting and Acting on Information Under Conditions of High Uncertainty: Babson Entrepreneurial Review. Page: 47-58.